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RedBaird last won the day on February 16

RedBaird had the most liked content!

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    California, USA


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    ET: 16-6

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  1. This browser's "translate to English" just produced "I'll circle the scar around the perch and put the ace in my pocket" In the USA a 'perch' is either a kind of fish or something a bird might sit on (or person). A "scar" is often a mark left on skin after an injury or an old injury on a tree or something. An "ace in my pocket" sounds like someone is cheating at cards. (Or did that mean "ace in the hole", which could be a surprise ability or object.) I have been warned about Finnish! 😄 (Or was the translation "too polite"?)
  2. The loading bar for Hydro Dam goes full white, but it does not run. Serverstatus shows me on there with a ping 999. I will try to restart if now. RESTARTED to Venice.
  3. BTW, I finally understood why the search function on Windows Notepad seemed to suddenly fail.


    It seems that the last time that I had used Search with it, I was searching UP.  When using it later, I expected it to search DOWN.  I finally noticed that after 10 days of "WTF?" and searching for help from MS and other 'victims'. 😄  😄 😄 

  4. Please do this.  I have one like this.  You can use a less powerful one, just enough to quickly turn off your unit.  With modern NTFS file systems, you are less likely to lose data or brick you HHDs, but still...

  5. We are missing you on Jay#! 😮 

  6. Just saw you playing again on Jay#1, Welcome Back!  😄 

  7. Just here to solve a mystery that I just noticed on Discord.  :hmm 

  8. /locked a nearly 13 year-old post.
  9. Sparrow, you are "Inactive Member" on forums.  If you want to be set back to "ET Member", just say so.


    IF your GUIDs have changed, then replace the ones in your profile with the new ones and we can set you back to level 12 on the servers!  😄 


    In Jaymod, do in console /cl_guid and condump it to a file.  Copy the last 8 digits of that long Hex number to the W:ET field here.

    In Silent mod, do in console /myguid, and the server will PM the 8 digits to you.   That is S:ET and different from the Jay & NQ W:ET GUID. 😄 



    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sparrow


      thanks bairdie, Cross Marian has set me on Silent server and Vasylich on j3 already.

    3. RedBaird


      Yes, admins on Jay#1 told me they saw you on Silent#1 with your glorious TAGS on! 😄


    4. RedBaird


      U R now 12 on 2, too!  😄  

  10. Indoor horses in the state of Texas in the USA are supposed to wear diapers at all times! "Cleanups on isle 7" are much discouraged!
  11. German "sicher ist sicher" = English "better safe than sorry" ??? I would have guessed "safe is safe" or something like that!
  12. That was much more complicated that I had thought! 😮
  13. Was that a real image or an AI-creation? 😮
  14. I just re-read this and wondered where in the world these names might have come from! 😮 😄
  15. I ran across another one!  😄 "Stone soup"?





    1. Sleestak



      soooo cheesy now, but was so kewl back then

    2. RedBaird


      I "liked" one of them and then found a whole "cascade" of them in FB Reels.  😄  


      Not enough to 'follow the story', but I was intrigued by the potato chips and other food they had found near a 'pylon'.  


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