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    IT Recruiter

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    =F|A=Nader SHAH
  • Admin
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    Hardcore ET
  • Gender
  • Interests
    I love to hike, ski, visit new countries, eat good food, and read many books.
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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Seasons greetings everyone :)

    1. LazyHippo


      Much appreciated Nader, same to you and your family :)

      Are you on Hardcore or no server lately?

    2. CheepHeep


      Saw him yesterday. Still nub. :P:D <3

    3. LazyHippo


      LoL Cheep, he just rusty :P

  2. Happy Early thanksgiving everyone :)

    1. RedBaird


      You are not too early...I am already seeing Black Fridays adverts!

    2. Nancy
    3. Peaceman33




      Same to you and your family :) enjoy and cheers!!

  3. I also like PS4 because its computing power is supposedly more advanced than xBox, can anyone verify if that's true?
  4. Have fun, see you when you get back And thank you for the notification!
  5. Welcome to server Matthias Hope you enjoy your games!
  6. In the spirit of learning more about our fellow gamers, what are some countries you have all visited and what was your experience? You can feel free to share a story, make list, or simply even tell us what countries you would WANT to visit I'll start!! I am from the United States, and I recently got back from a trip to India to celebrate my best friend's wedding. The most interesting thing about India was the fact that animals openly roam the streets alongside humans, even on highways!!! It was not uncommon for roads to be blocked by herds of buffalo and cows lol, I was shocked when I saw them just casually walk by the cars!!
  7. Is the FBI able to track the hackers network IP to see where the attack originated from?
  8. Back from vacation!! Sorry for being MIA!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. RedBaird


      Hey, that is okay! You have a Life to Live to the Fullest! :D

    3. captnconcrete


      hope u had fun .. now back to fragging on.!

    4. NaderSHAH


      Lets just say my internet connection in India was non-existent. Looking forward to seeing you all on the servers guys :)

  9. What is everyone's thoughts between the two? I am leaning towards purchasing a PS4, but I am unsure because XBox typically has all the good games (Halo, etc) Thoughts?
  10. PS4 or Xbox 1. Thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raw64life


      PS4. Going forward every single Xbox game will also be on PC. Literally no exclusives.

    3. SwissMan
    4. iCiCeLzz
  11. Can you check the W:ET again? gengis confirmed it when i was on earlier but I want to double check. I also listed the last 8 digits on my profile
  12. Team, I am back online and able to play. However: 1.) I lost all my XP 2.) I lost all my configs 3.) I lost my levels..... Is there any chance to get these back? :-/ I did what Annibol said and put those 2 folders back where they belong, and it still made me create a new username. I'm scared to touch anything because i'm happy to be back online.....
  13. I think this is the option I am going to try... I'll keep you all posted
  14. Guys - nothing has worked I have tried re-installing pk3 files, and it has not worked. I tried downloading 2.60b, and that also hasn't worked. Am I doing something wrong? Are there ANY other options?
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