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Fun #1 Server - Pick options


Fun #1 Server - Pick options  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. Convert Fun #1 Server - Pick options

    • Jaymod - Single Jump
    • Nitmod - TDM
    • Nitmod - Map Voting
    • Keep as is. No change.

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  • Poll closed on 05/18/18 at 09:49 AM

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3 hours ago, TurtleMan said:

It's probably too late to suggest something other than the poll choices, but I'll leave my idea anyway:


How about a server with fewer slots? I know there are quite a few Hardcore regulars who are very in favor of reducing the number of players there. Often, with so many players, it's more about playing against the game mechanics and avoiding your own teammates than enjoying the objective. I wouldn't mind Nitmod, but I think most players interested in this would prefer silEnT.


If this is considered, I think 26 slots with only 22 playable at one time (team_maxPlayers "22") would be a good number.

+1 to this idea.
And maybe some way to remove some annoying settings that are on hardcore like flak jacket playdead, and spawntimes(I will later go through and find my old server config and expand what I mean in more detail)


Also team_maxplayers would be 11. in your example. 11 vs 11.

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What you guys are suggesting is making hardcore more hardcore. What I am asking is keep Fun #1 aka Fun #1 server with different game play settings but not making it hardcore. 



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6 minutes ago, Zelly said:

+1 to this idea.
And maybe some way to remove some annoying settings that are on hardcore like flak jacket playdead, and spawntimes(I will later go through and find my old server config and expand what I mean in more detail)


Also team_maxplayers would be 11. in your example. 11 vs 11.

We used to have config based silent mod server.. i can fire up something like that. That's doable but where we will get all this players? ET in itself doesn't have much player base and now if I divide hardcore where things will go :( 

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5 minutes ago, daredevil said:

We used to have config based silent mod server.. i can fire up something like that. That's doable but where we will get all this players? ET in itself doesn't have much player base and now if I divide hardcore where things will go :( 

If you made the server without bots, I think it would only have players during the evening in North America. So during European times when Hardcore is less active, no players would be stolen.


During the evening in North/South America when HC is usually full, I don't think it would have a huge effect on HC. Some players will certainly move from HC when there are players on the new server. Some ETPro players who don't like hardcore would play there. Some members who stay away from hardcore at night (I know a few) because of how full it is would play there.


I am not totally set on 11 players per team either. 8v8 would be fine with me (although we should definitely ask for others' opinions if this server goes ahead).


The question becomes:


1. Is it worth hosting a server that may only have players for 4-5 hours per day?


2. Are there enough players to support both servers?


The first question is not up to me. The second question... I am sure there would be more total players than there are now. I'm not sure both servers would be full.

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7 minutes ago, Smileyyy said:

I like the idea, but it's *very* risky.

I'm curious why you say it's very risky. If hardcore traffic drops too much, we can kill the new server. If no one uses the new server, we can try something new after a few weeks. What other concerns can you imagine?

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I wouldn't mess with Hardcore. You just gotta go at the right time if you want to play with a specific amount of people. 11v11 or 8v8 there will still be team damage to a certain extent. Yes, when its like 14v14 it can get hectic but there are many other servers you can play on until it dies down a little. Making another server to split the HC population isn't necessary imo. 


I'd like to see Nitmod server. HC regulars can still play that but i think it'd be a waste making a HC#2. When a new server comes, itd be nice for it to be new, not just a copy of another but scaled down. 


Just my opinion. 

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I responded to Cheep's post on Discord first because I don't want this thread to seem like me arguing against everyone alone, but I think it's probably worth responding to in public as well. This will be my last post, if there's interest that's wonderful and if not I'll drop the topic.


19 minutes ago, CheepHeep said:

You just gotta go at the right time if you want to play with a specific amount of people

You can say that about any server, but at times that are normal for me and most Americans to play, hardcore is full or only 1-2 players away from full. For many players -- I know at least a half dozen off the top of my head -- they simply don't play at those times because of how full it is.


22 minutes ago, CheepHeep said:

11v11 or 8v8 there will still be team damage to a certain extent

Absolutely. On a server with FF, there's always going to be some team damage. But with fewer people, there are fewer stray bullets, more room for people to camp in different places instead of right next to each other, and this server would attract better players who tend to do less team damage. I imagine it would also have more restricted arty/cans, fewer rifle grenades, fewer mortars, etc. I won't be receiving 900 team damage in two minutes like I did a couple nights ago on hardcore.


27 minutes ago, CheepHeep said:

Yes, when its like 14v14 it can get hectic but there are many other servers you can play on until it dies down a little

Not =F|A= servers. Hardcore has the lowest slots of any =F|A= server.

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Maybe we can split this topic into two? One about the original idea (Fun#1), the other about HC?


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20 minutes ago, Vindstot said:

Maybe we can split this topic into two? One about the original idea (Fun#1), the other about HC?


It's all good. All can provide the feedback as long as it's discussion in civil manner. No one is against anyone we all want best and hence the discussion. :)

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Didn't read all said here, but how about redirect to hc when this would get full? And keep it like 16 slots or so, even less in start? That could eliminate the risk of hc getting less ppl.

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1 hour ago, RendeL said:

Didn't read all said here, but how about redirect to hc when this would get full? And keep it like 16 slots or so, even less in start? That could eliminate the risk of hc getting less ppl.

That's a great idea! So then if new server gets full, it'll push people to Hardcore. 

I know for myself, I can't play on Hardcore for more than a few maps when it gets really full. And then when people vote delivery or something, I just leave, because I know it'll be all spam and TKs at the choke points. The hectic overpopulation can be fun in some circumstances, but overall I prefer a more intimate game.

Adding to that, I think there's a chance to build stronger connections and a stronger community in smaller games. If we're worried about retaining players and strengthening that sense of community, this smaller server could be a GREAT way to build those bridges.

Edited by emaL
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I made a mock-up config on how I would do a hardcore server, I think it has the potential to play much more hardcore like, where your life and your team/class synergy is more relied on.


I definitely think it would need some feedback and testing on how well it actually plays out especially charge times(I think they should be high, but still not too slow you can't use your kit). A lot of it is obviously inspired by etpro, but also trying to take advantage of some mod features that you would not see in etpro. May be missing some cvars/features I mainly just did a quick rundown of the wiki so if I missed anything or something seems off let me know, I can explain further my reasoning behind something or fix it.


Here is a list of what I thought relevant settings:
Spawntimes were not included as I feel they should be looked at depending on the map but I think a good point to aim for would be 17 24.



    No extra max health(from battle sense skill)
    Cannot see landmines without bincos
    Less weapon spread and faster reload disabled(from light weapons skill)
    All skills are granted are enabled(or disabled) by default no xp needed(Xp still saves)
    Skills are locked and the UI elements withe them hidden.
    No flak jacket for any class
    Throwable knives disabled.
    Grenade/can kicking is active but weakened, so that you cannot kick it to a new area, but really only to other side of a room.
    No ppsh
    Cannot spawn with other teams SMG on any class
    Improvised demolish is enabled.(I think)
    No tripmines
    /kill restores charge of the moment player killed out
    Playdead and spinning corpse disabled
    Dragging corpse still enabled
    Spawnshield stays when firing.
    Class limited to 80% of team
    Poison does 20 damage per second(Can potentially be lethal)
    Can adrenaline a teammate to give them sprint and 20% damage reduction, at the cost of half your charge.
    Drop 3 health packs
        Extra Ammo And Nade(Disabled)
        Less Charge & More syringe(Disabled)
        Full Revive(Enabled)
        Adren(Enabled only for other)
    Class limited to 25% of team
    Only 1 of each heavy weapon
    MG42 can headshot and reload
        Use less charge(Enabled)
        Overheat cooldown faster(Enabled)
        Speed Penatly removed(Disabled)
    Class limited to 50% of team
    Rifle nades limited to 25% of team
    Teammates cannot trigger mines
    3 land mines max
        More nades and rnades(Disabled)
        Can arm & Disarm faster(Disabled)
        Takes less charge to place dyno and mine(Disabled)
        Flak Jacket(Disabled)
Field Ops:
    Class limited to 25% of team(2 max if 8 players on team)
    Airstrike and artillery limited only by charge
    Charge time increased to 50 seconds
    Airstrik can only be blocked if a player is standing on it practically as its landing
    Drop 1 ammo pack
        Ammo gives 2 clips/uses less charge(Enabled)
        Arty/Airstrike use less charge(Disabled)
        Arty lasts longer/Air 2 strikes(Enabled)
        Disguised Enemy Recognition(Disabled)
Covert Ops:
    Class limited to 25% of team
    Never will show up as "disguised enemy"
    Charge time increased
        Ammo gives you more ammo.(Enabled)
        Use less charge(Disabled)
        Sniper recoil halved(Disabled)



And here are the cvars, I did not include non gameplay cvars:



set team_maxPlayers "10"

// Charge times may need a little adjustments considering only some of the skills are active
set g_medicChargeTime 45000
set g_engineerChargeTime 35000
set g_LTChargeTime 50000
set g_soldierChargeTime 40000
set g_covertopsChargeTime 35000

set team_maxPanzers 1
set team_maxMortars 1
set team_maxFlamers 1
set team_maxMG42s 1
set team_maxGrenLaunchers "25%"
set team_maxMedics "80%"
set team_maxEngineers "50%"
set team_maxFieldOps "25%"
set team_maxCovertOps "25%"
set team_maxSoldiers "25%"
set g_maxTeamLandmines 3

set g_noSkillUpgrades 2 // locks and hides skill bar
set skill_battlesense "0 0 -1 -1"
// Battle Sense:
// 1. Bincos(Enabled)
// 2. Improved Stamina(Enabled)
// 3. Increased max hp(Disabled)
// 4. See landmines(Disabled)
set skill_lightweapons "0 -1 -1 0"
// Light Weapons:
// 1. More Ammo on spawn(Enabled)
// 2. Faster Reload(Disabled)
// 3. Less Weapon Fire Spread(Disabled)
// 4. Akimbo(Enabled)
set skill_soldier "0 0 -1 0"
// Heavy Weapons:
// 1. Use less charge(Enabled)
// 2. Overheat cooldown faster(Enabled)
// 3. Speed Penatly removed(Disabled)
// 4. SMG(Enabled)
set skill_medic "-1 -1 0 -1"
// Medic:
// 1. Extra Ammo And Nade(Disabled)
// 2. Less Charge & More syringe(Disabled)
// 3. Full Revive(Enabled)
// 4. Adren(Enabled only for other)
set skill_engineer "-1 -1 -1 -1"
// Engineer:
// 1. More nades and rnades(Disabled)
// 2. Can arm & Disarm faster(Disabled)
// 3. Takes less charge to place dyno and mine(Disabled)
// 4. Flak Jacket(Disabled)
set skill_fieldops "0 -1 0 -1"
// Field Ops:
// 1. Ammo gives 2 clips/uses less charge(Enabled)
// 2. Arty/Airstrike use less charge(Disabled)
// 3. Arty lasts longer/Air 2 strikes(Enabled)
// 4. Disguised ENemy Recognition(Disabled)
set skill_covertops "0 -1 -1 0"
// Covert Ops
// 1. Ammo gives you more ammo.(Enabled)
// 2. Use less charge(Disabled)
// 3. Recoil halved(Disabled)
// 4. Backstab(Enabled)

// Medic
set g_poison 20 // Poison at 20 damage per second aka it actually has potential to kill.
set g_poisonFlags 1 // 1 Poisoned player's screen shakes.
set g_medics 961
//1 Medics can't pick up their own health packs to cure themselves of poison needle effects.
//64 Medics can use syringes to heal living teammates as an alternative to the tk/revive cycle.
//128 Level 4 medics can inject other players with their adrenaline. This can be done when holding the revive needle by pressing the alt-fire button, or with the /adrenother client command.
//256 Level 4 medics cannot adrenaline self. If this flag is on, Medics will not receive adrenaline upon reaching level 4. (This won't affect flag 128)
//512 Adrenaline use takes only half of the chargebar.
set g_adrenDmgReduction 20
set g_medicSelfhealTime 0
set g_dropHealth 3

// Fops
set g_minAirstrikeTime 0
set g_minArtyTime 0
set g_asblock 1 // 1 Make an announcement whenever an airstrike is blocked.
set g_dropAmmo 1

// Covert Ops
set g_coverts 1414
//2 Disguised coverts can only be identified with the "crosshair name" by level 4 Field Ops.
//4 After detonating a satchel charge, the primary weapon will be selected instead of satchel again.
//128 Coverts do not automatically lose their uniforms if they attach to an emplaced MG weapon. Note that this flag has nothing to do with firing.
//256 Coverts are awarded xp for constructive use of smoke.
//1024 A disguised covert can still steal enemy uniforms.

// Engineer
set g_dyno 21
//1 Sudden Death Dynamites enabled. If there is 30 seconds or less on the clock and dynamite is planted on an objective, the clock will continue to run past zero. The match will not end until the dynamite either explodes, or is disarmed. You are not allowed to plant additional dynamite during sudden death.
//4 Adds a dynamite symbol with the location and the time remaining to all the players on the team of the player who plants the dynamite. This will only happen when dynamite is placed on an objective. The players in the other team will see the dynamite symbol too, but they won't see the time remaining.
//16 Enable dynamite ID. You can see the owner of a dynamite when you point at it.
set g_mineid 1
set g_enableTMines 0

// Soldier
set g_mg42 3 // can headshot and reload
set g_enableDemolition 1
set g_panzersVulnerable 1

// General
set g_throwableKnives 0
set g_maxKnives 1
set g_canisterKick 50 // Weakened grenade/can kick
set g_canisterKickOwner 0
set g_staminaRecharge 1.0
set g_weapons 822
//2 Syringes work underwater
//4 Pliers work underwater
//16 Half restore FIeld ops charge bar if airstrike is aborted
//32 Ammo packs restore helmets
//256 Garands can reload when clip is not empty
//512 Balance the clip size between the allies and axis rifles. allied rifles get same clip sizes and max ammo as the k43.
set g_classWeapons 0 // cannot use ppsh or smg from other team
set g_skills 1 // 1 Players with level 4 battle sense can spot landmines for teammates
set g_maxMarkers 0
set g_friendlyFire 1
set g_friendlyFireOpts 8 // teammates don't trigger mines
set g_reflectFriendlyFire 0.0
set g_reflectFFWeapons 0
// g_teamDamageRestriction
// g_minHits
set g_misc 1028 // Show hp on death & When enemy has OBJ
set g_slashKill 28
//4 Restores the charge bar to the same state it was in at the moment the player issued /kill (regardless of how long they were in limbo)
//8 Disable /kill when player is frozen
//16 Disable /kill when player is poisoned
set g_maxSelfkills -1
set g_dropObj 1
set g_dragCorpse 1
set g_playDead 0
set g_classChange 1
set g_forceLimboHealth 1 // ~3 shots to gib
set g_goomba 5 // 5x amount of fall damage
set g_goombaFlags 11 // Cannot goomba team, Short hops do no damage, goombaer doesn't take damage
set g_spawnInvul 3
set g_spawnInvulFair 0
set g_spinCorpse 0
set g_dmg 64 // specs don't deal damage



Edited by Zelly
Maybe added spoiler tags? ! fixed spoiler tags woohoo
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So I think the main things are:

  • Hardcore fills up CONSTANTLY already. (I went onto Hardcore at 5pm CST yesterday and redirected to S1, which was almost completely full as well.)
  • This new server would bring in people who prefer smaller games, people who already don't play on Hardcore- so it would act like a bridge to bring people into the community.
  • Smaller games = more intimate = stronger sense of community. We'd grow loyalty with this server.
  • Any risk to HC would be reduced by channeling players back to HC if this new server fills up.
  • Most people claim loyalty to a server or two, so it wouldn't drive people away from FA. If anything, it brings more people in.
  • This new server would likely only be active at night in the US, so the 2-3 potential players shouldn't make a big difference on the gametracker ranking.
  • We can always kill the server if it doesn't work out.

I would love another server in the same vein as Hardcore, but smaller and a little bit more geared towards the ETPro/Hardcore community. There are a lot of us!

Like I mentioned, we could always just test it out for a couple weeks (which should be very easy since Zelly already put together a server config) and shut it down if we don't like the impact.

Edited by emaL
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