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    Senior Software Developer at Vrbo

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    Frijoles, Buffett
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    Computers, music, books, politics
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  1. Thanks for the donation!  You "beat me to it"!  😄 

  2. Oooh!  I see that you had "popped in" here! 😄 

  3. That was such a "mixed message" that you had left in the Donation Topic that no reaction could cover the range of emotions that it invoked in me, GrandPa.


    Give GrandMa our best wishes, please. ❤️

  4. Allow me to perform necromancy.... I think the choice of language is primarily determined by your situation and the task at hand. For example, need to jam together a script to do some moderately complicated scripting? You could use Bash, but the syntax will make you cry, so maybe Python. The REPL is super nice for iterative development. Maybe you need to build a CLI tool for your shiny new API? Golang (Cobra) is the best choice, imo. Building a distributed system that needs good Kafka compatibility? I'd pick Java. Otherwise, take a look at your team. If you have a ton of folks who are very familiar with Python, maybe chose that over Golang (assuming performance is not critical), as the end product may be written much faster. A concrete example: My team was tasked with writing an API for a new distributed compute platform. We initially chose Java, as that was what I had been using before, and two of my teammates also. We ended up porting to Golang, because the majority of our new (much broader) team knew Go, and did not know Java, and since the performance was basically a wash, we chose the language most likely to garner contributions from the broader team. There are good and bad things about every language, even the traditional whipping boy PHP - a lot of folks pick up PHP as their first language, and denigrating it is like spitting in the face of those folks. I wouldn't personally choose to work with PHP or node.JS, but I don't fault those who do.
  5. Sorry it's been a hot minute, life has been...life. Wife is battling cancer, oldest daughter is boomeranging back home with a 7 month old (yes, I'm a grandfather now) and one more on the way. I mostly play on Insurgency, but I dropped into HC yesterday for the first time in probably 4-5 years, and duked it out with the bots. I'm a little rusty Anyways, dumped 500 into the kitty.
  6. 6jm42660xs6225536 7f089211wv509742t $280
  7. I've been playing on these servers for a few days, and they are a blast. They have medics (who can revive/heal), engineers (who can build stuff, like sandbag walls, stairs, ied jammer) and the expanded armory package (tons of really cool guns). They also have around 45 points to spend, and the ability to have two sidearms. They also run an unbelievable amount of bot waves (like 60-70 per checkpoint), so the game still feels balanced. Reminds me a bit of ET to be honest. I don't know what everyone else thinks, but our servers have been a bit dead every time I have checked recently. Think this might be a good way to get em going again. (I have tried camping our servers a bit, but hard to stick around for more than 15-20 minutes just by myself)
      • 4
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  8. Use a third party tool if you need to manage passwords. Fond of Dashlane myself.
  9. parrot

    Insurgency Suggestion A couple of suggestions

    1) Hardcore appears to either be bugged, or have a setting that's incorrect - after a successful map completion, it does not automatically provide the map selection screen, it just starts the same map over as if you had lost. 2) Spawn points are still an issue. I don't know that this is fixable, may just be game mechanics, but when too many bots are specified for a checkpoint, they do not all spawn at one time. Around half do, and then the rest spawn as the first ones get killed. This leads to unpleasant surprises, like bots magically appearing in a room you have already cleared. Having bots come from unexpected places is fine, but not impossible places lol.
  10. parrot

    Insurgency Insurgency Sandstorm

    The addition of vehicles makes me a bit apprehensive. I don't want another Battlefield. But the gameplay looks pretty good so far.
  11. You can try Discord - a lot of us hang out there even when not gaming. Otherwise, you can also try hitting forums and checking at the bottom of the screen to see who is active at that moment. By the way, appreciate the report and the way in which it was made (ie not getting hysterical). Would that everyone was as wise
  12. FA #1 Had a partner at first, then he got scared off. Finished last 4 checkpoints alone. (83:1)
  13. Linux God (aka Parrot)#9700
  14. Crashed a few minutes after joining the regular server. Crash dump is here if anyone is interested:https://pastebin.com/xCXireL6
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