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Just off topic : Jay2 use to be most popular when joedirt and rainier use to play there, then joedirt switch to jay1 and it became popular. 

  • Like 1
  • Platinum VIP
Posted (edited)

You would be surprised. Small changes can truly kill a server, as proven many times in the past with other servers.

I am sure your points are valid for you and many others but if people weren't overall satisfied with the settings it would not be so popular and the atmosphere would not be what it is today.

Or, because there are so few other servers, this is the place to play just because there is nowhere else and that maybe in the past when servers were more competitive, minor changes had a big effect, but as people have posted that they do not play on this server as often, then you don’t realize how many people complain about The things that some of us ask for. And only continue to play here because, like I said, there really is no where else.

Edited by -=HipKat=-

why change something that's good becides maps for new and viarity gameplay is more then enough for jay1

Posted (edited)

Or, because there are so few other servers, this is the place to play just because there is nowhere else and that maybe in the past when servers were more competitive, minor changes had a big effect, but as people have posted that they do not play on this server as often, then you don’t realize how many people complain about The things that some of us ask for. And only continue to play here because, like I said, there really is no where else.

People on the forums are not the majority. Nor are members the majority. The majority are the hundreds, if not thousands of players who come to Jay1 and play daily, weekly, monthly, whatever- and are not on the forums. And of course, there will be folks who say "I don't play here as often because of xyz". Jay1 still fills all of it's slots every single day. In fact right now, 51 of 51 slots are filled. Tell me that server isn't at it's peak.


This is an expensive proposition. There is just so much to lose by even just "trying things out". How many times have you gone in to see if there was a way you could make something better- whether it's a car, a computer, a protocol in the office, etc... and at the end of the day you sat there and thought "Wish I never even touched this."


I think before we even get too far into this, if there's enough people out there that want these different settings- maybe we could set up a test server. Have an announcement and a banner that invites people to visit this server and give feedback on whether they like it or not.  But there's already like 10+ =F|A= servers all with different settings... I don't know how that isn't good or doesn't fill a wide enough player base.

Edited by Xernicus
Little more to the point, concise. Hopefully :p
  • Like 1
  • Platinum VIP
Posted (edited)

People on the forums are not the majority. Nor are members the majority. The majority are the hundreds, if not thousands of players who come to Jay1 and play daily, weekly, monthly, whatever- and are not on the forums. And of course, there will be folks who say "I don't play here as often because of xyz". Jay1 still fills all of it's slots every single day. In fact right now, 51 of 51 slots are filled. Tell me that server isn't at it's peak.


This is an expensive proposition. There is just so much to lose by even just "trying things out". How many times have you gone in to see if there was a way you could make something better- whether it's a car, a computer, a protocol in the office, etc... and at the end of the day you sat there and thought "Wish I never even touched this."


I think before we even get too far into this, if there's enough people out there that want these different settings- maybe we could set up a test server. Have an announcement and a banner that invites people to visit this server and give feedback on whether they like it or not.  But there's already like 10+ =F|A= servers all with different settings... I don't know how that isn't good or doesn't fill a wide enough player base.

in 2 hours there will be bots on each team. In 6 hours there will nbe 2 players per team and the rest bots for the next 6 hours after that. That's not peaking. It's just filled for a peak time slot


Dude, going from 7+ rifle nades to 3 is not going to empty the server. I mean, be real. Aren't you one of the people that said you don't even play there?? if so, then you don't what people complain about and to answer DFighter using the same small example, 7+ rifle naders is not a good thing.


I'm pretty sure Jay 1 isn't getting thousands and thousands of different players, and even if they did get 1000, 850 of them come rarely.


I like the idea of a test server, but I just don['t see many people leaving a populated server to go to a test server. I might be wrong, but just a feeling I have 

Edited by -=HipKat=-

Well as a Jay1 regular, you'd know better than I would. All I'm trying to say is that it doesn't make sense to be testing stuff out on a flagship server. I have no issues with the suggestions, think they're great stuff. I might play more there with less explosions- but I wonder "why are this no. of players using grenades/riflenades/explosives if they're so unpopular?". Logs are also checked on a frequent and regular basis... if so many players would be complaining, I have a hard time believing that things wouldn't be changed. :hmm

FYI, just because some of us may not play there frequently doesn't mean that we don't pop in. It also doesn't mean that we don't care. In fact the only reason why I'm posting is because I care. Others are posting because they care. We're trying to make sense of what all's being suggested, and how it will affect the server. Like I said earlier, my input may not be super valuable, but myself and others do pop into Jay1.

In any event, this is starting to get a bit off topic... let's keep this on the rails. Good discussion though. :)

  • Like 4
  • Platinum VIP

And I shouldn't make it sound like people are just always complaining, that's not the case, so I'm sorry if I sounded like it's that way. 

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I think jay1 has a bit of a nade / rnade/ panzer / mortar / arty (explosions) problem. 


Except in map ruins, I hardly know any map where there is nade-spam, arty spam is in every map .



Also I don't know if all of this is possible but maybe we can have a longer delay between arty strikes to decrease arty spam a bit, sometimes it just gets too much. 


Yes  , I'd like to request same. So much arty now some just use arty to rate lol. 


We should also (if possible) put a maximum amount of players using a class, for example max 8 medics. This should also encourage players to play different classes such as engineer, field ops or covert ops. Which would encourage people to play for the OBJ rather than kills.


If you want to encourage people to go for objective you have to find another way while being on server, limiting a class or typing in caps again and again like panzerfasut, will not lead you anywhere. People come sometimes just to frag, and doing object is not their thing... like me :D




I agree with chuckun, from what I think settings are fine enough.... And people gather here for these excessive nades and knives only ... If someone complains about it we have different servers for that, there is hardcore too for this things 

I want my 8 knives back which joedirt took away :/


 One map that was during full server, I got hit by 7 different people with r'nades. That's crazy. 


 I mostly die with 1 rnade , you counted almost all who shot at you "together" , like 7 .  More weed everyday.




 Jay1 is definitely a "pub" server, with an easy going, relaxed atmosphere- and a place where we can all relax and enjoy the game. 


Only when you are smoking something good and don't give a fk, else it's complicated there.  :D :D  .




if so, then you don't what people complain about and to answer DFighter using the same small example, 7+ rifle naders is not a good thing.


People mostly  complain about maps or lag . and a very  simple thing  "you just can't satisfy every1 , somebody out there always complain of something.  


I'm pretty sure Jay 1 isn't getting thousands and thousands of different players, and even if they did get 1000, 850 of them come rarely.

Unless they change name and pretend to be some one else . 










  • Like 2

I want my 8 knives back which joedirt took away :/

I would like the same request :P but we already had a long controversial discussion about reducing so I doubt about this xD

  • Platinum VIP
Posted (edited)

I want my 8 knives back which joedirt took away :/

Yeah, over the course of the math, seven different people with rifle

Edited by -=HipKat=-

Imo we should twerk other server to make them more popular then changing our best server.


Some nice ideas here and I also understand the "Why fix something that isn't broken" camp. How about imposing limits only on certain maps? For example limiting rnades to 2 per team on maps with multiple choke points. Like Ruins or Oasis (once it gets back in rotation). It would make a huge difference for the attacking team. This way there's no risk scaring the regulars off and it might actually draw more people on maps otherwise considered unwinnable.

  • Like 1

Imo we should twerk other server to make them more popular then changing our best server.

if you want people to play on other servers then dont have a server that holds about 33% of the clan's population (calculated from exactly now) and cut it down so more people get redirected

  • Administrators

Their is a reason - we provide wide variety of servers. All the points you mentioned are available on our other servers. 


Jay1 =/= HC =/= Silent1 =/= Beginners #1 =/= Jay2 =/= NQ


Jay1 = Fun, chit chat, server. You can't expect 100% objective game play from it. It achieves more then 60% and I am all good with it. 


HC = Those settings are available on hardcore. Making it similar to ETPRO except spawn times and few things. 


silent1 = Little more relaxed then hardcore.


NQ = Different weapons, different game play, more then 50-70% obj style play - Go for NQ servers. 


Beginners2 = silent1 version  - but different players and different mindset. 


Jay2 = Adren lovers, regular shooting, vsays game play with less then 50% obj. 


Jay3 = Adren, fast shooting, vsays, TB scores, etc game play.


ETPRO = Welcome to competitive ET. 


What you are asking is converting Porsche to Toyota - Will that happen? No. Both are different class. Pick the server closer to the settings you are referring and we can tweak that up and see how it goes. 

  • Like 4
Posted (edited)

Their is a reason - we provide wide variety of servers. All the points you mentioned are available on our other servers. 


Jay1 =/= HC =/= Silent1 =/= Beginners #1 =/= Jay2 =/= NQ


Jay1 = Fun, chit chat, server. You can't expect 100% objective game play from it. It achieves more then 60% and I am all good with it. 


HC = Those settings are available on hardcore. Making it similar to ETPRO except spawn times and few things. 


silent1 = Little more relaxed then hardcore.


NQ = Different weapons, different game play, more then 50-70% obj style play - Go for NQ servers. 


Beginners2 = silent1 version  - but different players and different mindset. 


Jay2 = Adren lovers, regular shooting, vsays game play with less then 50% obj. 


Jay3 = Adren, fast shooting, vsays, TB scores, etc game play.


ETPRO = Welcome to competitive ET. 


What you are asking is converting Porsche to Toyota - Will that happen? No. Both are different class. Pick the server closer to the settings you are referring and we can tweak that up and see how it goes.

if we can make jay2 a EU server with TSP rating enabled than I am all for it. If you are able to create a list of incoming IPs you should really check how many of your players are EU and how many of your servers are. Good silent servers: silent1, HC, both US. Good Jay servers: Jay1, Jay2, both US. Subjectively speaking of course

Edited by Dest!Ny

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