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Dren isn't really the problem... there was some horrendous stacking today by players who should know better. I saw a game 230 vs 400 today...yeah... These guys are allegedly there for "fun" just to stack together and destroy a weaker team...yeah "fun"... Fun in what way, to shoot down a horde of lesser players like a bunch of bawts, all the while an equally superior teammate is also beating the living hell out of them? The sad thing is...they just keep coming back for more, like they don't know any better....basically like bawts or gluttons for punishment. The top scores on allies were like 30 vs 15 while axis was 110 vs 10...they just kept playing like they could somehow start to perform better, as if something they were doing, any little thing could make a difference... if scores are that off... they aren't going to change much, not even in 20 minutes...if teams remain the same. As for the challenge or practice to get better... even if you've practiced hours, weeks, years and can shoot a 40 or higher acc and get a 110 vs 10 yourself in certain matches... when you face certain players, you'll be lucky to get 28 vs 28.... (Sometimes this makes you question, if they are just that good and there's much debate there... Some I have specced and it literally looks like they just run into their opponents face and chop them down without using much if any skill necessary, just straight in...) I would still say that adren isn't a problem, new players are joining but Lord knows some of them just utterly destroy Jay 2 with their stacking. If teams are even, and they are just better players, that's almost fair. But when you have even a even number of players on both teams and say it's cake, captn, mirror ( for example...not a real example) vs ForestGump, Bob, Dildostuffed.... it's not a gg, and those guys (for example) should know better... sadly, the guys getting spanked to hell don't know any better and just enjoy scores being nearly 200 off... for now...but when they actually lose every time and realize they have no chance, maybe they'll stop playing there. Sort of not "fun" to get the hell beat out of you every game... I'm honestly going to stop playing ET probably for different reasons, eventually. It's not because of adren, rather because if someone has a great connection, or a stronger team... they have a great advantage that they use just to kick the living **** out of the other team... for "fun"... To me that's really going to kill the server. It's nice to see new players joining but if they aren't going to play fair when they can, what's the point? It's just creating another problem that eventually players will catch onto or get tired of... I would go even as far to say that I have seen people with a superior connection just charge right into opponents face, straight on, no straffing, no real fight and cut through them like they weren't even firing back. A good game is where two opponents actually have to, "fight" and there's a challenge, straffing, crouching....it's not where some super uber just runs straight into your face barely aiming his mouse at HS level and cuts down the entire team for "fun"... In spec you can see the other guys choppy around the opponent, clearly not as smooth, their connections just not as good... and they don't have a chance in hell... I just don't get it anymore, I don't think that's "fun"... I've had enough with such shenanigans myself and I imagine other players will too eventually. All things aside, stacking should stop, and should never happen. Despite some players just being better, eventually the server will probably empty out once they catch on that they never had a chance against some of these opponents joining, especially if they are on a team with players who are stacking the scores with them.
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ET Jay #2 Steam? Why did Jay 2 get a sudden boost and then drop dead right after
spectator posted a topic in ET Discussion
Steam release came along, Jay 2 blew up. It was awesome...shortly after that crowd left, Jay 2 was left bare and worse than ever before. What happened? Did Steam have anything to do with it? What happened? Numbers right up and straight down, down lower than I've ever seen... -
I hate shotty on jay 2 a lot more than I do adren... I agree with others that heavy weapons and arty on small teams is ridiculous, especially if teams are around even or your team is struggling a bit. I've played at least 4 games in recent memory against strong-ish players and we had a somewhat weaker team, and had to really work for it...and then they had nabs on the other team using flame panza and arty on us... that's just awful... Honestly, one of the problems is that some guys are just better than others...and even if teams are technically even, they pull way too much of their own weight. I would trade 4-5 players for some of the regulars who play on jay 2...and I've seen some of those guys take on 4-5 players at once like it was nothing... It can be very hard to balance teams, especially when an odd number is on server. If Delord has a strong team or a noob lagoon of heavy weapons for example, it can be very difficult to make it a fair/ fun game if your team is full of players that just aren't as aggressive, agile and fierce... That's a even number or not of players... It doesn't really matter, if it's even or odd, it can still be painfully stacked based on how people play on their team and yours. I'm getting to the point very honestly on Jay 2 where sometimes I just try not to complain and have fun, because at least people are playing...and at least they are having fun but sometimes it's totally unfair, totally unbalanced...even when I have like 4 guys on my team and delord has like only 1...it can still be unfair. Delord and Mirror (Or phantom or Captn or ....I don't know, you know any good player) vs me and duffy buddy , nail biter, Pacifist Joe.... who do you think is going to smack the hell out of who? Sometimes this makes for a interesting challenge and it's fun for everyone. I've talked to Delord about stacking against certain teams, they seem to enjoy the challenge...sometimes I do too...and it's made ME a better player on Jay 2... I've seen a few regulars growing there....Sometimes having a stronger defensive is a good thing, typically a stronger offense just means a QUICK game and it's not fun, but a stronger defense can make for a good challenge... I have stacked against certain players or decent players who I felt could keep teams some what fair...and in some cases ...it goes like this... if a strong player is on one team and its stacked, if they join the other team...then it's going to be stacked against the team that they used to be on...so moving doesn't really balance anything.... It's unfortunate but a REALITY....The choice becomes stack against the one team or stack against the other... moving is not a solution. It just makes the guys who were stacked on feel better, now that their team is too strong and is stacking against the other team now... I can intentionally stack or go along with a stack against my own team, and laugh about it being uneven or simply turn my focus onto obj...but MOST GUYS DONT KNOW HOW TO EVEN STACK CORRECTLY....they'll see that we're struggling or putting up a good fight. I'll get to obj, fight off 10 guys, or do my damnest to keep things balanced and they you have, Dildo Head using arty on us or flaming us at spawn while Delord picks us off from a mile away or something....and that's just lame... People don't stack fairly and I've seen both myself and players like Delord stack fairly, no heavy weapons, no arty, hell not even medic when it calls for it...we just go soldier...Sometimes it's ok to have unbalanced teams if the guys who are stacking know how to do it correctly. Sometimes, straight up I have a enemy engineer in my cross hair and I just walk away because I want them to advance, I want them to get obj, I want them to have fun and come back... But a lot of stackers will TARGET the engineer who is on a stacked team and by some miracle hikes 10 miles to obj through arty, hell fire, with 4 hp left, does a flip in the air to the damn obj, walks on top of 4 heads to get to it... and that's just not fun, it's frustrating, exhausting... some ET games are exhausting when you have to be that guy to try to save the game... And some times I don't , I just go medic or whatever and focus on frag because I know that obj is impossible... Delord and a few others can attest that even if we're on opposite teams we can recognize each other in cross hairs even without seeing a name, and it's funny because we BOTH have looked at each other dead in the face and just let one another live to do obj, or we just let eachother for fun, giggles... It's funny because we'll run right past each other and will say, "hello!" Stronger, more experienced players know who is going to dominate the server, they know who can take on 5 guys at once like it's a joke... and we often have this problem trying to balance teams , just because stronger players exist. It's not their fault they are good and I enjoy playing with them all but then you have arty spam, green smoke spam, flame spam and it's just terrible sometimes... I actually let them win sometimes if it's stacked, I might focus on frag or whatever or give them some challenge but if I see they are struggling and someone can make it to obj...i usually let them make it there. There ARE CHEAP and LAME stacked games people who stack unfairly and use every opportunity to destroy and demoralize the other team...and we can't tell people how to play , so I just have to try not to whine but I almost always do... because people will be arty whores, they will flame noob, they will spam green smoke, etc... The players that want to get better, stronger typically go medic or do obj, like Spliff, he tries... It's so difficult to be the decent, middle of the road player, who tries to keep teams balanced and is targeted by obj campers, or arty, flame, panza.... by some miracle he makes it past a superior force and Tiny Tim Jimmy is camping obj with a damn panza or flamer and has 150 hp while you struggle to keep 45hp to even make it there... That's the reality of Jay 2, adren has NOTHING to do with any of it really...adren helps me get to the damn obj.. Shuffling by scores would ALWAYS make sense if it worked correctly... But if you're the only one on your team pushing or doing obj, it doesn't really matter who is on your team, you could have a player like delord and you'd still lose and get beaten badly trying to do obj. I do think that people get tired of losing as a team.
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ET Jay #2 Jay2 Server Poll - Only for jay2 regulars / members
spectator replied to daredevil's topic in ET Suggestion
Hmmm research huh? Isn't it funny how more people have voted than even regularly play on jay 2 ? 😄 Just saying...there aren't even that many regulars that play there. There aren't even as many as 55 regulars... I question if "Jay 2 regulars" are only voting on this. I think to see this as proper research, we need to verify that they are in fact Jay 2 regulars... can we see who has voted? I was on Beginners two, teams were huge...obj was tough with that broke adren. I only had it like 1/7th the time I needed it...had to wait for it to recharge. It was horrible trying to do obj...and I was the only one honestly that could even get to obj, not to sound like a arrogant prick. Adren has it's purpose, it doesn't hurt Jay 2. It's sad that this is even being discussed so much lately... -
ET Quick crouch reset spread technique. Some may know this, some may find this useful!
spectator replied to MaTt0's topic in ET Discussion
i sometimes forget to use it. It does help me get certain players tbh but also if i need to remember it because they are that good and it matters it can be exhaustung and i need to do everything right...i usually just log off for these guys now...it usually goes something like crouch crouch while going left right left crouch crouch right left sometimes a prone in there or a long straffing left or right while crouching or mid crouch... Some guys it becomes who adrens first, who hs first, who threw in a crouch? Some guys honestly wear me out and if im tired or depressed i just stop playing lol. Im not a very good player but I agree that crouching is a game changer. -
How could we have these moments without adren ? 😄
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Can I go down the chimney to get obj? 😄
I'd take the poll but I have to put this red needle into my arm first... In all seriousness it would RUIN Jay 2 if you take away adren and you'd probably lose a regular...me... Adren isn't just for fights, it's also for getting obj, running past stacked teams, etc... Adren has more uses than people acknowledge. Sometimes you need adren to cut through people or avoid them or to get a obj to a boat... Yes, it might make people harder to hit, and it might take off damage points (I think it does...?) But without it Jay 2 would be ruined. Jay 2 is relatively small teams , aggressive battles, running, objective driven. How is an engineer supposed to run past 4 medics, an engineer covering barrier, a MG in the courtyard with a bawt on it, and jump onto a tank across from an axis spawn with axis with spawn shields and arty being called all at once...without adren? How are you supposed to escape a bank without it? Servers without adren can make the obj next to impossible... and it's just Jay2 it's not like it's a bunch of pros there... LEAVE IT..honestly if it goes I might too...Jay 2 regulars know how often I make it to the obj and yeah... I juice to do it... and I probably couldn't even pull it off without it sometimes. If you don't want to use it, then don't...if you think it gives me an advantage then just use it...it's fair game...if I can kill you on or off adren then it's still a fight...and if you can't kill me on adren then obviously you still can't win the fight... It's fair game if EVERYONE can use it...and it makes for some epic games. Anyone that is a regular on Jay 2 has seen epic brawls full of adren, medics, jumping, crouching, proning, insane engies running for tanks... why take that away? If you rid Jay 2 of adren you are ruining a server.... regulars should know this. If it goes again I will probably too and I think alot of Jay 2 players will go with me. Stop crying about it, use it or don't but if it's allowed it's allowed. Why cry about it? Why act all macho and weird about it...if it gives an advantage just use it... there's plenty of servers that don't have adren... FA servers even... why ruin Jay 2? When in Rome... act like the Romans, no one cares about your elitist macho attitude to non-adren...if you want to play against people and boost how awesome you are off it then go ahead...but if you start dying don't cry about it... and if you don't juice to get that one guy that you can't get off juice then don't moan about the server rules...just put the needle in your arm and prove your point... or play somewhere else... Jay 2 regulars adren, lots of them do... so if you go there, you'll encounter that...if take adren away you may lose alot of your regulars and you won't be playing against anyone anyways...Plenty of servers out there so why ruin Jay 2? Most these guys just moan about players they can't kill, especially if on the juice but are too macho and "alpha" in their minds to juice their selves... it gets tiring, why entitle these people to server changes? Jay 2 works the way it is and its FUN one of the most fun servers... this is a tired and old debate...This is more about EGO than it is a technical debate... everyone can use it, everyone can have the same advantage, it should stay... There's no technical reason why it should go...so stop moaning about it. It's part of server, everyone has the same advantage.... there is NO REAL REASON it should go...
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how should I configure for a wired connection? or is it not any different? Should I alter my config file?
I prefer the gold rush gals over original personally. Not that my opinion carries much weight but I played ET for obj for years. One enterance into gold room and no TPs on barrier can make that map almost impossible to beat. What I like about gold rush gals is that even on stacked teams I can get to truck, tank, barriers, obj from different angles, top, bottom, side to side. The obj is always accessible from a different angle. This might make it harder to defend but on the flip side original gold rush is almost impossible to win sometimes...going past a spawn, arty in courtyard, a mg in courtyard, encounter green smoke in bank, camping medics perhaps another mg lying down in bank , maybe a FG in there too and flame running into it straight on because its the only path to obj...well its hard... When it's stacked against allies on gals I rely on the tps and multi directionality of gthe map but thats just my two cents... Also as engy on goldrush with tanks and barriers there's almost always somewhere to take cover to fix tank. You're never in the open entirely for any stretch of time and you can pop out of a door or jump on top the tank from a higher ground to fix it basically at all times... Gold rush is a masterpiece in map design but gold rush gals is an improvement in my opinion.
ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions
spectator replied to daredevil's topic in ET Suggestion
Rotation hasn't bothered me yet but either way... -
U.S. Navy patents theoretical ship that bends physics to speed through air, water, and space | Daily Mail Online Navy "UFO Patent" Documents Talk Of "Spacetime Modification Weapon," Detail Experimental Testing (thedrive.com) There is a MOUNTAIN of evidence that you are correct. I am a contactee... (But I don't want to sound completely insane here) Not only CAN I provide a mountain of disclosure but also a mountain of evidence that we have alien technology and have reversed engineered it. We are definitely not alone and that goes back at least to the late 1800s... Tesla science, anti-gravity.... Einstein, Werner Heisenberg... There is just so so sooooo much evidence of "super science", "alien science"... Montauk... Grilleflame, Stargate, Project Rainbow.... And...I've lived alot of this stuff myself...but yeah, the world isn't ready for this yet. I wanted to believe that we were evolving, awakening but after the last 10 years , seeing how much hatred and ignorance the world possesses and no lack of critical thinking... I gave up...more or less... They have technology FAR FARRRR beyond what most can even imagine. The government is A Truman show and yeah you wouldn't believe they could keep anything from you... and they haven't really... THERE IS LOADS OF EVIDENCE to those who just piece it together...but... the shadow government is the real government concealing super science and technology from the masses... I don't know what they do with this technology but I know it exists, I've seen some of it firsthand. But, haha... hahaa.... yeah, like anyone would ever believe that. I'm not sure what made me someone who could witness this, why I would ever be involved but through some strange turn of events i was and now I'm just trying to live a normal life and pretend that nothing ever happened and that none of this exists but it does....IT DOES It's real, all of it. It's all real... and the US is playing very dumb about the subject. I'm going to play dumb too and no more replies from me on this subject. I will respond to nothing. I will not even read responses to this post. That's how serious I am. (I'm done with that life...)
I think they call it NDE because people don't stay dead. 😄 But in several accounts the heart stops and by our definition the individual truly dies. In many cases brain damage is expected but it is often somehow avoided. I was watching a documentary on this recently and many experience a lack of oxygen to the brain for a dangerous amount of time and beyond, due to their bodies "being dead and all"...but miraculously they are resuscitated without any brain damage. This is actually fairly common with NDEs and it is often referred to as a medical miracle.
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