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Maximo Decimo

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Maximo Decimo last won the day on June 30 2017

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    Maximo Decimo
  • Admin
  • Server
    Silent #1
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  • Location
    Sonora, Mexico


  • T-M
    ET: 9-9

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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. GHARIB
    3. D..X


      omg hello there good to see you its been so long 

      hope your well.

    4. Peter-


      Come visit silent 1 sometime bro <3. Miss you maxi pad <33333

  2. Maaaaaan saludos, hace mucho tiempo que no te dejas ver en el server, aun me acuerdo mucho de cuando jugábamos por horas =), espero que vuelvas pronto te mando un abrazo 😃

  3. Hello there. Time to time i'm still come here to read how the things going on. Im glad some of you still remember me and hope everyone is fine.
  4. yooooooohoooooooo

    1. Maximo Decimo

      Maximo Decimo

      Hello there, im alive , Yoyo

    2. tipsy


      Goooood  to see you.   your friend swiss army is around too, not sure if you remember him. 

    3. Maximo Decimo

      Maximo Decimo

      Of course i remember him and almost everyone. Time to time read the Telegram chat.

  5. Hello, community.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Maximo Decimo
    3. m00jii


      Hello, person 😁

    4. Luki


      He's alive! Hola!!! 😀

  6. I'm here, checking forum time to time but most of the time like a ghost because i am so absent since long time ago. Anyways, i good to hear about you
  7. My pc dead since 2015, it started to overheating and one day it doesnt turn on. I got tired of it and instead of fixing i simply got rid of it. Basically, i had only the pc in the office but now i have nothing jeje. Of couse, i need one for the office so im going to replace it and buy a new one.
  8. I think i choose the worst time to create new topics to say "hello" because my personal office pc decided to stop running since yesterday and here i am using my partner pc. But it does not prevents stop by and say i am still alive.
  9. Parcially gone. The work in the office intensified lately because some coworkers are on vacations and the rest of us have to deal with their jobs. I hope they come back soon.
  10. Hello guys, i hope some of you still remember this noob player who was ausent for quite some months (or a year). I prefer introduce myself again becuase im sure the community is bigger now: My name is Maximo Decimo, i used to play in Silent 1 Server, my e-home. I play ET since 2004. I am a formal member since 2009 until 2015, the year that my pc got too old and slow and i threw it away in one of those days you are in bad mood. Since that day, i only used the pc in office to open the forum to stay in contact with all of you, i helped as much as i could but without stay in touch with the game, i lost little by little the interest and the mood. I have to confess i never thought in leave the clan, i love ET and so =F|A=. The main reason i was out of the clan all this tiem was the job and the new compromises as a husband (and with Overwatch in ps4, jeje). For those who knows me better, im still working in the same place but with some more responsabilities than before and, to be honest, from Monday to Friday, i only have around 1 hour at day to play whatever i want. During weekends i have much time to spend in games and normally spent it playing Overwatch and, recently, Breath of the Wild. I still do not have a desktop pc, i dont know when im going to buy one. But i still want to help as the member with title that my friends granted me. Officially i want to say: im sorry for being AFK all this time without saying a word, sorry for unattend the clan and the servers. Well, thats all for now. See you soon
  11. And now, our country will be the point of his attacks, he hates México more than other countries. Unfortunately, we have tons of troubles with corrupt politicians, the drugs and now we have to deal with his campaing proposals. We have to be prepare, economically talking, for the big problems that México and the rest of the world has to pass through.
  12. I'm close to be an old fart here but, indeed, I should introduce myself again
  13. I will be there, noobs.
  14. Is a hard question to explain but i will try: "para" is a preposition, it is use more likely as a goal. I would like to give a couple of examples: - Tengo un regalo para ti / I have a gift for you - Necesito dinero para comprar un videojuego / I need morey to buy a videogame. In both sentences, the reason of use "para" is like reach an objective, a goal. Now, the word "por" is also a preposition and it has the meaning of "pass by" or a "place". 2 Examples: - ¿No hay una gasolinera por aqui cerca? / Isnt there a gas station around here? - Ayer pase por tu casa / Yesterday i passed by your home Is not quite easy to explain but i hope, at least, my explanation helped to understand the usage of both words.
  15. one left, cheaters busted, a welcome back and a smiling "face".

    1. audrey


      Very interesting news I bet but welcomeee baack.

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