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  1. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    This supplydepot2, 0, 64, battery_recharged, 0, 40, adlernest, 0, 40, haunted_mansion, 10, 52, frostbite, 0, 40, erdenberg_b3, 0, 40, UJE_trainstation, 0, 40, braundorf_final, 0, 40, caen2, 0, 52, crevasse_pe, 0, 40, school, 10, 50, tc_base, 0, 40, venice_ne4, 8, 52, etdo2, 0, 40, fa_italy_b3_fixed, 12, 64, decay_b7, 0, 40, eagles_2ways_b3, 12, 64, pirates, 0, 40, sp_delivery_te, 0, 50, fa_bremen_final, 0, 52, praetoria_m2, 12, 52, vengeance_final, 0, 40, et_beach, 0, 40, etdo1, 0, 40, goldrush-gals, 6, 64, radar, 0, 40, v2_factory, 10, 52, Added battery_recharged, 0, 40, crevasse_pe, 0, 40, etdo2, 0, 40, Removed #battery, 0, 40, #v2base_te, 0, 40, #v1rocket_b2, 12, 52,
  2. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Different server, mod, settings, players, gameplay...... On J2 most of allies just camp and barely make a move to get the objective and axis are getting slaughtered as soon as they try to go outside. I like the map but looks like the majority doesn't You haven't rushed right 🤣 Defend the side door and CP ! Spawn at forward hut. On a side note, u missed the fun yesterday. Will update tomorrow with battery recharged
  3. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Yeah good, we have many battery versions to please our crowd Ok to update it at some point. You are correct about V2 Base, it has negative votes but I and some other regulars wanted to enjoy it few more days It will be the first to be removed next round.
  4. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    This supplydepot2, 0, 64, battery, 0, 40, adlernest, 0, 40, v2base_te, 0, 40, haunted_mansion, 10, 52, frostbite, 0, 40, erdenberg_b3, 0, 40, UJE_trainstation, 0, 40, braundorf_final, 0, 40, caen2, 0, 52, school, 10, 50, tc_base, 0, 40, venice_ne4, 8, 52, fa_italy_b3_fixed, 12, 64, decay_b7, 0, 40, v1rocket_b2, 12, 52, pirates, 0, 40, sp_delivery_te, 0, 50, fa_bremen_final, 0, 52, praetoria_m2, 12, 52, vengeance_final, 0, 40, et_beach, 0, 40, etdo1, 0, 40, eagles_2ways_b3, 12, 64, goldrush-gals, 6, 64, radar, 0, 40, v2_factory, 10, 52, Removed : #beerrun_b7a, 0, 40, #tounine_b2, 0, 40, #sos_secret_weapon, 0, 40, #warbell, 0, 40, #fa_temple, 14, 64, Added : battery, 0, 40, UJE_trainstation, 0, 40, decay_b7, 0, 40, vengeance_final, 0, 40, radar, 0, 40,
  5. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    u got me there lmao 😂
  6. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    v1rocket OR v2_factory OK. Probably because of bad client game settings such as /cg_atmosphericEffects. They don't like rain and don't know how to "remove it" I like the map as well.
  7. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Thanks for the suggestions I am willing to add any map as long as it's not a laggy/buggy one or a "hated"' one. About being "too big" we can tweak with values. Let's keep the topic going
  8. if I have some time : beach volleyball/volleyball basketball handball swimming triathlon water polo
  9. watched most of the stage yesterday, the longest in 21 years FYI.
  10. I do. https://et.trackbase.net/player/155478/ BTW, these colors and his comments remind me of Barra 🤣 Worry not Hip, he knows about Jay2 !
  11. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    No problem, I am used to it Steelplant has been removed Replaced with Tounine Cool maps Capt, especially train station. Too bad the Pk3 is 28Mo Might be an excellent replacement for your all time favorite map Praetoria 😂😂 I need to test because I am not familiar with them. However it will be in a couple of weeks though unless...
  12. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    As promised, I removed CTF_Firelite ( because of negative votes and a bug giving an unfair advantage). Replaced with Beer Run. I feel Steeplant is not a well liked map. Thoughts ?
  13. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Yes, I will remove CTF Firelite soon. I wanted to keep 1 "dual' map despite negative votes. Thanks for feedback and keep suggestions coming to replace Firelite and maybe a couple of others.
  14. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    This supplydepot2, 0, 64, v2base_te, 0, 40, adlernest, 0, 40, CTF_firelite_b1, 0, 40, sos_secret_weapon, 0, 40, haunted_mansion, 12, 52, frostbite, 0, 40, fa_italy_b3_fixed, 12, 64, erdenberg_b3, 0, 40, braundorf_final, 0, 40, caen2, 0, 52, tc_base, 0, 40, venice_ne4, 8, 64, v1rocket_b2, 12, 64, pirates, 0, 40, etdo1, 0, 40, praetoria_m2, 12, 64, sp_delivery_te, 0, 50, eagles_2ways_b3, 12, 64, goldrush-gals, 6, 64, fa_bremen_final, 0, 64, fa_temple, 16, 64, warbell, 0, 40, et_beach, 0, 40, v2_factory, 6, 52, school, 10, 50, steelplant2, 0, 40, Removed, #desertrats, 20, 64, #teuthonia_final, 12, 64, #library_b3, 12, 64, #fa_oasis_b2, 20, 64, #canyon3, 16, 50, #Fata_Morgana, 0, 40, #raid_final, 0, 40, #falcon2, 8, 40,
  15. Letdown

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Fata : Some players like it and some don't Gauntlet : haven't played it yet. Edit : I have now and removed it because of a bot issue Make sure people vote. I'd like some feedback from other players. Then I will remove maps with negative votes as soon as I get the chance. V2 Base could be a nice addition. FYI the actual lineup is this : (had to remove beetown because of an invalid command map layer) supplydepot2, 0, 64, teuthonia_final, 12, 64, adlernest, 0, 40, CTF_firelite_b1, 0, 40, caen2, 0, 52, haunted_mansion, 12, 52, frostbite, 0, 40, fa_italy_b3_fixed, 12, 64, braundorf_final, 0, 40, venice_ne4, 8, 64, pirates, 0, 40, Fata_Morgana, 0, 40, fa_oasis_b2, 20, 64, et_beach, 0, 40, praetoria_m2, 12, 64, sp_delivery_te, 0, 50, goldrush-gals, 6, 64, fa_bremen_final, 0, 64, falcon2, 0, 40, fa_temple, 20, 64, library_b3, 12, 64, desertrats, 20, 64, raid_final, 0, 12, school, 12, 50, v1rocket_b2, 12, 64, canyon3, 16, 50,
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