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    ShotguN VirtuosO
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    ET: 3-3

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  1. Steaks 4Ever
  2. 😩
  3. hell no minas remove 😕
  4. Merry Xmas to everyone
  5. Also in my opinion CHartow shud get removed since when it goes to play nobody likes it . And replace with cortex for example 😄 and ye i agree with masa at minas thingy its too short or jsut add version with 1h timer and without time increasing when u destroy gates it shud work better also.
  6. That shudnt be problem i expect minas will be voted when there will be full server or atleast enough players and no bots. Its not voted when theres empty server as i know.
  7. theres no minas 😕 or im blind ( ah yes im blind sry ) im for mlbs maps cuz they r big which nq server needs, in other i like golden dunk map and also that Cortex
  8. Autoshuffle is worthy for admins like im , cuz i dont have comand to do shuffle when teams r unfair and needs shuffle. More needed wuld be function when teams r uneven, (for example 5v8)that server will warn players that there will be picked (ins 10 sec for example )one random player from team with more players to move to team with less players, so teams would stay fair whoel time even without admins on server. Thats my opinion. but surely dont remove autoshuffle also its worthy
  9. Happy birthday bruh , wish u good luck and stay healthy . Enjoy ur day and see u on nq ( DRUNK ! )
  10. BaBeLo

    ET NQ #1 Venom recoil

    Im happy with that, IT needs skill to Ride that wpn xdd So i think its ok
  11. Flame is quite broken as u surely know. Dmg of flame is at another lvl lol u need like 3-4 clouds of fire to kill medic with 156hp so wtf... about rifles ill not talk their dmg is high aswell and every team has like 5-6 rifles when server is full so its quite annoyin too with that dmg. So well if u dnt FF or self dmg, lower the dmg every single eng plays with rifle on nq1 except me, im the only one shotgun user on server ( but shotgun needs some aim to kill anyone while flame and rifle just do dmg in area af) so yeh
  12. Nobody can see in flame ofc, cuz ppls dont care where they shoot, they just run with flame on a spreading it everywhere thats why i would like to have flame with ability to kill his owner when He/She just run with it( And yea ik why u Will defense flame cuz u basically never use any other wpn ford ) but Its Ur choice, but for many ppls its just annoyin thing to fight ppls which r only running with that wpn And ruining whole map with it. And about shotgun u need to have good Aim to do 1shot kills Its not like flame or panzer .
  13. I would like to have ff disabled but somehow make flame able to kill the owner only not teammates if its even posible so idk. thats why i posted this topic.
  14. I dnt mean friendly fire liek that u will flame ur teammates but u should be able to flame urself when u run with flame. Cuz now all just press mouse and run with flame on and nobody see anything and flamer will not die cuz he cant die by his own flame.
  15. Hoi, idk if its not here already, but i would like to say something about flamethrower on NQ1 server, and i hope it could be reworked or changed. First of all its annoyin to play vs player who use flame 24/7 but well its his choose but flame dmg on NQ1 is like 1 cloud of flame is killing u like paper, so first things is if the dmg of flame could be lowered. Second thing i would love it ( and many others too) that flame user should be able to flame himself if he will run with it, cuz ppls just fire and jumping around no matter on aim and its heroicly annoyin to play vs that, and ff of flame would be rly good thing cuz ppls wouldnt take it that often cuz they would die before they kill something. Well thats all from me i hope i didnt missed topic about flamethrower somewhere. BaBeLo 😌
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