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Smileyyy last won the day on May 2 2020

Smileyyy had the most liked content!

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    Jay #1
  • Gender
  • Location
    Vlaams-Brabant, Belgium


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  • T-M
    ET: 31-21
    INS: 2-0
    DOI: 2-2

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Collaborator (7/14)

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Community Answers

  1. I was watching this video and all of a sudden he was playing in our DOI server 😄
  2. Girlfriend and I are finally moving out and getting our own place April 15th! :) 

  3. Smileyyy

    ET Jay #1 Jaymod 1 SERVER/RULES

    You are allowed to jump over the wall as long as you don't do any objectives before the wall is destroyed.
  4. Smileyyy

    ET Jay #1 Jay1 pirates map bug

    Found this bug while I was working on a remake for pirates 😄 Once that's finished someday the bug will be fixed and shipped with a whole new pirates map.
  5. Happy new year everyone, I wish you all an excellent 2024!

    1. Zampano


      Same to you Smiley. 

  6. Smileyyy

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    BBA is boring, venice is one of the best maps in the game. @daredevil @Eazy there's some new ETL versions of warbell, supply, beach etc. Might be good to add some of those in.
  7. I just managed to boot up my old laptop again after years, I found my old map files! :o



    1. CheepHeep


      Nice now get back to work 

  8. Congrats you two!
  9. Hey my  very old friend, i love se in server, man y have a  tequla botle  for u, i send the image of botle  on the morning for send me one direction for send my gift, man  i miss does times  whit old guys conected in server, sorry for my bad english, i have a nice  memoris whit u!°

  10. Hey welcome back man, if you want to become a member again feel free to make a new application.
  11. The world is a sad place.😢

  12. Truly horrible video's I have seen today from whats happening in Israel, hopefully we will get peace in that region someday. :( 

    1. CheepHeep


      Goes both ways tbh.

  13. Congrats😅

    1. Element'


      Thank youu! :)🍻

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