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  1. First of all, a little bit of warning. I usually don't follow a patern when I write a review since I do it on steam. I'll try to keep up with what you guys need/want to see and still give you my version of what I think about a game. Second. An important thing I believe that I will remind probably everytime : Do not follow the man of one book. It's a quote from a monk...talking about a famous book...ya know...the Bible. Here to say : If you like my review, don't stick ONLY to this one. Go search either on steam or on the internet other reviews so that you can get your opinion from yourself more than from others. Third. Do not hesitate to tell me what you think of my review, or even just if I've made fault. I'm not a native english speaker and this is the first time I translate one of my reviews ! Now I can start ! First I did not play the previous Insurgency, I can only judge Insurgency Sandstorm compare to other game of it's genre : FPS. I also only played against the A.I of the game (more than 1000 hours to play against them...that makes quite a few hours blowing up some A.I !) As usual, I'm not known for being short in my reviews so if you're impatient, scroll down ! Insurgency Sandstorm : What's that ? Many consider Insurgency Sandstorm as a simulation. Nope. Not in my book. A fps that is a simulation, it's ARMA for example : There you struggle, there the balistic is a nightmare, there the game wants you dead... Sandstorm is more Hybrid to my taste, not to tought, not to soft ! To clarify that, I will deconstruct point by point. The Balistic : The balistic is not realist, it is comfortable I'd say. We have recoil and dispersion of a weapon, but not the loss of velocity if you shoot an enemy at more than 200m...the bullet will go straight to be clear. Not a curve or whatever. The moves : We keep going with the crossing, depending on the mode Normal or Hardcore there is some various thought ! But. The game allow us to go above obstacles, do slides, crouch and lay down. So a bit far from a simulation where usually : you forget the slides. (I think again of Arma) After that...nope, no wall run (Hell'oo Titanfall ?). No power jump. (Hell'oo Doom ?) Oh and you don't kill anybody by jumping...because...you can't shoot while jumping. (Except when you jump above an obstacle but you just have one shot so you tend to forget about it.) (Side note : I always laugh a lot thinking of someone trying to shoot mid air with a shootgun like I do in CS:GO with my Sawed Off...>.>") The necessary tactics : That's the point that allow me to say it's not a simulation. Yes, you can deploy all the advanced tactics to devastate the AI. It's even recommanded as in all FPS. BUT. It's not mandatory depending on wich server you play. Neither depending on how well you know the map. In regular games be it Normal or Hardcore, the tactic, I do without it. In a game with 50 to 60 bots, there...I think twice or even three times before thinking about, maybe, eventually, do a step to my left. The A.I : The big positive point of the game, wich makes that I don't go in PvP see if the community is more or less toxic then in other games. There we have a simulation AI, that has nothing to envy ARMA, and allow us to make the game an Hybrid as I said. Depending on how you tune it, the AI will hear, see, feel and especilly HITS you, from more or less distance. It will also be more or less intelligent : full front assault, flanking you, go in your back, all side assault...you get the point. A true pleasure and a true mess on the field ! Where we hit really in the simulation, it's in our health bar. We don't have one. One to Three bullets to die. Yes that's low. Yes that's good. What makes it a game as close as the simulation is then not how the game is made, but how people play it. Wich leads me to: The community ! The community of this game is mature : salt, cancer, toxicity insults , it's rare, really rare ! And it breaks my heart everytime I see people wich enter in the above cases, because for me, it makes the stain of coffee on the CV you have to give to your potential futur boss the same day. I do not pass. At all. Here, people are here to play either serious, or chilled out. Pseudo Hardcore Gamer : Forget about them. Pseudo Pro Gamer : Forget about them. Cheaters ? You named it : Forget about them. It's just a pleasure on 98% of the games. Community servers are in numbers, and various enough to do the job. Gameplay In depth : The game is cut in 8 Classes wich I will go through so you can have an idea of what you can encounter in your games : Commander : You give orders with your binoculars to bombard, strafe, gaz or send helicopter on your ennemies. You are the messenger of hell on Earth. And you love it. Observer : You relay the order of your commander. You follow him or lead him throught battle. You protect him. You protect YOURSELF when you relay the order because dying while not having finished your sentence is bad, and the standard is a bit too dumb to understand you when you're drowning in your blood. You are the voice of hell on Earth. And you love it. Rifleman : You are the basic soldier. The standard infantry. You have a good choice of riffle, but not of explosives. You're basically the canon flesh, the one that fills the hole, the one that didn't had the time to chose the class he love. But you fill your role. And you love it. Breacher : You are the destructor of objectives. You have a choice of Shootguns and PMs. You're made to move fast, move close, be lethal and quick. You have access to C-4, you're one true love when you have to blow up a cache of weapons. And you love C-4. Gunner : You are Armageddon. Bullets ? You make them rain on your ennemis like the flood. You have access to the Galils, and the LMG wich compensate their heavy recoil and low magazine capacity, by BIG magazines (Between 50 and 200 bullets depending on the weapon), a heavy rate of fire, battle cries like Rambo if you stay tense on your mouse. And you love Rambo. Because it is not their war. Demolition : You are also Armageddon but in a less sophisticated way. You have the same weapons as the Rifleman with a little more punch : the possibility to had a grenade launcher. You have also access to rocket launcher and C-4. You love blowing stuff up ? You will love being Demolition. Advisor : You are the Arsenal. You have access to a large scale of guns, more or less exotics from M18 to Vector, so you deal in everything that shoot, and shoot everything that wants to deal with you. And you love it. Marksman : You're the Overwatch. You have access to precision rifle, with lever, semi auto, or...anti tank ?! And you love it. Now that being said : The game in COOP have three games modes. Checkpoint : you have to move forward on a map capturing points from your ennemies, holding them sometimes. Survival : You have to move forward on random points on a map, with only your gun at the begining, and a random weapon at each point captured. Outpost : You have to defend a point from waves of ennemies. The map are big and beautyfull ! And the sound design is a big success too ! Now I can sum it up : Insurgency Sandstorm is => A FPS. You aim, you shoot, you kill or you die. +Sound +Graphism +The Community +The choice of weapons +The maps. - The bugs that can be present sometimes. ( I only had a few wich were not game breaking, but still, I prefer put that warning.) 9/10 ! In conclusion This game is a pearl, a diamond even. I loved CS:GO once a time. I loved Titanfall. I loved Overwatch and Paladins. But all those games are either ruin by their community, or lack of community. Here we have the best of two worlds : casual fps , and hardcore fps, and it works. The game currently cost 30€ on steam but is frequently on promotion !
  2. Metro Exodus is a first-person shooter video game developed by 4A Games and published by Deep Silver. It is the third game in the Metro trilogy based on Dmitry Glukhovsky novels, following the events of Metro 2033 and Metro: Last Light. Metro Exodus is set in the year 2035, one year after Metro: Last Light on a post-apocalyptic earth that has been devastated by a nuclear war. Story: After the attack on D6, Artyom becomes disillusioned with the constant infighting and corruption within the Metro and leaves the Spartan Order. He soon becomes obsessed with proving that other human survivors exist outside of Moscow. During an expedition with Anna, they witness a working train running on the surface. They are captured by Hansa soldiers, along with a group of people who claim to be from outside of Moscow. The Hansa soldiers execute the other prisoners, and Artyom is shot and left for dead. Surviving the gunshot, Artyom follows the soldiers to rescue Anna. They escape by stealing one of Hansa's locomotives, the "Aurora", with the aid of a defected Hansa train engineer. After crossing the cult-controlled Volga River, the Spartans reach the Yamantau base. They discover the base's service and construction crew have devolved into cannibals who lure survivors in with the false promise of safety. Artyom and the Spartans manage to fight their way out and escape, as the Spartans continue on their journey, Anna begins to cough up blood, fearing the cause was accidentally breathing poison gas during the journey. Miller and Artyom decide to head into the city alone to search for the antidote despite the risk. Gameplay: You have an arsenal of hand-made weaponry which can be customised through scavenging materials and a crafting system, a mixture of linear levels and sandbox environments. It also includes a dynamic weather system, a day-night cycle and environments that change along with the seasons as the story progresses. It is set over the course of one whole in-game year.
  3. SFLP Shaders 1.14.4/1.12.2 is an Chocapic13′ shaderpack edit, specially made for low end PC’s. You don’t need an extremely good PC for this shader! It was specially optimized for it. Lite requires atleast 1,5GB RAM, and an Dual-Core 1GHz processor. All graphics cards are supported (they should support atleast GLSL 1.2/OpenGL 2.0) – and don’t forget to update your graphics card drivers if you haven’t. How to install: Make sure you have already installed Minecraft Forge, Optifine HD and GLSL Shaders Mod. Locate the minecraft application folder. On windows open Run from the start menu, type %appdata% and click Run. On mac open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for Minecraft. Place the mod you have just downloaded (.zip file) into the .minecraft/shaderpacks/ folder. When you launch Minecraft and click the mods button you should now see the mod is installed. Download Links: sflp shaders
  4. Hi all ! I'm here to ask for help because after trying several methods, my problem hasn't improved. I thought it came from the server, when many people were connected at the same time, but I can observe a variation of my pings, which range from 40 to 125 ... Connection is also a problem I think, but the most serious , these are my FPS .. If anyone knows how to fix this, it would be great ... Especially since Enemy Territory is an old game, I don't understand why I hang around so much. My configs: PC: Predator Helios 300 - Geforce GTX 1060: -Driver version: : 442.19 -Driver type : Standard -API version Direct 3D : 12 -Level of functionality : 12_1 -CUDA core : 1280 -Graphic clock: : 1455 MHz -Memory data rate : 8.01 GBit/s -Memory interface : 192 bits -Memory bandwidth : 192.19 Go/s -Total available graphic memory : 14 277 Mo -Dedicated video memory : 6144 Mo of GDDR5 -System video memory : 0 Mo -Shared system memory : 8133 Mo -Vidéo Version Bios : I prefer not to put it, but if it is necessary and safe, tell me and I would edit my post -IRQ : Not Used -Bus : PCI Express x16 Gen3 -Device ID : // -Reference : // No DVI or DisplayPort input Parameters: -Image Sharpening : Sharpening Off -Anti-aliasing, FXAA : Disable -Anti-aliasing, correction gamma : Enable -Anti-aliasing, mode : Improved application parameters -Anti-aliasing, setting : 2x -Anti-aliasing, transparency : Disable -CUDA, graphics processor : All -Shade cache : Enable -Anisotropic filtering : Controlling by application -Texture filtering - LOD negative distortion : To allow -Optimization of anisotropic samples : Enable -Texture filtering, quality : High performance -Texture filtering, trilinear optimization: Enable -Max Frame Rate : Off -Power management mode : Optimized power -Multi-Frames sampled AA (MFAA) : Enable -Ambient occlusion : Performance -Threaded optimization : Enable -Open GL rendering graphics processor : GeForce GTX 1060 -Vertical synchronization : Use the 3D application settings -Prefabricated frames, virtual reality : 1 -Triple bet, memory buffer : Disable Specify the parameters of this program: -Image Sharpening : Use the global parameter (off) -Anti-aliasing, FXAA : Use the global parameter (disable) -Anti-aliasing, correction gamma : Use the global parameter (enable) -Anti-aliasing, mode : Use the global parameter (Improve the application setting) -Anti-aliasing, setting : Use the global parameter (2x) -Anti-aliasing, transparency : Use the global parameter (disable) -CUDA, graphics processor : Use the global parameter (All) -Shade cache : Use the global parameter (enable) -Anisotropic filtering : Use the global parameter (Controlling by app) -Texture filtering - LOD negative distortion : Use the global parameter (to allow) -Optimization of anisotropic samples : Use the global parameter (enable) -Texture filtering, quality : Use the global parameter (High Performance) -Texture filtering, trilinear optimization: Use the global parameter (enable) -Max Frame Rate : Off -Power management mode : Focused on maximum performance -Multi-Frames sampled AA (MFAA) : Enable -Ambient occlusion : Non supported -Threaded optimization : Enable -Open GL rendering graphics processor : GeForce GTX 1060 -Vertical synchronization : Enable -Prefabricated frames, virtual reality : Use the global parameter (1) -Triple bet, memory buffer : Use the global parameter (Disable) (Bold: when I changed the setting) Configs ET : /com_maxfps : 125 /com_soundmegs : 32 /com_zonemegs : 64 /com_hunkmegs : 128 (or 192) /rate : 25000 (I tried with > 25000/34000/45000/50000/70000 /snaps : 20 (I tried with > 25/40 too) /cl_maxpackets : 100 (I tried with > 30/120 too) /cl_timenudge : 0 (I tried with > -5/-10/-15/-20/-30/ or 5/10/15/20...) /r_picimip : 1 (I tried with 2 too) /r_customheight : 1080 /r_customwidth : 1920 /r_mode : -1 All that is "decorative" (effect, blood, etc.) : Off Quality at a minimum in general... I'm putting a little clip for you so you can see what I see at stake. Everything is jerky ... What is weird is that in the "Replay" mode, all these lags are no longer there. Do you think there is a solution? Or do I just have a crappy PC ..? ^^ Thank you, Fox.
  5. I noticed that the community was really hot'n'heavy with CS:GO in 2015 based on posts and comments in these boards. However, only two comments are in the main thread in the last 30 days, so I'm wondering if there's still interest in playing in coop/competitive modes. I myself used to play pretty regularly in 2016 but moved to other titles after that. Curious if there's any interest in the community for having a server or team for CS:GO.
  6. Greets, Folks! After years and years of never delving into it, I finally started experimenting with some recording and editing, and created a YouTube channel, and see where it goes! Here is an amusing bit of action on the bridge in Insurgency. Take a peek and see if you agree.
  7. File Name: PBPrior File Submitter: kajto3 File Submitted: 01 Feb 2018 File Category: Software PBPrior is a tiny application used for setting processes' priority and CPU affinity (binding a process to specific CPU). I'm not the creator of this but I thought it would be good to share this useful tool since I can't imagine playing without it. Why use a separate application instead of manually set priority/affinity? Well, it always remembers your settings for all processes you set (there are 3 set by default: et.exe, pnkbstra.exe and pnkbstrb.exe) so you don't have to mess with the settings every time you start ET. It runs in the background and uses tiny resources. It's easy to use, friendly interface. The app doesn't require installation and should work on all Windows systems (tested on Windows 7 and 10). How to use it? If you have a CPU with more than 1 core then you can mess with affinity. Otherwise you can just tweak priority. It's usually said that ET works best on a single core. 1. Run PBPrior as administrator. Start from tweaking PB processes. Doubleclick on pnkbstra.exe, in Priority tab tick "Priority" then "Low". In CPU Affinity choose and tick one of the CPUs (and remember it). Do the same with pnkbstrb,exe, but choose a different CPU. Now do the same with et.exe, but set priority to "Hight" and again choose a different CPU. If you're using ETLegacy or some different ET client (with different process name) you can always add a new process. Go back to main window, click on white page button and open dropdown menu. Now choose the desired process (run ETLegacy and minimize). 2. Run ET. Sometimes you can notice that CPU Affinity tab is all messed up, all CPU active ticked unticked etc. Just remember to have it set correctly on the beginning, when there are the first CPUs active (the number that you actually have). I know setting up sounds quite tricky, but believe me, if you set this right, you'll be happy of your stable high fps more than ever. Click here to download this file
  8. kajto3


    Version 1.3


    PBPrior is a tiny application used for setting processes' priority and CPU affinity (binding a process to specific CPU). I'm not the creator of this but I thought it would be good to share this useful tool since I can't imagine playing without it. Why use a separate application instead of manually set priority/affinity? Well, it always remembers your settings for all processes you set (there are 3 set by default: et.exe, pnkbstra.exe and pnkbstrb.exe) so you don't have to mess with the settings every time you start ET. It runs in the background and uses tiny resources. It's easy to use, friendly interface. The app doesn't require installation and should work on all Windows systems (tested on Windows 7 and 10). How to use it? If you have a CPU with more than 1 core then you can mess with affinity. Otherwise you can just tweak priority. It's usually said that ET works best on a single core. 1. Run PBPrior as administrator. Start from tweaking PB processes. Doubleclick on pnkbstra.exe, in Priority tab tick "Priority" then "Low". In CPU Affinity choose and tick one of the CPUs (and remember it). Do the same with pnkbstrb,exe, but choose a different CPU. Now do the same with et.exe, but set priority to "Hight" and again choose a different CPU. If you're using ETLegacy or some different ET client (with different process name) you can always add a new process. Go back to main window, click on white page button and open dropdown menu. Now choose the desired process (run ETLegacy and minimize). 2. Run ET. Sometimes you can notice that CPU Affinity tab is all messed up, all CPU active ticked unticked etc. Just remember to have it set correctly on the beginning, when there are the first CPUs active (the number that you actually have). I know setting up sounds quite tricky, but believe me, if you set this right, you'll be happy of your stable high fps more than ever.
  9. Sanctum 2 is the sequel to the world’s first Tower Defense/FPS hybrid game. Pick from four unique character classes and embark on a mission to protect the oxygen-producing Cores from hordes of deadly aliens who are threatened by their existence. Outfit your character exactly the way you want through the new and extensive customization system. Choose your own loadout of towers, weapons and perks, but choose wisely because you are humanity’s last defense against the unrelenting hordes set out to destroy it. In Sanctum 2, you will utilize elements from multiple gameplay genres to succeed. Construct towers and walls during the building phase before the enemies attack, then jump into the fray and blast everything to pieces in FPS mode. You can progress through the single-player campaign yourself, or play with up to four friends in co-op to discover the secrets of the planet LOEK III and learn the backstory on why the aliens are so intent on destroying the Cores you are sworn to protect. Key Features Building on the success of the original game, Sanctum 2 stands alone as the only true FPS/Tower Defense hybrid. No other title delivers gameplay that seamlessly combines both genres. -Four playable character classes – Each with their own unique strengths, weaknesses and weapons. -Vast Customization System – Pick perks or make the game crazy hard by adding Feats of Strength. -In-game Visual Novel – Unlock a comic-book page for every map you beat to discover the secrets of LOEK III. -Progression System – Increase your rank and unlock new weapons, towers and perks. -4-Player Co-op – Progress through the storyline yourself or team up with other players whenever you want. __________________ Now let's get to the main topic! Raziel and myself are playing this game from time to time, and we would like to have more buddies to join us Due to technical restrictions, we are looking for Euro players, as the multiplayer game depends on our own connexion, not from a dedicated server. This 4 player co-op is really fun! The game can be purchased here. For the first two willing to join the fun with us, if you answer within 15 hours from now on (which would mean the time up gonna be this monday around 6pm CET), Raziel and myself are willing to offer you the game. Time's up :/
  10. Oh. My. God. :wub: http://www.gamespot.com/articles/is-quake-champions-free-to-play-or-paid-dev-hasnt-/1100-6442429/
  11. ...ello =) so since 2 days i notice that i have a weird issue while playing. my et is limiting my fps to 60fps (i can see on screen, that it wants more fps but just dont get up). at the same time, my mouse feels like freezed a bit. this issue comes from time to time and is gone after mostly a minute again. another weird thing is, that as soon as im opening a website while playing, i have big lag spikes. if there is activity on this website e.g. getting message on facebook, i got lags how can this be, i assume it's about hunkmegs, but i have more than enough RAM for this tiny game. Thanks for support. cookie for ur help! I'll can upload my cfg later, afaik i also made a demo and screenshot while it was happening. cheers Saskia edit: i tweaked my cfg a bit the last days so my ping becomes bit better, this actually worked out (now on silent ~100, before i had 130) dunno if its important.
  12. I have posted an updated tutorial here ~> to my tutorial.. > Open Insurgency's properties by right-clicking on its library listing in Steam and then clicking "Properties" > Click on "SET LAUNCH OPTIONS..." > Enter: +exec autoexec.cfg *I cannot supply screenshots for the remainder of the steps because I use Linux* > Create/Open a new text file with notepad (or some other text editor) > Copy(ctrl+c) & paste(ctrl+v): cl_forcepreload "1" mat_queue_mode "1" mat_reduceparticles "1" r_shadowmaxrendered "20" r_propsmaxdist "1000" r_fastzreject "-1" snd_mix_async "1" > Save as "autoexec.cfg" (change to "All files" instead of ".txt document") into this directory ".../steam/steamapps/common/insurgency2/insurgency/cfg/" > Launch Insurgency & witness a boost in your frames per second at the cost of lowering hardly noticeable options If you had trouble, try using Impromtu's Steam guide!
  13. It's official: Activision has confirmed that the team-based FPS Overwatch will be out on May 24. Ahead of the launch, there will be two open beta periods, the first a “two-day head start” from May 3-4 for gamers who have preordered, and the second an all-access period which will run from May 5-9. Details are up at Battle.net. Original story: If a set of screengrabs are to be believed, May has just become a bit busier with the release of Overwatch. Redditor Deadpoolthegreat claims to have snapped some ads giving away the big day that appeared briefly on the IGN site. Both mobile and desktop ads suggest that Overwatch will be with us May 24, with early open beta access for pre-orderers beginning May 3. It seems plausible—we already know that Overwatch is to release in spring. Exercise caution until the dates are confirmed by Blizzard, however. Static ads are too easily faked, and a quick Google search for Tracer (appallingly NSFW) reveals that the asset used in the ad is already out in the wild. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/the-overwatch-release-date-may-have-slipped-out/
  14. Hey everyone, I just want to see what type of games do people play besides ET, COD4 ...etc. I will get the ball rolling. I just finished Dragons Dogma: Dark Arisen and Undertale . No regrets and both worth every penny Dragons Dogma: Undertale
  15. Brutal Doom might be the best way to play Doom these days, given how ludicrously over the top it is. We've been extolling its virtues for a while now, and a new trailer has appeared to remind us why. The trailer shows off the forthcoming 20b update, which adds "detailed destroyable bodies and gib physics", and which hasn't had a release date...until now. Version 20b will be out December 31, as announced on ModDB here. "This update fixes several bugs previously present on Brutal Doom v20, adds new stuff such as more death animations, even better gibs, a rebalanced and more satisfying melee system, and huge performance improvements", the modders behind the project say. The release comes with the inclusion of a massive new map pack, which adds a variety of locations full of demons to punch into tiny bits. "The 'Starter Pack Map Pack' comes separately with 32 new maps, featuring realistic environments, cities, outdoors, space stations, hellish cities, new enemies and bosses, all balanced for Brutal Doom's gameplay. "The entire campaign has a plot of how a demon invasion starts on a UAC Mars facility, then it breaks into Los Angeles, and UAC's Space Marines are deployed to save the city. All maps have continuous progression, every map starts where the previous map ended, giving a feeling of a big adventure instead of just random maps placed in a megawad. Maps that takes place on Earth even have daytime progression (first map starts at dawn, second map at noon, third and fourth maps in different parts of dusk, next map is at night, and so on)." Source http://www.pcgamer.com/merry-gibmas-heres-a-gory-new-trailer-for-brutal-doom/
  16. It has not been a strong few weeks for the CS:GO dev team. I reported on Friday that the Winter Update's maligned R8 revolver had been nerfed after only three days—obscene stopping power and pinpoint accuracy for its price had effectively killed eco rounds. Now, Valve has rolled back the accompanying tweaks to pistols and rifles, stating "we likely changed too much too quickly". For rifles, the changes boiled down to decreasing accuracy, and the latest CS:GO blog post details the rationale behind them: Valve was hoping to make spraying less appealing compared with burst fire. Instead, the patch made all forms of fire less accurate and people kept on spraying anyway, penalising the minority who do tap fire. A full roll-back is a spectacular step down for a company running a competitive game, and the saga has left many wondering (not for the first time) why Valve doesn't run larger trials before foisting changes on the whole population. This time, the magnitude of the misstep has clearly sunk in. "We failed to anticipate the reaction of the community to changes in such heavy-use weapons," the blog reads, "and we clearly need to re-evaluate our process for making and communicating about changes in that space." It's becoming a common refrain from Valve, but perhaps the latest uproar will prevent drastic changes from appearing out of the blue in future. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/valve-rolls-back-csgo-rifle-and-pistol-changes/
  17. The Overwatch closed beta that's currently underway will be brought to an end next week. Blizzard said the beta will relaunch sometime in January, but now it's time to start sorting through all the data that's been collected over the past month-and-a-half. "Since the start of the Overwatch beta in late October, aspiring heroes from around the world have battled it out in more than 900,000 matches. In this same period of time, we've also gathered invaluable information about our servers, core systems like matchmaking, and overall map and hero balance—thanks not only to the raw data we've collected from the game, but also to the numerous bug reports, suggestions, critiques, and experiences you’ve shared," Blizzard said in the announcement. "This phase of development has been key, but now it's time to analyze the data we have, dig into your feedback even further, and put that knowledge to use as best we can." The beta will be shut down at 9 am PST on December 10, one week from today, but the beta forums will stay open until December 18. No new players will be added between now and the shutdown, but all those who are in the current beta will be readmitted once it restarts. Blizzard also plans to add more players after it relaunches, although specifics about how many and when they'll be allowed behind the velvet rope have yet to be nailed down. We had a nice chat about Overwatch with Game Director Jeff Kaplan and Creative Director Chris Metzen early last month at BlizzCon, during which we talked about the beta test, future content, and why Blizzard opted to go with the rather surprising not-free-to-play payment model. Source http://www.pcgamer.com/overwatch-beta-is-shutting-down-next-week/
  18. Running this game alongside my Saints Row 3 playthrough. Will post parts as they are uploaded. Review at the end. Youtube users feel free to subscribe or like for updates! Type: First Person Shooter, Story Driven, Sci-fi Dev: Irrational Games Publisher: 2K Steam Price: $29.99 ($49.99 for season pass bundle) Lowest: $7.99 (14.99 for bundle) Bundled?: 3 times. http://store.steampowered.com/app/8870/ Pros: Amazing Story. Amazing Story. AMAZING STORY. Cons: Linear gameplay. Limited weapon inventory.
  19. Hey there, I want to give you an insight to Tripwire Interactive's Killing Floor 2. Let's start the show! Genre: Killing Floor 2 is an FPS in a horror environment. You and your team try to survive waves of Zombies (aka "Zeds"). There are no P2W models, the developers even stated they will not tolerate people selling custom mods or maps, all is free and to be enjoyed limitlessly :-) State of release: Open beta / early access. This is a broad description, but the game has very few bugs left to patch. What's still missing are more characters, more weapons and even more maps to play. A huge content buff will happen when the final release hits, because the developers let you build & share your own custom maps. In Killing Floor 1, those custom maps had godlike fun to offer. Progression & Characters: Where there is team, there is division of tasks. The different available characters are named Perks, and at the moment there are five to chose from. This list is just a beginning, many Perks will be added and the developers also 'carry over' Perks from other games. Example is the Pyro, know of Team Fortress 2, which was voted into Killing Floor by it's community. The berzerker (aka "zerk" or "zerker") - The close-quarter combat specialist. Takes less damage, while it out face-to-face with the Zeds! Starts with a combat-shovel, wants to get his Pulverizer or Eviscerator. The commando - If assault weapons are your thing - this is your Perk. Better at spotting cloaked enemies, too! Your man for AK-47's and SCAR-H. The medic - Run fast, heal your friends, use cutting edge weapons (that's a pun) - and kill Zeds as well! His heals are unmatched with the AoE medic grenade, but dishes out damage just fine. The support - Shotguns for the mayhem, the ability to carry more - and great with a welder too! Resources: By helping the team, shooting Zombies or completing waves, you get XP and cash. XP levels up your Perk and persists when you leave / join servers. Cash is only for the current match, where you can buy equipment and ammo for your rounds. The shop is up long enough between waves, has a nice waypoint to guide you to it. If you happen to find weapons u dont need, u can either drop them for the team or sell them for cash. Perk levelling system: Getting XP is to get levels, and at levels 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 you get to choose between 2 new upgrades. Each Perk has 5 passive bonusses up when at max. level of 25, some benefit teamplay more than others. Deaths have no impact on your XP but will remove some cash. The UI: 1) Distance to trader 2) Wave-counter and counter of Zombies to slay before wave is over 3) XP-bar, Perk info, info about self-heal (syringe), Armor and Health, 4) Ammo in Magazine, Ammo left outside of magazine, toggle of firemode, 'nade count and state of battery for flashlight 5) your Cash account 6) info about music playing 7) not enabled in this screenshot, but u can have crosshair Weapons: Are characterized by damage, rate of fire, spread, weight etc. Your character can only carry limited weight. There are hitzones that increase or reduce damage (so, headshots pay off). Difficulties: There is normal, hard, suicidal and hell on earth to choose from, as well as map length (short = 5 waves, medium = 7 waves, long = 10 waves). The zombies don't just get more HP and damage with higher difficulties, they also feature new attacks, faster movement and ofcourse a bigger number to slay. The maps also feature less medpacks / supplies and cash rewards in higher difficulties, but reward you with higher XP gains. Gameplay: There's a lobby with chat or ingame voice to coordinate your team, where you select your Perk and upgrades. Once all is set, you directly start with wave 1 that you have to beat with your starter equipment, which usually is pretty easy. If you happen to beat all the waves of your difficulty, there's an additional BOSS-wave. It spawns the Boss (aka "Hans Völter") and some minor Zombies alongside. Beating the boss with at least 1 teammember alive give another chunk of XP to all. If by defeat or by win, the map will be over and you put back into lobby. There is a special bullet-time trigger, where everything is slowed and the screen turns greyscale. You can look around normally, but shots and zombies are super slowed. Any zombie you kill can trigger zed-time, based on game-dice rolls in the background. Feels like matrix. The commando Perk has the upgrade to make zed-time last longer. Beginner tips: You are not restricted to use the weaponry for your Perk, basically, a medic could use the heavy melee weapon of the zerker to gain zerker-XP while having the bonusses from medic Perk. Therefor, it's popular that all team members carry a medic pistol to heal each other. Headshots pay off twice! You save ammo and the zombie is dead faster. Don't buy upgrades you don't need first, like armor for the first waves. Save for the important items. If you have all the parts you need, share your money by pressing B (default). Don't solo, splitting from your team is a bad move. Get that Shotgun for boss waves. If you can't kill it, just hit it. You will get the XP and cash when it dies. Constantly look around /up and down/, especially in Zed-time. And well, communicate :-) General note: Yes, this is early access. Progress will be wiped by the developers before release, so at the moment I just play it casually. You can add me on steam if you like (10taclezor).
  20. My (terrible) first look at Dying Light. Type: Horror Survival, Action, FPS Dev: Techland Studios Publisher: Warner Bros Steam Price: $59.99 Lowest: $45 @ Greenmangaming Bundled?: Never Pros: Amazing Graphics. Parkour is fun. Night time is terrifying. Cons: Slow build up. Feels a little like Dead Island. No character options in multiplayer (i.e everyone looks like clones). As of this time poor performance on many rigs. http://store.steampowered.com/app/239140/
  21. Type: Psychological Horror, FPS Dev: Krillbite Studio Publisher: Krillbite Studio Steam Price: $19.99 Lowest: $6.79 Bundled?: 1 time. http://store.steampowered.com/app/250620/ Pros: Interesting spin on the horror genre. GREAT story. Interesting and beautiful art direction. Cons: Not very long. Recommended?: YES.
  22. Note: This is Old. It should have been published long ago, but it looks like I forgot to do so. Better late than never, I guess. A (badly done) Let's Play: Type: Horror, FPS, Dev: Monolith Productions Publisher: Vivendi/Warner Bros. Steam Price: 54.99 for Fear Pack (Includes all 3 games + expansions) Lowest: $13.71 for Fear Pack (Individual games vary) Bundled?: 2 times. Wait for the sale! (happens at least twice a year) http://store.steampowered.com/sub/12357/ Pros: Amazing AI. Great psychological Horror. Fun action sequences. Interesting story. Cons: Slow motion can make things too easy at times. The latter games lose scare factor. Expansions don't add too much and aren't considered canon by the devs. Recommended?: 1+2 Definitely. 3 is hit or miss.
  23. Hello guys, I just updated my laptop to windows 8.1 and I would think that that is the reason for my problem, since everything was working fine until then. And now that I connect to the server (Beginners #1) my game-screen doesn't fill up my computer-screen if you know what I mean.. There seems to be a problem with the graphics and they seem to be lagging, but not the connection itself. I've tried changing the resolution but that doesn't help, the screen goes out of fullscreen mode, I think I played with 800*600 resolution before. I'm not much of a computer wizard so I please help me, I think any suggestion would help Thank you very much, bambaloo/AmabAdamA
  24. Type: Tactical FPS, Realistic Dev/Publisher: New World Interactive Steam Price: $14.99 Lowest: $1! Bundled?: Once (At the time of writing, game is currently 4 copies for $1 at Humble Bundle!) https://www.humblebundle.com/ Free Keys for clan members in private section. Pros: Realistic sounds and guns. Tactical combat. Fairly large, mature community. No HUD. Cons: A little slower paced. Difficult gameplay. In my opinion, amazing little FPS game for those that want to break away from the COD type arena playstyle. http://store.steampowered.com/app/222880/
  25. Type: Horror Survival, FPS, Sci-fi Dev: Dykast Lubomir Publisher: Dykast Lubomir Steam Price: $4.99 Lowest: $4.99 Bundled?: 2 times. Currently in a 10 game bundle for $3.99 http://www.bundlestars.com/all-bundles/fps-redux-bundle/ (GREAT DEAL) Pros: Tons of zombies. Decent difficulty. Multiple game modes. Cons: Early Access. Mobile port. Not very 'deep'. http://store.steampowered.com/app/286040/
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