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US police shootings: Protests spread with dozens of arrests


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The BLM think is ok , because the recent events showed black people are targetted more than white ... and it is true all lives matter but my main issue is whenever a single small person gets killed in "america" there will be riots,protest blah blah blah... and in other countires and other shit where so called "AMERICAN SOLDIERS" are killing innocent people .. i want to ask where are the media and protest and those people who are protesting for this one guy who got killed and not for those others and to people in this posts when u say all live matter stand by what you say i m pretty sure u guys dont know how many muslims are killed each and every day ,, small childrens , women.. for no f***ing reason..


i dont know much about USA politics but i do think sanders will be a better option than those scums....



edit : 4 MILLION muslims are killed in western wars till now.... and i m pretty sure many of u guys havent heard the bomb blast in saudi ...

Well, USA are not the only country involved in these wars.. Russia doesn't do better either. It's often a consensus with many countries. But we tend to see only those with some sort of leadeship. And most of the time, it's all about money. A bit like the arming market in USA.. Some might think they do it for protection or freedom purpose while their only interest is their wallets. All countries are a bit egocentric and don't see what is in front of their doors. Sad but as long as it doesn't affect directly no one cares.

Edited by Ann!b@l
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I am for Sanders because their is nothing else to go for. Hilary and Trump both are POS. Trump is whinny actor without any resolution and changes like chameleon while Hillary is just too much scams. Hillary will doom USA. Trump will add Chaos. 


This is what happens when you have allowed 'free' gun to anyone. Why the hell in the world you need rifles. USA is not at war. BS gun laws are actually part of the problem. You don't agree with anyone? Shoot them. 

That's not true, there is something else to go for.

Gary Johnson - Libertarian.


I didn't even consider third party until I looked him up.

He's for:


- smaller government and less government intrusion into our lives.

- Let people make their own life decisions

- strong on civil liberties

- legalize marijuana

- not anti-gun


he has enough of the vote to be on the ballot on all 50 states and getting close to enough to get into the debates..


Maybe, just maybe with two idiots running for the major parties, a tghird party candidate can make some waves.

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The BLM think is ok , because the recent events showed black people are targetted more than white ... and it is true all lives matter but my main issue is whenever a single small person gets killed in "america" there will be riots,protest blah blah blah... and in other countires and other shit where so called "AMERICAN SOLDIERS" are killing innocent people .. i want to ask where are the media and protest and those people who are protesting for this one guy who got killed and not for those others and to people in this posts when u say all live matter stand by what you say i m pretty sure u guys dont know how many muslims are killed each and every day ,, small childrens , women.. for no f***ing reason..


i dont know much about USA politics but i do think sanders will be a better option than those scums....



edit : 4 MILLION muslims are killed in western wars till now.... and i m pretty sure many of u guys havent heard the bomb blast in saudi ...

Well, sadly, a lot of people thing 4 million Muslims being killed is a good start. Muslims are in a bad situation. If they speak up against the radicals, they are targeted BY the radicals. If they keep their mouth's shut, they're accused of being sympathetic to the radicals. It's a no win situation but it's a bed they made, they need to sleep in it. Using Religion as a basis for Government is a huge mistake. And we see that every day.


AS for "blacks get targeted more", this is true but if you come to an inner city, black neighborhood in the USA you'll understand why. Higher crime rates. Higher domestic violence rates. Higher broken family rates. Higher drug/alcohol use. I can go on and on. Those bad apples have ruined the entire tree for all blacks. They're born up against a wall now and again, only the black community can solve those problems. I had a black friend who once said I need to change my perception of the black community. I said, no, YOU have to change my perception of the black community. I only go by what I see and what I've seen in my life in those neighborhoods is not good.

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What has happened in USA, is now happening in the EU: immigration, or occupation slowly.

Ppl who are same kind, search safety from each others and you have radicalized ppl to deal with. Add a loose gun policy into this mess and soon you have another civil war, then world war...

What could covernments do to prevent this? give more money? For what?

What could the poor citizens do? Imo they hold the ball atm and going against the covernment with force and riots only causes more dead ppl. It is a snowball effect.


Closing the borders from illegal migration/refugees would be a good start, not just in USA, but for the whole world.

Building big refugee camps near the refugees homelands, letting those who are willing to help (atm those who call themselfs a man are the first to run away for fight and come leech here in EU/USA) make a stand against ISIS or any other bs there is, wiping them once and for good off from the earth and then helping the refugees to come back at their homeland, helping them to rebuild what is destroyed and then have a big nice bbq while burning every single religious book there is and start to believe in real life, not some fairytales and also teach this to the future kids.


I am really f***ing tired of reading another news about any religious bs ppl "have" to do like the book says.

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I am really f***ing tired of reading another news about any religious bs ppl "have" to do like the book says.

you're the only one bringing the subject of religions in this topic. The subject here is the troubles in USA and mainly related to politics.



so [off topic]

for the rest, you're slowly moving in a policy of autarky.. Hopefully you will have the courage to refuse also all the ressources and to cut the pipelines coming from the countries of these people you say they're occupying your country while countless soldiers and military camps of EU and USA are over there since ages. Get your horses ready guys!! :D[/off topic]

Edited by Ann!b@l
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And now people are realizing Saddam was better in control, handling whole thing. For oil they did whole mess, now look where it's going. Europe is stupid, no offense. They have shit load of immigrants who are just their to cause mess. 




Even check the youtube videos. They are openly telling womens, to dress up or else get ready to face consequences. 

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I gotta ask you, why Hillary?? Not to change the subject, maybe this needs a new thread but why would anyone want to support a lying, corrupt, bought and paid for politician who is always in the middle of some scandal?


And no, I'm not a Trump supporter either

All politicians are corrupt.


I'm sleepy and need my coffee, but here's the main reason why I'm not "Feeling the Bern" in two words: Foreign Policy. (He has none!)


Could get into even more political bs, like how he is planning on funding his education plans (which are nice, but a pipe dream imo), and how about about funding a new Highways and Bridges bill to rebuild the thousands of structurally obsolete and unsound bridges across the US?


Best yet, where is he getting these trillions of dollars for said plans? :lol:

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In my opinion, the "Black lives Matter" (BLM) movement is complete bullshit.

+1 This is the truth. It's divisive, and worse, controlled. It's a tactic.



What? How police is going to stop the criminals? Their will be always 'illegal' guns available. How you gonna stop them if their are no guns with Govt? So if someone comes up with knife, police should engage with him just like that? No. If you gonna take out the knife to "kill" police, they have the right to shoot you. I don't want my tax money to go for a rehab on a person who is stupid enough to go out with knife to kill police. Doesn't matter what race it is. 

Perhaps you misunderstand my position.


My point is that the Second Amendment is legal protection against despotic government.

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As bad as it sounds, I'd rather have Trump.

If he can find a way to be more presidential and stop talking like a businessman, I believe he will get things done.

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I am for Sanders because their is nothing else to go for. Hilary and Trump both are POS. Trump is whinny actor without any resolution and changes like chameleon while Hillary is just too much scams. Hillary will doom USA. Trump will add Chaos. 


This is what happens when you have allowed 'free' gun to anyone. Why the hell in the world you need rifles. USA is not at war. BS gun laws are actually part of the problem. You don't agree with anyone? Shoot them. 


Yep. South Park said it best.....




And that episode was from 2004. 12 years later, nothing has changed. What a country I live in :\

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And now people are realizing Saddam was better in control, handling whole thing. For oil they did whole mess, now look where it's going. Europe is stupid, no offense. They have shit load of immigrants who are just their to cause mess. 



hmm I wouldn't trust such a site for solid infos. For some minutes I was wondering of which country you were talking about. And even though few cases happened in Germany, some politically oriented groups try to make it look like "bigger" than it is. :D But I totally agree on the Saddam and oil part.





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I would prefer to lock the topic even it is a healthy discussion I rather lock it so it stays that way :) in case im out of line here just remove my post and in that case im truely sorry if it's removed tommorrow I know enough no lecture needed :D  but it feels the best for me rather lock it now then regret posting it ever later

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As long as discussion is civil and constructive rather then calling it out other people, I am ok with having 'discussion'. If it goes out of hand, one of the staff member, will lock it up. 

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I would prefer to lock the topic even it is a healthy discussion I rather lock it so it stays that way :) in case im out of line here just remove my post and in that case im truely sorry if it's removed tommorrow I know enough no lecture needed :D  but it feels the best for me rather lock it now then regret posting it ever later

You're reporting news, this topic is here for as you said a healthy/friendly discussion we not need than someone(regulars/members) start fighting each other for different oppinions they can make a PM and discuss it there NO in this topic if that is the case. because or you,I or other forum user can report a lock or a staff+ member will lock it up if feel than is the right.

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All politicians are corrupt.


I'm sleepy and need my coffee, but here's the main reason why I'm not "Feeling the Bern" in two words: Foreign Policy. (He has none!)


Could get into even more political bs, like how he is planning on funding his education plans (which are nice, but a pipe dream imo), and how about about funding a new Highways and Bridges bill to rebuild the thousands of structurally obsolete and unsound bridges across the US?


Best yet, where is he getting these trillions of dollars for said plans? :lol:

You know Bernie is out of it, right?

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