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Map Scripts

Download map scripts and fixes for Enemy Territory.

70 files

  1. ETL Frostbite v17 - cabinets near Axis spawn

    This map script adds cabinets near the Axis spawn when the Axis CP is built.
    This map script is based on etl_frostbite_v17.pk3.



  2. map scripts and fixes for Enemy Territory

    map scripts and fixes for Enemy Territory



  3. map scripts and fixes for Enemy Territory


    Here you can find ETPro mapscripts I have collected from various sites. You can find a detailed description of what each of the mapscripts alter in the maps by checking out the details below.

       adlernest.script by DerSaidin
       This mapscript fixes a bug where the wall can be shot (and destroyed) by players before the tank fires at it. This will cause an error when the tank tries to shoot it.
       adlernest_b7c.script by mortis
       base12_b6.script by antman
       This mapscript adds a new spawn to the supplies hut once the main gate is blown.
       battery.script by mortis
       Ouroboro found a clipping error/exploit. It can be fixed by this script for a minimal amount of loss of shooting angle on the corner.
       battery_4in1.zip by Ragnar_40k
       braundorf_b4.script by Syd
       This script is to prevent 35 second allied-dynamite-plant-but-axis wins bug. This script also prevents you from dying if you fall into the tunnel from a certain spot.
       bremen_b2.scriptFixed truck is now visible on command map.
       bulge_beta1.script by peyote
       Adds a forward spawn at Command Post for Axis.
       byzantine-final.script by peyote
       Alters 2 windows at Axis gold, cannot be destroyed. Get blown away with the door. Also fixes map overtime, the team with more objectives wins or a draw.
       Caen.script by mortis
       Fixes MG42 lean + use exploit + Ragnar's pillar exploit fixes.
       caen2.script by mortis
       Fixes MG42 lean + use exploit + Ragnar's pillar exploit fixes.
       caen2.zip by Molotov and peyote
       Adds a door at final obj until Axis have the tank.
       castleattack_b5.script by peyote
       Allies do get the forward spawn when the tank exits that building, instead when its at its final destination.
       ctf_well.script by Trash
       Fixes some brush issues.
       Includes the default mapscripts for the stock maps.
       el_kef_final.script by mortis
       This mapscript makes a minor correction in the intial autospawn wait, so that autospawns are set before players spawn. This in addition to Marko's spawn bug fix.
       Default ETPro mapscripts.
       et_beach.scriptet_beach.script by mortis
       Fixes south beach spawns, double/triple messages, adds supply bunker spawn for allies when CP is built, many other minor fixes. Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       et_beach.zip by mortis
       Fixes south beach spawns, many other minor fixes. Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       et_ice.script by DerSaidin
       Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       et_mor2.script by ailmanki
       Some rooftops are blocked, to fix an unfair advantage.
       frostbite.script by mortis
       Adjusts wait states and disables speakers when storage wall is destroyed.
       fueldump.script by mortis
       In addition to the standard etpro features, the autospawn is set to the command post (if active) at spline 73. An announcement indicates when this is set. This forces teh noobs to autospawn forward when the tank exits the tunnels and is heading towards the depot. Corrects autospawn wait times to be set prior to players spawning. Reduces end of round wait state, making a 31 second plant by Allies winnable (previously, Allies had to plant with 34 or more seconds remaining).
       Script that enables the custom command map icons found here: fueldump_custom_icons.pk3
       fueldump_v3.zip by mortis
       In addition to all etpro features and setting of the allied autospawn to the cp at spline 73, this script disables stage 2 of the east depot defenses. Thanks to 2/3Soul for the modified constructible code. Noobs can no longer build the east defenses, stage 2 with this script. Only stage 1 can be built. On the west side, both stages of depot defenses work normally. No more games spoiled by hyperactive noobs.
       fueldump_v4.zip by mortis
       Includes all the same updates as v3 and in addition player clips block all trickjumps into fueldump. 2 axis spawns are enabled in the Axis truck garage.
       fueldump_v5.zip by mortis
       Includes all the same updates as v4 and in addition Axis can spawn at Axis CP when CP is built. Allies can spawn at Health and Ammo hut after advancing the tank to the MG nest. Allied spawn at Ammo Hut is disabled after tank blows the main tunnel door. Axis spawn is disabled by blowing up the Axis CP. Bridge stages reduced to one engy bar each for faster build. Allied footpath is reduced to .75 bar for fast build time. This script is experimental!
       goldrush.script by Chruker
       Adds a fakebrush roof on Axis spawn to prevent the spawnkilling with airstrikes.
       HoG_b9.script by mortis
       This script makes the last 1.9 seconds of HoG_b9 useful! Beta script!
       mlb_daybreak.script by peyote
       Fixes a bug with the roof teleporter.
       mlb_hotchkiss.script by peyote
       Removed access to the "secret" rooms. Removed more entities from secret room, made small window door in last allied spawn closed.
       mml_church_et_v1.script by peyote
       Fixes a bug in the map, where the interior roof can be destroyed - which leads to a hall of mirrors effect. The roof is on left entrance from axis spawn viewed.
       oasis_teamdoor_L_X_spawnroof.zip by McSteve
       Removes the teamdoor at the old city wall (by nUllSkillZ) with an additional fakebrush roof over Axis garrison spawn. Intended to prevent spawn strikes/artys on public servers. Also creates a fakebrush roof over Allies old city spawn when the old city wall is blown.
       oasis_teamdoor_X_spawnroof.zip by McSteve
       Removes the teamdoor at the old city wall (by nUllSkillZ) with an additional fakebrush roof over Axis garrison spawn. Intended to prevent spawn strikes/artys on public servers.
       quicker_fueldump_pro326_b1.zip by nUllSkillZ
       Another reduced/accelerated fueldump version (somewhat akin to the various sw_fueldump flavors).
       radar.script by DerSaidin
       Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       radar2v2.zip by DerSaidin
       2v2 version of Radar, no side entrance.
       raiders.script by mortis
       Fixes oil tank exploits.
       railgun.script by mortis
       Players were using an exploit to hide inside of a watertank in the depot yard. The tank on ledge above the depot yard now has a solid playerclip inside it. The edge may seem a bit 'sticky' if you encroach on the fakebrush. A trigger_hurt lies inside to damage exploiters who exploit past the clip in etpub.
       railgun_fun.zip by mortis
       Same fixes as railgun, but makes CP spawnable for Axis and reduces map duration from 30 minutes to 20 minutes.
       railgun_fun2.zip by mortis
       Same fixes as railgun, but makes CP spawnable for Axis or Allies when built. Beta script!
       railgun_fun_tower.zip by mortis
       Same fixes as railgun + 6 tower spawns + Axis CP spawn + 20 min time limit.
       railgun_fun_tower2.zip by mortis
       Same fixes as railgun plus Ragnar's tower spawns, but makes CP spawnable for Axis or Allies when built. Beta script!
       railgun_tower.zip by mortis
       Same fixes as railgun + 6 tower spawns.
       rhineland_bridge_4.script by peyote
       Modifed final objective, instead of the Main Gate, its the guns outside. There are 2 guns like in Oasis, first gives spawn, second wins. Both have to be destroyed. Fixed a minor thing, the dynamite hint was not shown.
       saberpeak_final.script by mortis
       Fixes timing bug that caused Allies to lose when 40 seconds remain and dynamite is planted. Attempts to fix ship-damaged-while-blowing-boulder bug where the ship gets messed up. Not sure if bug #2 is totally fixed, it needs some testing on busy servers.
       saberpeak_final.zip by mortis
       Same fixes as saberpeak script and in addition adds progressive forward spawns as the boat advances, first the docks, then the ammo drop zone...making that hellish long walk shorter, and making it easier for Allies to advance the boat/capture the CP bunker.
       sandheli01b.script by antman
       Fixes the announcement when the bunker barrier is built.
       snatch2.script by mortis
       Corrected autospawns, corrected endgame wait states, removed bad TWO and spawns at CP, created correctly working TWO and spawns at CP, made a new autospawn system and added wm_announcements for CP spawn activity.
       snatch2.zip by mortis
       All MG nests removed, all truck barriers removed (making it parts-truckwall-escape or wallpartstruck-escape), removed bridge, more autospawn tweakage (irrelevant to comp), Allied - Axis spawntimes set to 20/30 instead of 15/30. Map time reduced from 20mins to 15 mins (reduced to accomodate removed barriers).
       snatch3.scriptt by mortis (edited by antman)
       Same changes as snatch2.zip has.
       sos_secret_weapon.script by KingJackaL
       sot_b2.script by peyote
       A fix for a place where a player can see through a wall, and gain an unfair advantage.
       spawnprotectionroofs.zip by Hirntot
       Adds fakebrushes on top of the spawns on stock maps. Intended to prevent spawn strikes/artys on public servers.
       spawnprotection_fueldump_ETPRO326_v2.zip by nUllSkillZ
       Fueldump with "Loffy" teamdoors.
       StarGate_1945.script by mortis
       Not really a bugfix but a minor gameplay change. Fixed grammar of the wm_announcements and upped the charge bar requirement to build the gate to 1.5. This creates more incentive for Axis to come forth and defuse dynamite, rather than simply sit back and rebuilt the gate instantly when it blows.
       supply.script by mortis
       Fixes spawn bug, gold bug, grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit, disables troublesome music speakers and offers new satchel/crane control exploit fix. Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       supply.zip by mortis
       Fixes spawn bug, gold bug, grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit, disables troublesome music speakers and removes new satchel/crane control exploit fix. Fixes wm_endround waitstate. Players will no longer bounce into invisible walls, but the satchel exploit is possible with this script! This version was requested by GA for competition and the desire to play with no playerclips in the passages.
       supplydepot.2.1.2007.zip by mortis
       Fixes spawn bug, gold bug, grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit, disables troublesome music speakers and offers new satchel/crane control exploit fix. Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       supplydepot2.2.1.2007.zip by mortis
       Fixes spawn bug, gold bug, grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit, disables troublesome music speakers and offers new satchel/crane control exploit fix. Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       supplydepot2_ga.zip by mortis
       Fixes spawn bug, gold bug, grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit, disables troublesome music speakers and removes the satchel/crane control exploit fix. Fixes wm_endround waitstate. Players will no longer bounce into invisible walls, but the satchel exploit is possible with this script! This version was requested by GA for competition and the desire to play with no playerclips in the passages.
       supplydepot_ga.zip by mortis
       Fixes spawn bug, gold bug, grenade/mortar over roof into stairwell exploit, disables troublesome music speakers and removes the satchel/crane control exploit fix. Fixes wm_endround waitstate. Players will no longer bounce into invisible walls, but the satchel exploit is possible with this script! This version was requested by GA for competition and the desire to play with no playerclips in the passages.
       supply_hacabs.zip by antman
       Same fixes as supply.script has and adds health and ammo cabinets when the Allies build the command post.
       sw_fueldump.script by mortis
       Updates many aspects of gameplay: time is reduced to 15 mins, depot defenses can be knocked down with grenades, bridge is easy to build, tank is fast and invulnerable, except at the end of the map, after blowing the side wall, the tank becomes 'normal', and now features a spline 71 autospawn at command post (if active). Only stage 1 of the east defenses can be built.
       sw_goldrush_te.script by DerSaidin
       Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       tc_base.script by DerSaidin
       Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       te_valhalla.script by ReyalP
       Fixes the bug that the map was missing an Allied ipi, which causes a fatal spawnpoint not found if the allies actually win.
       transmitter.script by peyote
       A mapscript which opens a normally always closed tunnel.
       trmfght_b2.zip by mortis
       Fixes clipping exploit that allowed players to hide in a wall and spam their foes while unseen.
       warbell_scriptfix_I.zip by McNite
       Restricts the access to the Belltower roof room, sets allied spawntime to 25 secs, faster construction of the bell mechanism, no wait at mapend if Axis win.
       warbell_scriptfix_II.zip by McNite
       Restricts the access to the Belltower roof room, ammocrate at command post if built by Axis.
       wurttemberg_b4.script by DerSaidin
       Fixes wm_endround waitstate.
       xposed.script by SteelRat



  4. Fueldump - anti TJ and CP spawn reinforcement

    This script completely prevents Allies from jumping over the walls until the gate is blown up.
    Additionally, it allows Allies to secure the CP spawn after holding it for 3 minutes, similar to how the flag works on the ET Beach map.



  5. 1944_beach - map script fix

    This script fixes a bug that allows axis to spawn in Forward Spawn even after Allies take the flag.



  6. et_mor2_night_final - barricade bugfix

    Bugfix to et_mor2_night_final mapscript.
    It doesn't allow to build a barricade before blowing up the entrance, which causes confusion.



  7. Caen 2 - anti trickjump mapscript

    This script counteracts trickjump on the Caen2 map. Anti-trickjump works until the wall is blown up by the tank.

    It works by pushing players away (players from both teams - no trickjump means no trickjump for all).
    At the same time, it does not prevent you from completing the objective when sneaking in through the door.



  8. Oasi - Additional spawn for Allies

    Custom script for Oasi map that adds additional spawn for Allies close to the Temple after they deliver the key.
    The script is intended to balance the final stage of the map.



  9. Pirates - bugfix and limit jumping over the main gate

    This mapscript prevents players from exploiting the lack of wall around the ship. 
    In addition, the script blocks the possibility of jumping over the main gate until it is blown up.
        1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
        2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 



  10. teuthonia_final - bugfix - jump over the door

    This mapscript prevents players from exploiting the gap above door with double jump. 
    Solution is an invisible wall flat with the door as it should have been from the beginning.
    But there is also an alternative script in the package that spits out the player trying to get there along with a message and a sound effect.
    After blowing the door the invisible wall disapears (and push and sound in alternative .script).
        1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
        2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 



  11. etl_warbell - skipping main gate protection

    This mapscript prevents players from exploiting the river fence with double jump. 
    The invisible wall blocks players from passing the objective, informs the player about it
    After blowing the main gate the invisible wall disapears.
    You can change many map settings in .script file thanks to ETL-team.
        1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
        2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 



  12. Beerrun B7a Roof exploit protection

    This mapscript prevents players from exploiting the roof in the loading dock.
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  13. FA Oasis B3 Wall Jump Protection Script

    This mapscript prevents Allies from trick-jumping over the old city wall. Any Allied player attempting to jump over will be pushed back and a message displayed (see screenshot).
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  14. Fueldump Wall Jump Protection Script

    This mapscript prevents Allies from jumping over the fueldump walls. Any Allied player attempting to jump over will be pushed back and a message displayed (see screenshot).
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  15. Haunted Mansion Bedroom Window Trick Jump Exploit Patch

    This mapscript makes the bedroom window solid until either:
    1) The bedroom door is destroyed, OR
    2) A covert op steals the gold
    This prevents players from using trick jumping to gain early access to the gold objective.
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  16. Venice Piano Block / Disable Script

    This zip folder contains two mapscripts.
    Option 1: disables the piano keyboard so it makes no sounds.
    Option 2: blocks access to the piano entirely.
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  17. Oasis wall jump protection script

    This script prevents players from being able to double / team jump over the old city wall.
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  18. Adlernest Roof Exploit Fix

    This script makes the roof of the building inaccessible. I have also included dersaidin's fixes to prevent server crashing.
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  19. Supply Depot 2 Mortar Exploit Patch

    This script adds an invisible roof to prevent the Supply Depot 2 mortar exploit.
    Please feedback any issues to BlackWolf via PM if experiencing continued exploitation.
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  20. Caen 4 Town Spawn Fix

    This script adjusts the behaviour of the town flag.
    Once the tank is stolen, the flag is removed and the Axis permanently spawn at the town. Allies can no longer recapture it. 
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  21. FA Italy B3 Timelimit Patch

    This script reduces the initial round timelimit from 30 minutes to 15.
    Additional time is added if Allies are able to progress:
    Jeep begins climbing ramp: +5 minutes
    Jeep delivered to gold pickup: +10 minutes
    For server administrators only.
    1) Place in directory /<modname>/mapscripts. 
    2) Ensure mapscripts CVAR is configured correctly as per mod documentation. 
    Please refer to the documentation for your server's mod for additional support in installing mapscripts and configuring them for use correctly. 



  22. bba0-beta2.script

    This patch is to repair some errors and entity warnings this goes into server side map scripts to sync bba0-beta2.bsp
    This also sync's the sounds to trigger properly for this patch here https://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1861-bba0-beta2_patch-fixed-v2
    All other changes not highlighted are related to the sound/scripts/bba0-beta2.sounds from changes made to import sounds for ctf_ sounds steals, dropped, returned, scored could not find leads or ties so the reason for leaving the scripting part is encase they get found for future reference.



  23. et_beach_patch.pk3

    This file can be placed inside the mod folder to repair a recursive error that continues to play from entities until the side entrance or main entrance is blown not sure which one
    missing folder & sound files
    fix was to add a sound/maps/et_beach.sps origin was random guess
    speakerScript {     speakerDef {         noise "sound/multiplayer/mortar_exp03.wav"         origin 95.00 4492.00 2014.00         looped "on"         broadcast "no"         volume 40         range 1250     }     speakerDef {         noise "sound/multiplayer/mortar_exp04.wav"         origin 0.00 4098.00 2036.00         looped "on"         broadcast "no"         volume 40         range 1250     } }  
    sound/scripts/et_beach.sounds the sound wav file is default sound pak0 pk3\sound\weapons\grenade\gren_expl.wav but the path was not matched had to import to pk3 and rename + add script to .sounds
    mortar_exp03 {     sound sound/multiplayer/mortar_exp03.wav     voice     streaming } mortar_exp04 {     sound sound/multiplayer/mortar_exp04.wav     voice     streaming }  
    This doesn't fix model warning but is null should not affect the server
    Warning R_LoadMD3: model models/multiplayer/flagpole/flagpole_reinforce.md3 surf num [0] is using  
    tested with W:ET and W:ETL same results same fix
    edit: the screen shot was taken after testing before bots finished the map



  24. fa_egypt_b2.script

    This is almost the same as MLB Egypt but some changes were made to the script so it wasn't possible to use the maps/mlb_egypt.script 
    This goes in to etmain/maps
    Same as before none of the scripting was removed just marked out the missing sound files but had the same scripting for voiceannounce as the screen shot displays



  25. mlb_egypt.script

    This goes in to etmain/maps on server side to fix sound errors clients shouldn't have to download this file I don't think
    None of the scripting was removed just marked out to stop the errors
    There was only 5 sound paths that had wav files to sync to out of 99 voiceannounce commands
    I have no clue where the rest of the sound files are another reason for a script adjustment



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