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Sl@yer last won the day on October 23 2020

Sl@yer had the most liked content!

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  • Occupation
    Garbageman/truck driver operator

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    BJJ, Fishing and My 53 New Yorker
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    ET: 11-6


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  1. Young me, I was about 29, really into MMA. Halloween Rokin Robin Me with my new puppy, this was 9 years ago, I miss her 😢
  2. Idiot Slayer??????

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    1. Sl@yer


      Not sure, been called worse 🤔 😆

    2. Peter-


      Sorry, thought you were an old member named idiot slayer.

    3. Sl@yer


      I have been known to slay a few idiots though...

  3. My friend who has had had guitars featured in Guitar magazine built this one for my 2 years clean anniversary. I've always been a Les Paul fan, so he made this for me it's solid mahogany with a quilted maple overlay, solid rosewood neck with an ebony fretboard. @evilbutters, you'd appreciate the smooth playing and rich sound.
  4. Glad a new generation may keep this game alive 🙌
  5. Thanks, I didn't catch that: "Edited 48 minutes ago by yaku email censored"
  6. Donation Details Date September 22, 2024 Transaction ID 6X9993772Y813852V Purpose Forum Donation Reference 10446 Donation to Server Hosting Donation from *** Donation amount $70.78 CAD
  7. I have a 2024 Harley Street Bob 114, fully enjoying a brand new whip, fast as f#@k. I have a 1979 Kz400 that I'm working on, turning it into a bobber.
  8. Hey everybody, I'm an old member that has been away for a while. Some of you might know me. I played a lot of wolfenstein, tried other games but never really enjoyed them as much. I may be hopping on in a bit, once I get some time to myself. Till then, you all stay frosty.
  9. Harley.thumb.jpg.2dd415bf8dff1e38f2d3c85ddc4a948b.jpgSorry for the long absence, I have be getting off of substances for the last 3 years or so, took this long, but I've been going about it differently. I got my wife back, my job with the city, I started a new company, and I bought a brand new Harley.RandTGCI-Cards_Proof-2.thumb.jpg.ce8604ee97aff2c10353f32992e3e1c4.jpg I must say that the

    benefits of recovery have been good to me. just thought I'd come by and let you all know I'm still alive.





    New company logo                                                                                                                                                                                   










                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              My new Street Bob

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    1. Gengis


      I am quite happy to see you are fine.


      Take care



  10. Heyo Slayer!


    How are you man? Hopefully all good in these trying times! Give me the latest news what's going in your life 😄

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    1. Sl@yer


      I'm doing good,  neem almost 10 months now and still going to meetings and been doing a lot of counseling. don't have a lot of free time lately between regular work and my side business. I'm trying to find a balance but it's difficult.

    2. Xiahou Dun

      Xiahou Dun

      I'm glad to hear that. Take it slow and steady, it's important not to rush things. Great to hear you're still improving and striving to be the best person you can be! Your story is a motivation to me, and that is why I wanted to know how are things on your end.


      Take care Slayer, things are only going to get better, I'm sure 😁

  11. Welcome back. This game never gets old.
  12. This is my 53 Chrysler New Yorker and the other is when my 12 year old decided when i was away at my grandfather's funeral on the other side of the country, he could just take it to school......
  13. Hitch looks like Alfred Hitchcock 😜
  14. This what it's like up here on Canada right now +3c. Got to love chinooks or as leonardo DiCaprio called it "global warming" during the filming of the movie The Revenant here in Alberta's kananaskis area. You may as well stay inside until it melts instead if shoveling, pandemic might be over by then
  15. This is something I never thought possible

    Screenshot_20201215-121902_CleanTime Counter.jpg

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