idk if its not here already, but i would like to say something about flamethrower on NQ1 server, and i hope it could be reworked or changed. First of all its annoyin to play vs player who use flame 24/7 but well its his choose but flame dmg on NQ1 is like 1 cloud of flame is killing u like paper, so first things is if the dmg of flame could be lowered. Second thing i would love it ( and many others too) that flame user should be able to flame himself if he will run with it, cuz ppls just fire and jumping around no matter on aim and its heroicly annoyin to play vs that, and ff of flame would be rly good thing cuz ppls wouldnt take it that often cuz they would die before they kill something. Well thats all from me i hope i didnt missed topic about flamethrower somewhere.
BaBeLo 😌