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    Hardcore ET
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    New York

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  1. Welcome back dude!!!! Bring the nogood back!

    1. Hulk


      I have seen nogood in nq2 few times :) Wb!

  2. I hope I can transfer Xbox 360 data to PS4 somehow. I really don't want to start over my online profile. This game was fun with friends and I hope I can get back into it with better graphics and game modes
  3. LA_Kings_Fan must be really happy. 3-0. It's over in my book
  4. http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/60537-bf3-sale100-off/
  5. I can't even remember. I think 12 Years a Slave from netflix DVD. I didn't really like it, because after a minute into the movie, I remember seeing the old ass version from back in the day which was way better in my opinion. Some of you older folks like Ol' Smoke or Docwarren might have seen it (Solomon Northup's Odyssey).
  6. lol true. I'd destroy you in FIFA btw.
  7. Latino555


    Lol Phil hellmuth raging
  8. What!? I thought Finland was so nice.
  9. Lol it was very tempting to donate higher than your $100, but then I thought it would be a **** move. I want pics
  10. I'm pretty sure F|A had a red orchestra 2 forum section too @tulsaGeoff yeah, I check everyday looking to jump on a good 500gb / 1tb ssd deal
  11. Yeah, saw it on slickdeals front page
  12. Huh.. I'm surprised nobody has said "seaside" yet lol
  13. It's his next drawing.
  14. Well, yeah... P2P and torrenting? I'm in. lol
  15. Like, if he's in-game and people are typing in another language, can he copy a line from the console and paste it into a translator? I don't think it's possible, but that would be cool if the game were updated and allowed copying from console.
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