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I think jay1 has a bit of a nade / rnade/ panzer / mortar / arty (explosions) problem. And after looking at the amount of grenades each class has I was kinda confused to be honest.


Soldier, Medic, Fops, engie and covie all have 4 nades. Imagine 20 players on each team with 4 nades. 20x4=80 nades in one spawn time, in only 1 team. So 2 teams= 160 nades. Then add the Arty, mortar, panzer, rnades,.. U see what I'm trying to say here, continious explosions during a full server. IF possible, I think we should limit rnades to 3 on both teams, and reduce the amount of nades on classes drastically except engineer class. On jay1 not a lot of players go for objective so I think we should give them an advantage by giving them some extra nades compared to other classes.


Medic->1 nade (Medic is without a doubt the best class, so I think we should reduce the amounts of nades to compensate with their amount of health and capability of healing themselves) 

Soldier->2 nades (Soldier is a pretty weak class if u take away Panzer, Mortar. MG42 is only good in some situations)

Field Ops->3 nades (Field ops is a very good class tbh, if played by a teamplayer. That's why I think we should give him 3 or 2 nades so people will try grab fops above soldier or medic for example)

Engineer-> 5 nades (I hope people will use engineer more when they have some extra nades compared to other classes, on jay1 OBJ most of the time isn't the primary thing maybe buffing the engineer class a bit would change something a bit

Covert Ops-> 3 nades (Covie can be very good in some maps to complete the obj, but unfortuantly doesn't get played very often except on long range maps such as Minas Tirith for example)


Also I don't know if all of this is possible but maybe we can have a longer delay between arty strikes to decrease arty spam a bit, sometimes it just gets too much. 


We should also (if possible) put a maximum amount of players using a class, for example max 8 medics. This should also encourage players to play different classes such as engineer, field ops or covert ops. Which would encourage people to play for the OBJ rather than kills.


Just some thoughts since jay1 can get messy sometimes.



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  • Senior Member

On Jay1 (or on any other ET server) I very rarely use nade (except r.nade), so Im not against limiting the grenade amount. But I like to have many r.nade


On Jay1 (or on any other ET server) I very rarely use nade (except r.nade), so Im not against limiting the grenade amount. But I like to have many r.nade

Well the thing with many rnades is that it's kinda the same as a nade but even better, u can launch it so far. And too many rnades makes 10000000 explosions a second

  • Like 1

I agree with chuckun, from what I think settings are fine enough.... And people gather here for these excessive nades and knives only :P... If someone complains about it we have different servers for that, there is hardcore too for this things :)

  • Like 3
  • Platinum VIP
Posted (edited)

Those other servers lack the things that draw people to Jay 1, which is what makes Jay 1 so popular. It's a well setup, well admin'd Jaymod server with a good selection of maps and regulars that have played there for years. Many JM players don't like Silent or NQ. Not everyone likes the rapid fire on Jay3, and keeping the ETpro servers full is impossible


I don't agree with limiting nades per class, but with limiting rifle nades per team instead. One map that was during full server, I got hit by 7 different people with r'nades. That's crazy. If there can be limits on Mortar, flame and panzer, as r'nade is a long range heavy weapon that does enough damage to get multikills with 1 shot, I think it should be limited also

Edited by -=HipKat=-
  • Like 1

Jay1 has always been our most popular server and therefore the most popular server on ET.


Based on that I would say settings are fine and it would be a huge risk to change anything.

I've gotta agree with this.


Jay1 has always been our most popular server and therefore the most popular server on ET.


Based on that I would say settings are fine and it would be a huge risk to change anything.

not a lot of places they can go to besides other FA servers tbh, in my opinion the only reason FA is popular is because it is well admin'd and being kept up to date. FA definitely doesnt have the best serversettings I have seen, in some cases it might not even be very close but the difference in admining is monumental

  • Like 2

Maybe we can try and test some little things and see what the people on the server think of it. If people don't like it we change it back?

EDIT: Reason for me saying btw is because all admins disagree and 2 regulars partially agree.

  • Like 2
  • Platinum VIP

Maybe we can try and test some little things and see what the people on the server think of it. If people don't like it we change it back?

EDIT: Reason for me saying btw is because all admins disagree and 2 regulars partially agree.

I do like the idea of testing little things, 1 or a few at a time. Make a small change, give it a week, and so on

  • Like 1

I do like the idea of testing little things, 1 or a few at a time. Make a small change, give it a week, and so on

I like this idea, it'll give us enough time to gather opinions on the change we make. If the majority doesn't like it we don't change it.
  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

Jay1 is a tricky server to change because it is our first and flagship server. I'll admit, I don't play there often... so I can't say how often settings get changed, and what all has been done in the past... My input probably isn't going to super valuable either. However, I think that in this case- with a server that fills all of its slots every single day, which is and has been the #1 ranked ET server for over 7 years, the eternal wisdom applies: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".

I do agree with some of your suggestions Smiley- but I think they would be better applied to one of our Silent Mod servers such as Silent Recruiting, or Hardcore which are more focused on the original ET framework-- working as a team, objective completion, supporting teammates, etc. Jay1 is definitely a "pub" server, with an easy going, relaxed atmosphere- and a place where we can all relax and enjoy the game. 
The suggestions regarding class restrictions, grenade limitations, etc I feel would be more for an 'ETPro' environment server- which is what Silent Mod was designed for imo.

Edited by Xernicus
grammar correction
  • Like 6

Jay1 is a tricky server to change because it is our first and flagship server. I'll admit, I don't play there often... so I can't say how often settings get changed, and what all has been done in the past... My input probably isn't going to super valuable either. However, I think that in this case- with a server that fills all of its slots every single day, which is and has been the #1 ranked ET server for over 7 years, the eternal wisdom applies: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it".


I do agree with some of your suggestions Smiley- but I think they would be better applied to one of our Silent Mod servers such as Silent Recruiting, or Hardcore which are more focused on the original ET framework-- working as a team, objective completion, supporting teammates, etc. Jay1 is definitely a "pub" server, with an easy going, relaxed atmosphere- and a place where we can all relax and enjoy the game. 

The suggestions regarding class restrictions, grenade limitations, etc I feel would be more for an 'ETPro' environment server- which is what Silent Mod was designed for imo.

I agree with most of what you say. Jay1 has indeed been the highest ranked server for a very long time now. And indeed jay1 is mainly a place where people go because of the atmosphere and the chatting we do there, that's the reason why I visit jay1 because I personally prefer silent way more because of the few explosions happening there. And the OBJ based game that happens there, which lacks in jay1 a lot IMO. And I indeed think that it would give a bit more of an "ETPro" feeling, but maybe people will prefer it to the feel in gameplay that jay1 has atm. I don't think any harm will be done if we tweak a few little things and see what the public thinks of it, and not only what we think of it.

  • Like 1

I agree with most of what you say. Jay1 has indeed been the highest ranked server for a very long time now. And indeed jay1 is mainly a place where people go because of the atmosphere and the chatting we do there, that's the reason why I visit jay1 because I personally prefer silent way more because of the few explosions happening there. And the OBJ based game that happens there, which lacks in jay1 a lot IMO. And I indeed think that it would give a bit more of an "ETPro" feeling, but maybe people will prefer it to the feel in gameplay that jay1 has atm. I don't think any harm will be done if we tweak a few little things and see what the public thinks of it, and not only what we think of it.

You would be surprised. Small changes can truly kill a server, as proven many times in the past with other servers.


I am sure your points are valid for you and many others but if people weren't overall satisfied with the settings it would not be so popular and the atmosphere would not be what it is today.

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Jay1 is one of the most populated F|A servers and i don't think that limiting the amount of grenades will do any good... people seem to be satisfied with what they have

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