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E-life of (bad) SL Rater

Let me show you few glimpse of few pathetic players who just and just play for rating.


1st Day:

Hey I am back after break!


2nd Day:

I am going to start rating back soon!


3rd Day:

Oh hey I am back to rating! Watch my nick on SL!


4th Day:

Anh f*** this shit! Server lags!


5th Day:

f***ing pussies! Use guns and not panzer! Panzer noobs all around! (Although 1 panzer/team)


6th Day:

Anh f***! I can't rate shit.. OMFG My life sucks! I need new PC!


7th Day:

f***ing SL rating sucks.. OMFG SL team is shit!


8th Day:

f***ing need hax! (Looks for free hax)


8th Day (few hours Later):

Busted! Oh f***! I just download config from internet to play better! (Yeah right)


9th Day

I removed that shit (hax) and I am clean now! I am back to rating! (Yeah right like you ever left?)


10th Day

f*** this shit.. f***ing pussies fail clan server.. f***ing lags.. (yeah right like you have enough balls to pay for your server? f***ing using your dad's internet and still crying like lil b***? Yeah right good rater!)


11th Day

OMFG someone stole my nick! Oh f*** my rating is f***ed!! f***ing SL admins don't do shit.. mother f***ers just suck! (Yeah right like SL admin are there to please your **** all time!)


12th Day

f***ing fack server.. all noobs all over.. (yeah right like you are super shooter)..f***ing admins suck here.. they don't let me stack! fail clan!


13th Day

OMFG (posting complain on his forum) Hey guys u saw I got muted on blah blah clan and they banned me for SKILLS! Yeah right, like you were ever better?


14th Day

OMFG I am still banned. ***Posting complain on blah blah clan forums*** OMFG why you guys banned? I don't cheat? I play clean... ask anyone? (Yeah right who? Your buddies who are busted 3x times?)


15th Day

Goes on his clan forum and post link OMFG this clan banned.. bunch of noobs.. they ban of skills! (Yeah right like you told them you were banned for OVER BITCHING?)


16th Day

OMFG this rating sucks... i wanna play for fun..


17th Day

I am leaving this clan ( Yeah like when you where loyal to any clan?)


18th Day

This day goes in finding other clans... who are recruiting SL raters only!


19th Day

Post an app on 4-5 clans


20th Day

Most of the clan says wait please or he makes new SL page or joins another clan..


21st Day

Anh f*** this shit.. I am back to rating.. (Yeah right like you ever left team stacking rating)


I respect ALL good raters, but ALL are NOT good! I love all those players who rate by playing fair, teamwork and help others, but I don't give shit for all those suckers who just b***, b***, cheat and team stack.

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Hahah nice. This is so true. I have seen a lot just sit in spec until a spot opens up for a certain team. For some really shoddy raters, stacking is the only way they can maintain their rating (because they seriously suck haha. There are people in the top 100 who are even worse than me !! And if your worse than me, you should just uninstall XD)

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You forgot one..


'OMFG, I got - in the last map (Even if that is -0.000002)' :spam

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In my opinion all the exaggerated overuse of bad language is much more harmful to players than any blood and guts orgy because the dialogue is the first thing that affects most players. There/s a difference btw rating and beeing an a**h****!

Well done D!

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Is this the Bridget Jones's Diary? :P i could not help laughing with each passing day.

But this comedy is really sad, not as with the movie.

Awesome dare :)

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some of it was my past lol

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That was nice...., i actually laughed out LOUD .

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some of it was my past lol


I love you for accepting it. I just posted in my Blog what I have observed. I will soon post few more blogs, about my personal experience from player to admin, admin to clan member, clan member to clan leader and clan leader to few other things.


Few will get hurt( will hate me) after reading my blogs and few will like it. I will be total blunt and straight forward (all truth and will not be licking anyone) in my blogs. I will completely right down my journey in gaming world from 2005.


Feel free to point me my mistakes if I am wrong somewhere or if I had done something wrong and I will try to fix/change it! I am all open for talk!


PS This blogs come straight from Daredevil and not =F|A= Daredevil. :) It's time to tell world front and back end of gaming experience.



*pretends like he didnt read this and runs* damn you SL!



Few will get hurt( will hate me) after reading my blogs and few will like it. I will be total blunt and straight forward (all truth and will not be licking anyone) in my blogs. I will completely right down my journey in gaming world from 2005.

PS This blogs come straight from Daredevil and not =F|A= Daredevil. :) It's time to tell world front and back end of gaming experience.


Oh noes. I am starting to get scared now. Dares going to evaluate all of us !! Run for the Hills !!!! RUN FOR THE HILLS :o



awesome ! want to see more . Hope readers learn and correct their mistake , instead of getting e-hurt and butthurt.


10 Internet points for Dare :thanks



What you miss


Edit ) Omfg panzer, arty , rnade , mortar.. shit noobs every where , can't use gun ffs.



edit ) Missed bitching of map .. omg why this map is still here , this map suxs , lags , eats FPS , omg my FPS dropping .



wouhahaha TOTALLY :) well done , well about me its NUMBERs 2 and 4 a most of time true for short period since cant play ET always .. and Sometimes number 4 on Usa server , the rest im not concerned



Get a real gun nab


pfff nub lucker


lmao haxxor



Lol i just came from school to read this and it made my day, just gotta read more often but i chuckled here and there lol nice blog and keep it up

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Awww that's just too funny. But it's so true. :rolleyes:



I think Dare is talking from experience in the past lolz



I think Dare is talking from experience in the past lolz



I think Dare is talking from experience in the past lolz


yeah yeah forgot that... lmao ^^



Hell was never a rater , but yea defently a player in pursuit of excellence , he use to get angry sometimes cause he use to play with fingers instead of mouse on his lappy xD .


gud old days :)



I tried rating once, never was able to get past 16 rate, when I played best matches of my life rating actually went down :spam



you freakin stole my diary who gave you the key to my room.

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