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  1. When you open as admin do you mean either of the following: 1) Right click on et.exe shortcut and click "Run as Administrator" or 2) Right click on et.exe shortcut and click on Properties > Compatibility > check "Run this program as administrator" > Apply It is recommended you do the second option. But as @captnconcrete mentioned, it is recommended to screenshot the exact error message.
  2. Haha I was trying to reproduce it before @MikeSlayer replied but it is indeed true @Dink the Clown I tried reproducing with a fresh enemy territory installation (I also use 2.60b) and it indeed show the error. To resolve it permanently, you have to do /pb_cl_enable in console and it will show it is starting up punkbuster service. After that it will work fine. If you prefer a workaround to ensure the punkbuster service will always be enabled, you can use the same method I showed in a previous topic: I assume you are using Windows and not using etlegacy. If so can you go to your et shortcut and post fix this to your target path +pb_cl_enable . This is just a non elegant workaround to your issue so it will enable punkbuster service using pb_cl_enable each time you launch the application. I have edited the post with additional example: 1) Right click on your et.exe shortcut and select Properties. 2) Then under target path add the post fix +pb_cl_enable as mentioned earlier. It should look something like this "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\et.exe" +pb_cl_enable 3) Note: The above target example might differ slightly depending on where your et installation is located.
  3. Sorry @Vasylich for the repost as I cannot edit my previous post. I make a slight amendment to the workaround command. The updated solution is as follows: I assume you are using Windows and not using etlegacy. If so can you go to your et shortcut and post fix this to your target path +pb_cl_enable . This is just a non elegant workaround to your issue so it will enable punkbuster service using pb_cl_enable each time you launch the application. I have edited the post with additional example: 1) Right click on your et.exe shortcut and select Properties. 2) Then under target path add the post fix +pb_cl_enable as mentioned earlier. It should look something like this "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\et.exe" +pb_cl_enable 3) Note: The above target example might differ slightly depending on where your et installation is located.
  4. @Vasylich I assume you are using Windows and not using etlegacy. If so can you go to your et shortcut and post fix this to your target path +set pb_cl_enable 1 . This is just a non elegant workaround to your issue so it will set pb_cl_enable to 1 each time you launch the application. I have edited the post with additional example: 1) Right click on your et.exe shortcut and select Properties. 2) Then under target path add the post fix +set pb_cl_enable 1 as mentioned earlier. It should look something like this "C:\Program Files (x86)\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\et.exe" +set pb_cl_enable 1 3) Note: The above target example might differ slightly depending on where your et installation is located.
  5. Are you able to be back with us now? 😄 

    1. blackknight8653


      Oops just saw your status message sorry did not notice. My apologies. Studies just begin again so I am still not as active. Where is destiny (Saw him recently), zelly and meow?


      Have you fixed your private message inbox yet. It is always full 😛

  6. I watched the video and wondering whether I will be in it and yes I was so I guess it is recently recorded but it showed me getting killed haha. I like the music choice as well.
  7. I was online when @Leatherface restarted the server. If I am not wrong, the uptime should have reset. As of this posting, I assume it would be close to a day?
  8. I do not think there is any longest word for the Chinese Language unless you are referring to the number of strokes per character. There are also 简体字 and 繁体字. 你好别来无恙。不知道有没有人也会中文。I am not sure but maybe some of you love chinese novels as based on recent news it seems some chinese novels are quite popular in western countries recently haha.
  9. @Shana Haha that was a fast reply. I understand. It is just a little difficult when trying to select options as it is difficult to tell what you are selecting. Thank you for your help. Appreciate it.
  10. Sorry I understand you might be busy but I am wondering if there is a fix for the cursor. I check the download section but I was unable to any pk3 fix by Shana. Thank you for your help. Appreciate it.
  11. @Xernicus Thank you Nice signature. I admire the photoshop skills. I am not that good at art. Haha though I love beautiful artworks. Another nice song Anime: Digimon Tri (The song should be familiar as I think it is a remake version of the old anime song during childhood.) I also include an additional song which is not from an Anime: I think it is a romance song though it is a nightcore version. I cannot seem to find the original. I think the song is released early this year. I hope you enjoy the songs I recommended.
  12. The ending is quite good :). It has been quite a long time since I visit this forum or play ET. I was too busy with studies (did not even have a single game on my computer as I did not have time to play them) I might play a little since I have breaks now.) @Zelly Hello it has been a while. Anime: Overlord Season 2
  13. After observing a few requests by many on how to embed YouTube Videos on F|A Forums, I thought I would write a tutorial to showcase and guide users on how to do that. I admit I faced the same issue before when I was a new user in this forum and was submitting my software in the Downloads Section. I manage to figure it out after trying out some commonly used BBCodes. Before I continue with the tutorial, I would like to point out one important point that users should take note of when embedding videos from Video Hosting Websites on F|A Forums - Users should not abuse this feature by embedding many videos in one post. This would be considered spamming which is not acceptable. Guide on How to embed YouTube Videos on F|A Forums : Lets begin with a scenario. You have uploaded a video on a Video Hosting Website eg. YouTube and wants to embedded your YouTube Video on F|A Forums. In this tutorial, we will be using my RestoreET Demostration Video which is hosted on YouTube as an example. Method 1 : 1. Go to your YouTube Video Page eg. 2. Copy your YouTube Video Link. 3. Add the Media BBCode to your YouTube Video Link. Your resulting code :https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zJa2j4JljEk 4. Paste the code from the previous step in your post and then submit your post. 5. You have successfully embed your YouTube Video on F|A Forum. Method 2 : Alternatively, you can go to the Toolbar of your post and select the Special BBCode icon (It should look like a photo icon.) and select the Media BBCode. Paste your YouTube Video Link under the Media Url Section and then click Ok. Method 3 : You can just paste the YouTube Video url directly in your post. You do not have to link it. Just paste the following code to your post : Result : I hope this guide helps you. Thank you.
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  14. I believe you can use this cvar: cg_crosshairSize
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