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Neuro last won the day on February 7 2018

Neuro had the most liked content!

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    Jay #1
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  • T-M
    INS: 4-3
    DOI: 4-3
    ET : 19-12

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  1. Neuro

    End of FPSs

    I’m not playing any FPS video games anymore. I’m going to try and live a life free of violence. That means weapons of any kind in person too. I do not know what could be behind targets that I should at. It’s all bad. No more. We all should cleanse from this. Tbh. I’m here to talk things out if you want to talk. I’ve gone too far in a game I played a few months ago. This is something I want to talk about. I wish I never did it. I was on prescription medication at the time and it was evening. I forget when exactly. It might have been March. I did something very careless and violent in Elder Scrolls. I hope no one is doing the same. I’m sorry. Be careful out there everyone.
  2. I chose the name Neuro because I like to study my brain and yes I’ve seen a MRI and CT scan of my head. It was brief. I do not want to study anyone else without their permission. You have my permission to read this and study my mind. I need some help with shaking that started in 2020 and hallucinations that started in 2022. Recently I have been guided into getting help for my state of being. I hope I never have to have a conservatorship. If anyone has advice on how to better myself and try and move forward with my life I will listen. If you know how to survive psych wards… or take a medication that works… or a therapy that works… or watch a good show on tv that helps. Like Unbelievable which is this show where we get to see funny and sometimes dangerous moments that people have caught on camera. Some stuff shouldn’t be shown though in my opinion. I’m currently taking medication. Right now it’s: Haldol, Ativan, and Austedo. I take them daily. I want to stop all 3.
  3. Neuro

    Mid pandemic

    It seems that the pandemic is slowing down and soon to be gone. I got worried it was going blood borne. Has Wuhan, China done an apology yet?
  4. Neuro

    My First Dog

    Radar is just over a year old now. His favorite person in the world is my mother. I hope I can travel on airplanes with him.
  5. You have "security issues"? :( 

    1. Neuro


      Not anymore. It was about trouble logging in. Thank you for checking. I was actually also going to let you know that I will not be playing Enemy Territory or the other games anymore. They are violent and I do not appreciate being tea bagged. 

    2. RedBaird


      I don't like the "tea-bagging" either and object when it is done to admins.


      Other admins disagree with me and think that it is "all in fun." 


      Well, unless you make a formal resignation post, then you will remain a level 16 FA Admin here.  You don't have to play ET and you can still visit the forums.



  6. Here's another photo. I've been hacked twice so they saw this. But anyway, this was taken at the Ronald Reagan museum.
  7. PSA: Be careful online especially if you are a minor. There are people that target kids. Do not do anything sexual with someone you met online without communication. Do not do anything sexual in a game, you will be reported to administration. If they even ask, report them to us or law enforcement. Thank you. 

  8. Oh, Ho!  I see that my 'little clue' enabled you to log on again! 😄


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RedBaird


      I see by your w:ET that you were on Silent#1 and have a new S:ET


      Open the console and type /!myguid to get the SET from there


    3. RedBaird


      You were on Silent#1 with the name ETPlayer.  😄 

    4. Neuro


      Thank you for setting me on Jay 1. It's fun being back on ET. Not as fresh as Insurgency though. Lots of lagging no matter where I play and there is something up with my ET! Cannot keep my name nor log on to play on Silent. Need setting on Hardcore though (I play there often too like with Jay 1).

  9. "Inactive Member" -> "Senior Member" !   


    Welcome Back!  😄 



    1. Neuro


      Thank you!! I appreciate you noticing.

  10. Radar! Male 14 week Belgian Malanois.
  11. Neuro

    My First Dog

    This is Radar. We are currently bonding and hanging out as I recently adopted him from a shelter. It will be interesting to watch him change and grow up. There is another dog in the house so they are bonding too (slowly). Radar is a male Belgian Malinois mix.
  12. What are you up to these days?  I just ran across your post in Sunlight's DemoViewer Support topic! 😄 

    1. Neuro


      Work and soon school! Hope all is well with you.

    2. RedBaird


      I am "good enough"!  😄


      I heard that you are "back in town" now! 

  13. Good to see you back on server! 👋

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