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    Hardcore ET
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  1. 10$ from me and mule Confirmation number : 5VL447390Y572041C
  2. I'm back!

    1. ancientmule


      D: WHO ARE U????????????????

    2. (FORCE)


      Heh! Heh! Welcome ... ;>

    3. RedBaird


      Have you been away Invading?

  3. afk so long.. so much work, no time to breath... D:

    1. ancientmule


      Gimme money to pay the vet of the griscesito

    2. *Snoopy


      mule is a nub and so are you.

    3. invaderzim-


      ^ a nub only say nub things, hence, u nub

  4. Use DosBox, you can setup the cpu clock for older stuff
  5. I still have my floppy disk (51/4 and 31/2) ones... i should try to read them because i have valuables memories there!
  6. As long as you doing it willingly and happy about it and not hurting you or anybody else, who are we to judge you or what you do. Its a job, pays the bill after all
  7. Andrew Bayer ASOT 700 in Ultra Miami
  8. I had been playing this game with a friend and i must say, its great! really well done, its how the Dead Island should had been done and i really enjoyed those games too... gameplay is excelent, story is good and fun is over the top... night is specially scary. Overall, its a great game
  9. Listening to heatbeat in ASOT 700 in Miami
  10. Andre Bayer set in State Of Trace Ultra Miami Special http://www.global-sets.com/andrew-bayer-state-trance-episode-700-live-ultra-miami-29-mar2015/
  11. What's on your mind? Well, depend on the voice i choose to hear... they are so many, tho the one i call affectionaly the killer is louder lately ;)

  12. Could be a monty python animation! Call terry gilliam! Have been seen that guy channel vid.. guy is awesome
  13. So, first try running ET on my linux box http://i.imgur.com/A4zw1sV.jpg

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. invaderzim-


      i love kde since 1.0 back in 98'.. made some patches and plugins for them.. so kubuntu and also, normal et.

    3. Zelly


      Nice I don't have much experience with linux, but I set up ubuntu downstairs as sort of a stepping stone into learning it, has been really fun. :P

    4. invaderzim-


      if you want to learn it..just install it on a VM... easier ;)

  14. I prefer mostly black or Stout beers... currently my fav comercial one is from peru. Non-alcoholic black beers would be two crafted argentinian malt beer and Bolivian Maltin And i have tasted beers from everywhere but those are still my favs
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