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Hello guys!

I want to share an idea with you from a past clan that I was in. I really liked the idea of an so called "entry song".

This option was available for donators, but we can be creative and allow it for donators and high-leveled members (or for all members).

The idea was like that- the particular player contact the person who is going to work on that, sending them the song that they want to be "inserted" as their entry song. It is no longer than 3-5 secs as I remember. 

The player provides the song and if it's a link tells from where to where to start and end. 

Actually as we already have a "special" text as members, i suggest this to be looked only for the donators.

So that players will know that those particular people has done something for our community, and the donators themselves will have a special entring on the server/s.

I am looking forward for your view about this.

If you have any questions I will try to answer them. 
I am not into how to make this work, but I hope the leaders know. :) 

Best regards,

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It's a good idea , we had it too in my past clan.

But it will take a while here , we are more than 100


nice idea, but mostly if only a short song.. :P short short, like half second :P

donators are a great help for this community and should feel a bit special when they join to servers.. :) 

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Great idea. Half a second is a bit short. I'd say it should be around 1.5 to 2 secs. Good way to appreciate donators for their contributions :D

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Yeah i like your idea. But i dont know if its possible to do. Maybe own song for different levels is better, if everyone choose they own song its so much more work to leaders.


Yeah i like your idea. But i dont know if its possible to do. Maybe own song for different levels is better, if everyone choose they own song its so much more work to leaders.

:agree . Own song for separate levels sounds good.

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The people that will make this will consider this for sure. I mean players won't  be allowed to choose those kinda sounds. 


its a great idea and yeah each level shld have a song for like 2-3 sec. Each player/member  shldnt give to select a particular that shall increase the work and might make a confusion and chaos. Each level gets a diff song will be a great idea 

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I do not like the idea, sorry, it would be smth disruptive and certainly the community is too great for adding sounds based on levels, which would require extra work that currently is not feasible.

Anyway, wait and see what clan owners say about it.

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I could understand this for Gold/Platinum VIP, though not for higher levels, or clan members imo. I personally like to sit relatively unnoticed on a server, and if I manage to sneak past some trolls, than all the better. At any rate, it would blow some of our... covert operations. :ph34r:

  • Like 1

It seems like a nice idea, I can see the pro's and cons for it.  


If it did happen, I don't think I'd be able to decide on one song  :unsure:

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