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Headshots vs Bodyshots


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If the player has the preference of doing this fast as Sh!t left and right strafe (SEGG,Rocket, applaud!,deviljin) I try to go for HS but if I miss the first two bullets, I'll switch to BS.


If the player tends to do the crouch shooting (Blacktail, Etplay, fishy') I go always for HS, because if they are far my BS will be weak and if I am close they will be more accurate than me.



I try to catch them in the back and rape them, that the only way i find to kill them :P

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But the question now is: Should I strafe or should I crouch? hmmmmm, I can smell a new thread coming.


About this, i started to crouch in close combat, and what i found is that i die more, cose most players aim for torso, and when i do that the aim for my head!


Now straf + crouch thats the real deal! :)

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But the question now is: Should I strafe or should I crouch? hmmmmm, I can smell a new thread coming.


Honestly it doesn't really matter that much comparing to ETPro, since hitboxes at jaymod/silent and normally any other mod are fked up enough, add to it lag and opponent's bad internet and u got urself a complete chaos that can't be predicted. How many times have i died standing behind a wall and still being hit by a bullet, cus of other guy warping like crazy and obviously ET hit registration is so great that the bullets go like matrix mode into my ass.


As for your questions, if we take into consideration for instance jaymod, on close fights, it def better to be using stamina for moving left and right as strafe means completely different, u strafe when u jump. Tho u have to know that at longer duels, its preferred that u are crouching, to lower your bullet spread and have more chances of hitting enemy, tho at certain cases, bodyshots are preferred over headshots cus of above mentioned reasons, as too many factors effect on the hit registry.


Try it out when u are playing, with long range duels crouching and slighty moving, but not too much to not gain movement spread, as for close duels, definitely combination of crouching and moving left to right while using your stamina bar to make it that more difficult for enemy to hit u.

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Cause of those mod differencies and ping, skill etc... I have stayed on just aiming head cause moving mouse to aim body seems just increase spread (eye and hand movement not maching). Of cause its more difficult just get head but I think its more on what is used to do and all those combined differencies (mod,ping,skill etc)



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  • 2 weeks later...

Talking about crouching, what conf. make me stop crouching and moving as a penguin. Its weird. lol 


Depends on what u have binded, u might want to put a bit more explination on your problem as well as pasting your cfg here.

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Didnt even make any diff. binds,  just reinstalled ET, and my crouchin when I go anywhere is like a walking penguin.

Not yet entirely sure what u mean by it, but do u mean u walk really slow and not making any footstep sound? If this is the case then its probably your bind for walk set unproperly. Can u post your cfg here, so i can see your binds and if that is the problem it shouldnt be hard to fix it.

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Didnt even make any diff. binds,  just reinstalled ET, and my crouchin when I go anywhere is like a walking penguin.

I think you're looking for this in your cfg:

seta cg_bobpitch 0

seta cg_bobroll 0

seta cg_bobup 0

seta cg_runpitch 0

seta cg_runroll 0


Most importantly the first 3.

Btw: would have been interesting to have a separate topic on this instead of discussing it on a headshot topic :D

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Thank you Platonic, seta cg_bobroll 0 fixed my problem. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I think best decision is shot at top part of body, near head. 

I think best decision is to shoot headshots. I'v never though of that but maybe thats why I'm so good since I kill enemies before they kill me. I just repeat it and seems its still working just fine after all these years. Lol.

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For me it depends on the distance.

I try to get headshots when near but if far I shot on the body, cause the boddy is bigger and the chance to hit is higher.

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If i have any spare time i'm trying to be as accurate on the head as i can, as that gives me great advantage by only landing that first 1 or 2 headshots. On other hand if i use rifles i try to aim only bodyshots, but then i really focuse on landing every single shot. (Not going to happen :D)

Personal favorite headshot hunting weapon is definetly STEN! B)

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I have seen really good players using different styles, some of them go for headshots, others go for bodyshots and there are ones that do a combination of both.



So what are your thoughts?




Hmm i think it's hard to decision for booth types of shots. Also I think sometimes in game you haven't a choice to choose if you want to kill with hr or bodyshot :D (not enough reaction, enemy appears to fast etc.)  so all in all is good combination of booth the best. When you have enough time for aim, you should aim with headshot and if you must react fast, you should shot with shots of body..


in addition some player train before they are playing their aim in some simulators :lol:  sometimes headshot simulator is funny xd

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