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  1. Just wanted to say hi 😀

  2. Hmm joedirt is still inactive, i wonder if he finally moved to pluto. 

  3. $100 from Tender Tx id 7UV74738RL261011V
  4. You posted your complaints in the wrong topic.  I have hidden them for being Off Topic.


    You can post such complaints in the Admin Abuse topic, WITH EVIDENCE, not just your naked opinion.


    1. tdkxeon


      sorry red i was dealing with other thigs,

      ur the best parttner there is  u have to be here no matter red

    2. tdkxeon


      red ur more important than me u have to stay here


  5. Hey Yaku, i saw ur msg on my application, i really appreciate you saying what you said., i know u have a responsibility  and if i were ever in FA i would want people like you to represent FA. u did a great job. U r an Excellent recruiter for FA. do what u do best and i will accept the result regardless.

    About the donations from me, it will still keep coming regardless.

    1. yaku


      Thank you for your kind words!


      Your application is in your hands now, there is nothing I can do more for you. I'm sure you can show us your real good side but you have now convince people who voted -1 and make them change their minds :). They are my friends and trusted people and I'm not surprised they voted like they voted - I would do the same on their place if I would be attacked by you like they were. Now you have no shorcuts here: only time can heal wounds. I'm sure if you will follow good path they will also change their mind. 

      What I want to see is you repairing your relations with them, in the end goal is to have you in the same team with us and being sure we are on the same page. I want to be clear here: I like you and I have no problem with you but also you raged at my friends and I won't vote +1 until you repair your relations with them and gain their trust.

      See you around, Tender!

    2. tdkxeon


      did u set me to 0 , i am a trusted friend,


  6. Guys i am just a regular player like you, not an admin or anything, my only strength right now is that i joined FA forum is my join date that is december 10 2008, all i want to say is Thank you for your donations, i really appreciate your donations to help F|A, you guys are awesome. I am just a supporter of FA just like you all regardless of the amount, i appreciate it.
  7. U have donated 50 bucks in 3 years why is that?

    1. Lusciousdrunk


      Why is anyone else’s finances any of your business at all? I asked you a simple question on your application and this is your response? This is exactly what we aren’t looking for in an admin. 

    2. tdkxeon


      Why are u an admin ?

  8. Hey mraw i dont play on jay 1 r u sure it was me?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. tdkxeon


      I disagree no hackers or abuserr should be on server,  never ever, if thats ur stand on fa then i will withdraw my application. I am calling dare on this.

    3. mraw435


      I am not saying we support abusers/cheaters mate -- I am saying we have a protocol on how to handle these situations. Throwing around insults is not what we do. 


      I will reiterate -- read through our Wiki. Feel free to call DD on this if you still feel compelled to do so. 

    4. tdkxeon


      U need to take back ur comments on my application, edit it and put this clarification. Ur comment on my app says i am not a good player, few instances are not grounds for disqualification. I have raised about 1000 bucks this year.

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