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Wooter last won the day on December 15 2016

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  • Admin
  • Server
    Beginners #2
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  • Interests
    Photography, outdoors, love, happiness


  • T-M

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  1. Hey Rendel, long time man! Actually I've been playing a lot of ET lately, but only TJ. So its not a mac/ET problem. Its a problem with the mod that beginners2 is running on. I believe thats also the problem/solution that you are posting.. It is a solution but its a whole hassle, a bit too much for me man. Would really love the play beg2 again tho.
  2. Ah good to hear my friend. Wish I could play but Beg2 doesn't support mac users!!
  3. Hey guys, I've been a FA admin on Beg2 for years, but after ET Legacy or mac came with a update a few years ago I wasn't been able to play the game ever since. I tried some stuff but in the end i gave up on it and had to say good bye to ET. Although I haven't played in 2 years I always remained in contact with some players. Yooxi and Insane told me to reach out to members on the forum. Whenever i try to log in to beginners2 i get this prompt: VM Create on cgame failed. I've tried googling it, and also looked in the forums a bit, there is a thread with someone with a similar problem but no luck for me so far. Let me know if someone can do something for me. Thanks in advance, In case someone was wondering what my Macbook specs are:
  4. Little update on my wrist recovery: Apperently I have a injured 'pisoforme' bone in my hand. Might need surgery to take it out.

    1. RendeL


      Well good that atleast there is now a diagnost about the issue :)

    2. Wooter


      Yeah finally! Been way too long now....

  5. For you guys who are wondering why I'm not playing lately. I'm suffering from a really bad wrist injury, thats why! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. captnconcrete


      hope everything is donig good hope the wrist heals well.


    3. RendeL


      Still? Not gonna joke again about it, but glad you've taken care of it now :D

    4. Wooter


      Yeah still, there is some progress tho, so thats a good thing!! :-)

  6. Wooter

    ET Server Suggestion FA dosent have sniper server

    well i know where i would play the most if this comes out lol.
  7. New favorite weapon: Grenade Launcher, with our without nades, im getting pretty good at it (H)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. AnG3L


      I always play with rifle on J1 :)

    3. D..X


      takes some skill practice makes perfect :)

    4. m00jii


      random nade best nade

  8. Wooter

    ET Server Suggestion Beginners #2 spawntimes

    Thanks for the talk and the help making the list last night Rendel.
  9. Hey Jelle, welkom! Kom ook eens langs op beginners 2!
  10. Hey Debbs! Good to see you here! How old is your son/daughter/genderneutral?
  11. On my profile there is a caption: Notes: T-M 4-1. What does that mean?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Xernicus


      Plat is a nub. Focus on your M stats. These are the people who become full members, and the true Fearless Assassins.

    3. m00jii


      What sorcery is this Raziel? @Wooter Don't worry about those stats, they don't affect in how awesome you are :P. They are just numbers

    4. Wooter


      haha thanks :P Was just wondering!

  12. Same, its not possible.
  13. Is it me, or are all FA servers down?

    1. Sisje
    2. Koen


      Using those cheaty methods finally caught up to you!

    3. Wooter


      well its the new silent update i found out

  14. Wooter

    ET Server Suggestion Suggestions Beg. 2 server

    Also why are there 2 gold rushes? and not just 1? 1 can go imo. And the spawn of both goldrushes should be atleast 12 for axis.
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