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jballou last won the day on November 22 2017

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  1. So a few things here. 1. Commando Mode gives bots near-perfect aim (MG and Sniper in particular), and doubles their health and supply. So, in most cases, a bolt action shot to the chest of a bot will no longer be a one hit kill. 2. The player indicators are not optional, as with most of the NWI playlist stuff changing it will get you delisted. 3. The lack of indicators leads to -A LOT- of team killing, especially with the custom uniforms for all factions. ​4. I've always had better luck by increasing bot count and adjusting difficulty CVARs than using the Elite or Commando modes. ​5. I'd like to have the initial server for recruiting be a way to ease into the much more difficult #2 server. 6. There is a maximum of 47 players and bots -COMBINED- in these games, so if we have 12 humans we can only have 35 bots. I found the ideal in Insurgency was 32 bots to 6 players, in DoI it seems to be 32 to 8. ​7. The best place to dial difficulty is to make it very hard to win with 1/2 server full. So, in an 8 player server it should be hard but doable for a squad of 4. For 12 player, this means 6 is the smallest viable unit to win, and with a smaller player base than Insurgency it's going to result in a lot of frustration. We either end up with something too hard to beat with a small group, which makes them leave and never reach a full squad, or it becomes a cake walk when the server is full.
  2. jballou

    Insurgency Help cant connect on coop2

    Fixed that, also created a new theater with the weapons Red asked for put back in.
  3. jballou

    Insurgency Insurgency Sandstorm

    The writing.... They really need to get a veteran involved in writing that dialog.....
  4. tfw u fight off the communists and then go to jail for it
  5. jballou

    Insurgency Help cant connect on coop2

    Actually this may be due to my SSL cert on the fastdl server. Let me check it out.
  6. Dark on Netflix. It's uplifting and delightful.
  7. Or, we could stop getting our dicks twisted over who isn't "looking the part" of American, and focus on the issues we all need to look at. Tax reform is a band-aid just like the ACA was. In both cases, the parties sold out and removed the good parts of their proposals to do favors for special interest so they could get the votes. The sooner people realize this government is not acting in the interest of the people, regardless of "party", the sooner we can start really fixing things. Everyone in this country is getting smashed between the twin millstones of taxation and inflation. The dollar is losing its near monopoly on global reserve currencies. Our schools are getting worse by the year due to the "fix" that the last partisan hacks tried. Our people are getting sick more frequently and with more chronic preventable diseases than any other first-world nation. Our jobs market is imploding because we have removed all the regulations that protected workers, and replaced them with regulations creating corporate-friendly markets in which small businesses are suffocated or bought out. So, wish me a happy Kwanza, or Merry Christmas, but don't believe the hype that this tax bill is anything but another false promise by ideologically bankrupt criminals. We really need to fire the entire government and start fresh with regular people who want to improve the average American's quality of life. Quit paying your taxes, buy a rifle, and be ready to help reform or replace the entire system with a better system in the next few years. Otherwise, while we blame other citizens for our shared suffering, we're going to be driven into the ground by the special interests.
  8. New configs are up, I have a thread in the DoI game forum with the changes ( https://fearless-assassins.com/topic/91059-doi-server-1-changes/?do=findComment&comment=788661 ). Please head over, let me know what you guys think.
  9. jballou

    Insurgency Tutorial Insurgency stats viewer

    http://jballou.com/insurgency/stats.php A tool I made a long time ago, it directly reads the game files to generate a stats view. The interface isn't great, but if you ever wondered how much damage the M16 with AP will do at 88 meters against a guy in light armor, now you can find out. Also works for Day of Infamy.
      • 6
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  10. Great guide, we should work to get more of these going. One thing these two items aren't correct: Hipfiring with the shotguns will sightly decrease the shotgun damage. While also silencing the noise of the shotgun, The Suppressor also decreases the shotgun damage. There is no damage modifier for hipfire or suppressors, although hipfiring usually means some of the pellets won't strike the enemy as precisely as aimed fire.
  11. It's Day of Infamy. We don't have tactical comms
  12. This is nonsense
  13. In-depth guide for how the grenades work, lots of charts and explanations of things most people won't know. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1200681541 Performance and FPS tweaks: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835323831 Entrenchment Guide (general theory and a few map-specific tips worth reading): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1106855926
  14. So I am going to start doing some basic movement and mechanics training on the server this coming week. It will need to be sometime between 1200-1800 EST on a weekday. We usually have a good crew around 1400 EST, I'm thinking that would be a good time to get people on. Let me know what you guys think, I'll post up a poll or event once we have the times worked out.
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