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ET Server Suggestion New !commands suggestion

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  • Senior Member

I have some ideas for new commandson the servers. I don't know if they are feasable in Jay, I know these worked on N!t


!afk : puts yourself to spec. level : 11+ (?)

!owned : displays the last person you killed and a text like "I owned you [k]". level : 1 or 2+ (?)

!teams : plays a short sounds that draws people's attention to the unevenness of the teams and diplays a short text them asking to fix the teams. Last time the sound was "nerd alert" from Austin Powers. level : 11+ (?)


So, what do you think?


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  • Senior Member

I guess it's settled then.

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If you want to go spec easily when afk, just /bind key team s will do the trick as well :)

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  • Senior Member

I have already done that, but sometimes I just go spec, and not afk, hence this could make difference

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I had a great little thing typed out. It got lost when I closed my browser... :mellow:


So, we already have a script that automatically !puts a player to spec if they're inactive for 5 minutes.

If you're referring to having a visible (AFK) Flag, or an automatic response "This player is AFK" if you PM a player, I'm not convinced that's such a good idea.

!owned could be fun. It would also be a spam fest... We have at least one NQ server with a vsay or cmd like that, and it gets annoying. Perfectly feasible, but it would be equally easy to create a unique bind.

!teams... Well we don't have that one on JayMod, it's only a  NQ/silEnT mod thing atm. Personally, I'd rather get some Lua scripts together to replicate !howfair.
90% of those who would use the !teams cmd either don't know how to read the scores, or aren't familiar with maps, their progression, choke points, and all of that good stuff. That's a solid idea though.

Rest assured that I and others check the scores when they see teams mentioned in the main chat or via PM. We usually move ourselves accordingly.


Thank you very much for the suggestions! We'll keep them in mind.

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Since this is discussion about commands for all servers, it'd be nice to see B#2 commands/banners fixed. Many commands dont work at all and most of the banners are useless. Would need banners for not messing teams after shuffle and about rushing, maybe similar commands would be nice too. I have said about this few times already.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • Administrators

Since this is discussion about commands for all servers, it'd be nice to see B#2 commands/banners fixed. Many commands dont work at all and most of the banners are useless. Would need banners for not messing teams after shuffle and about rushing, maybe similar commands would be nice too. I have said about this few times already.


I fixed up 1 non working command and sync'd it. let me know which ones I missed. 

Yes I realy miss the! Shuffle on beg2


2 maps auto shuffle doesn't happen anymore? 

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!afk : puts yourself to spec. level : 11+ (?)

/bind [button] team s; say "^>=^0F^>|^0A^>=^0Vind^>s^0tot is AFK"; name "^>=^0F^>|^0A^>=^0Vind^>s^0tot AFK"


!owned : displays the last person you killed and a text like "I owned you [k]". level : 1 or 2+ (?)

/bind [button] "vsay Cheer ^7I owned you [k]"


!teams : plays a short sounds that draws people's attention to the unevenness of the teams and diplays a short text them asking to fix the teams. Last time the sound was "nerd alert" from Austin Powers. level : 11+ (?)

/bind [button] "vsay EnemyWeak ^3!!!^1TEAMS ARE UNEVEN^3!!!"


I fixed up 1 non working command and sync'd it. let me know which ones I missed. 


 Ok. !console command doesn't work at all. 


Could use some fix for these commands, as look like a line has jumped on a wrong one:


=F|A=RendeL: !rush
1)We have 5 mins no rush rule on this server. Don't finish the final objective in first 5 mins.
2)TJ is NOT allowed to complete the objective.
3)Talking in another languages is allowed up-to certain extent since it's Euro server.  <-- move this to !rules maybe?
=F|A=RendeL: !rules
Team Harassement Will Result In Kick.
Recruiting Will Result In Permanent Ban.
It'd be still nice to have a banner about no teamswitching after shuffle, because when shuffle goes off, ppl spread like a fart in the Sahara :D
Thanks for the work already done!
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Administrators

!console - removed. It wasn't supposed to be their to begin with. Was relic command from ETPUB days. 


Fixed other ones as well. I sync'd same command to all silent mod servers except Fun1.

  • Like 1
  • Administrators

I have some ideas for new commandson the servers. I don't know if they are feasable in Jay, I know these worked on N!t


!afk : puts yourself to spec. level : 11+ (?)

!owned : displays the last person you killed and a text like "I owned you [k]". level : 1 or 2+ (?)

!teams : plays a short sounds that draws people's attention to the unevenness of the teams and diplays a short text them asking to fix the teams. Last time the sound was "nerd alert" from Austin Powers. level : 11+ (?)


So, what do you think?


As Destiny give the sample - 1 and 2 - client can do it - 


!teams was already their - i added another version to get attention from 'ALL' players - which is restricted to level 8 and above. 


!teams1 - will say it without sound - current version no change

!teams2 - with sound. 

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