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Dest!Ny last won the day on May 5 2019

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    Anything math related pretty much :D

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    Beginners #2
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  • Interests
    Mindfulness, self-improvement, psychology, pool, boardgames
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  • Location
    Friesland (the Netherlands)


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  • T-M
    ET: 11-7

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Community Answers

  1. Happy Sunday Summer GIF by Lucas and Friends by RV AppStudios


    i miss you on jay2 . hope your doing good my friend!

  2. Great to see you here on the forum faus! Hoping you'll like it here 😁
  3. Well guys, the first scrim day type of event has come to a close. What can I say? A lot went wrong and a lot went right. It all panned out very different from what we expected beforehand. A lot of things we sure can take lessons from. I hope everyone had fun despite having to wait sometimes. I wanted to create a new topic to thank everyone who played, and everyone who organized. I know some people had to wake up pretty early for this. Without motivated people, there wouldn't be an event. It is the players who make it all possible in the end. On the other hand I also want to use this thread to make your voices be heard. A lot of people hadn't played any scrims before, and now have a reference point. It's always difficult to understand exactly what the community wants, so the best way to find out is to simply ask! I made a small survey where you can leave your opinion to help us organize an event in the future that is in line with the wants and needs of the community! https://forms.office.com/r/TwVKjgswSL Once again thank you all for playing and being there for the beginning of perhaps many more events in the future!
  4. - Your Alias: Desti - Discord ID: desti. - Region: EU - Class: Pref med/engi smg - Have you scrimmed before: Plenty - State if you want to volunteer for the Team Captain position: Sure thing!
  5. I am more than likely available. Sign me up, coach o7
  6. I am still lurking around almost daily hehehehe
  7. I don't want to say "official" because we never wore F|A tags during scrims but there have been scrimteams consisting of F|A members. Some tournament matches were on gamestv if you ever want to watch them back 😛 Some examples: https://www.gamestv.org/event/64888-the-unit-vs-fearless-assassins/ https://www.gamestv.org/event/50580-fearless-assassins-vs-mexeuro/
  8. Stop whining. You're wrong. Everyone sees the same maps you see. The maps selected are best for smaller groups!
  9. Dest!Ny

    ET advice

    Playing nowadays on a gaming laptop which is definitely not advisable keyboard wise 😄 Tho I have to say that keyboard makes surprisingly little difference, your hands can get used to anything really.
  10. I refer you to Article 39, paragraph 3
  11. Dest!Ny

    ET 3on3 Cup

    @kajto3 @razjee we gonna represent? 👀
  12. I did not recognize your confusing "sparkly" purple name on a post! 😮 


    I was "Hypnotized", like a @CheepHeep gazing at a line in the dirt!



    1. Dest!Ny


      Found some spare dimes between the couch pillows ;)

  13. Haha, hard to say if you are genuinely asking or if you are just shitting on good players 😄 I think if you dedicate yourself you can get really good in a couple years max, and keep growing from there. Nowadays there are very nice aimtraimers on steam like Kovaaks where you can develop a fantastic aim without even booting up ET as long as you keep the same sensitivity between both games. There have been some ET players that are quite excellent at these kinds of games like you can see here: Of course, ET is about much more than just aim, the rest you learn by playing and gaining experience. If you wanna go the oldschool way and learn to get better in ET like most of us did, as trainers like Kovaaks weren't around yet, there are many ways to go about this. Try to find a sensitivity that suits you and stick to it. Preferably a lower sensitivity rather than a high one but in the end it is a lot about personal preference. There's a very important thing in any first person shooter which is muscle memory. Muscle memory is basically your brain unconsciously knowing how much to move your mouse in a certain direction to move from its starting position to the head of the enemy. If you keep changing your mouse settings you will never develop this and it will only hold you back Aside from that, I would recommend sticking to playing medic for a while. On some maps maybe you will get much more kills playing field ops and throwing air strikes but that's not practice. To practice you will actually have to focus on playing Thompson/mp40 😛 (for anyone reading, please don't hate me for creating rambo medics). Oh wait, this topic was about jobs. As for myself, I've been working in data science and analysis for a while now, while also dabbling my feet in leading lean and continuous improvement projects. If you ever need any help with that let me know hahaha
  14. 1 more match to be played and the battle for second place could not be closer! Looks like no matter who wins the final, nobody corrected guessed the winner of the world cup, but razjee can still get 3 points if France produces the cup's top goal scorer, which is currently tied between Messi and Mbappe!
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