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    ET: 6-6

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  1. Geez there was many of them in the lobby, I only saw half through first-person 😄
  2. Teukka

    Checking In!

  3. Honestly, I don't understand people.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CheepHeep


      Be a chicken.

    3. tipsy


      You are chicken, I think we both can be friends. I like roasted chicken more :)

    4. Teukka


      Redbaird, if only I understood some for some of time.. Helsen, just my life in Finland, nothing else.. Yoyo, I think I'm the strange guy giving strange look. Cheep, I rather don't understand people than join your chicken force:D

  4. Okay, my trip around the Europe is done. 55days, amazing time, 12 awesome fellow players met! :)))

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. audrey


      Over already?? Phewww lucky dom of a gun

    3. audrey





      ...and lucky cause you visited all the countries xD

    4. RedBaird
  5. Chillout night at Hamburg, 6hours in a bus is still long time even we had 30minutes break.. 8)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Platonic


      Visit Schanzenviertel, really nice neighbourhood :)

    3. Helsen


      schwanzenviertel? ;)

    4. Teukka


      Wtf is that? :D Maybe tomorrow, this day dedicated for drinking(like everyday)

  6. I've been in Portugal before, it is very nice country. Someday will definetly visit again.
  7. Making my way up to Belgium-Netherlands.. Stopping in Venice for few hours, then in Munchen and heidelburg, suggestions on who to visit on that route before next saturday appreciated.
  8. In the plane, EXCITED!! :))) Croatia here I come

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. null
    3. Helsen


      have fun!!! when and where will u be in NL and Germany?

    4. Teukka


      I have no idea yet about schedules after Croatia, will be in Amsterdam, don't remember the other one in NL and in Berlin

  9. Unemployed and "homeless", free as a bird! World is full of opportunities now :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedBaird


      Well, I lived in a treehouse for a while. OK in the summers, but leaked in the winter rain. No door lock but the rickety ladder would only be climbed by the brave.

    3. schNee


      @RB: just for fun or why?

    4. RedBaird


      An unemployed 'for a while' and homeless 'hippie'. :)

  10. Just booked flight to Zagreb 10th of January.. :)

    1. schNee


      nice! so the journey can start!

    2. Teukka


      Once upon a time a wise lady told me to do some breathtaking stuff :P

    3. CheepHeep
  11. Be careful what you wish, might realise someday that I've been living 2 weeks on your sofa Zagreb sounds cool and you got my full attention on that ladies part Berlin is already in my unplanned plan
  12. My work contract ends at christmas and rental contract at the end of the year, so I'm going to have way too much freetime and will be theoretically homeless.. I've been thinking about traveling around the europe for sometime, but I can't never be sure where will I end up. I'd like to meet people from here, old friends and new friends face to face. If you think I should stop by at your city/town, let me know. I would highly appreciate your ideas and knowledge of your territory. -Teukka
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