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Message added by daredevil,

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Did or does Mlb_Egypt still have a spawn bug?


I remember players complaining about it, but I have not played the map enough to understand what they were talking about. ;)

  • 2 months later...
Posted (edited)



For me, i like Flame Guard a lot, and i have seen that it can get a lot players online also, it has come my favorite map and sometimes when i see it in trackbase i connected to server only to play and enjoy and forgot all the jobs etc. so i would like that we keep it in server http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/727-flame-guards-warzone/

Edited by von Rantala
  • Like 2

What do you guys think about cortex? i see some players don't like it (me neither) 

  • Like 1

What do you guys think about cortex? i see some players don't like it (me neither) 

I think the main problem with Cortex is that the axis first spawn is really frustrating to deal with as an axis player.


To suggest a map, I'd suggest Resurrection (http://et.splatterladder.com/?mod=mapinfo&idx=125), because it seems alright with the amount of players Jay2 gets, and it's one of my favourite maps.

  • 1 month later...






Honestly too small of a map, think we had it one time already, would probably only work if it was specified towards around 25 players max and urgently with adre and heavy weapons off to even be remarkably playable.


Can we set Cortex either on higher amount of players, considering now it's really a party pooper if it gets on and server doesn't have plenty of ppl, would recommend around 35+ ppl on server, or replace it with School, decent map that wasn't played for a while there.

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Can we set Cortex either on higher amount of players, considering now it's really a party pooper if it gets on and server doesn't have plenty of ppl, would recommend around 35+ ppl on server, or replace it with School, decent map that wasn't played for a while there.


Cortex with 35+ players would crash. I can make it 26 - 34 range. If that's ok. 


Cortex with 35+ players would crash. I can make it 26 - 34 range. If that's ok. 


Could do that, considering that most of the players are already annoyed by that map, as i have seen it in majority of times map got up, that they either left or complained about it.

  • 3 months later...

My personal opinion is that Jaymod 2 might need a new rotation, not to lose interest.


1. Baserace http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/13-baserace-baseracepk3/

2. Aldernest http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/8-adlernest-adlernestpk3/

3. Streets of italy http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/134-streets-of-italy-italyfp2pk3/

4. Etdo Fuel depot http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/693-etdo-fueldepot-etdo-fueldepotpk3/

5. Teuthonia http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/1091-teuthonia-final/

6. Siwa Oasis http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/2-stop-watch-siwa-oasis-beta-3-sw-oasis-b3pk3/

7. Supply depot 2 http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/4-supply-depot-2-supplydepot2pk3/

8. Sp Delivery http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/64-sp-delivery-te-sp-delivery-tepk3/

9. Warbelhttp://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/9-warbell-warbellpk3/

10. Venice http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/14-venice-venicepk3/

11. TC Base http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/17-tc-base-tc-basepk3/

12. Snatch http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/51-snatch-3-snatch3pk3/

13. Haunted Mansion http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/404-haunted-mansion-final-haunted-mansionpk3/

14. Capuzzo http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/478-capuzzo-airport/

15. SOS secret weapon http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/41-sos-secret-weapon-final-sos-secret-weaponpk3/

16. MLB temple http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/12-mlb-temple-mlb-templepk3/

17. Marrakech streets 2 night final http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/48-marrakech-streets-2-night-final-et-mor2-night-finalpk3/

18. Flame guards http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/727-flame-guards-warzone/

19. Minas Tirith http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/7-mml-minas-tirith-fp3-mml-minastirith-fp3pk3/     Probably best to use when 30+ players are available

20. Castle Attack http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/10-castle-attack-b5-castleattack-b5pk3/   When there are no bots around

21. Gold rush http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/702-goldrush-gals-final/

22. industry 2 http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/121-industry-2-final-industry2-finalpk3/    When there are no bots around

23. UJE_00 http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/27-uje-uje-00pk3/     Probably best to use when 30+ players are available

24. Subway http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/103-subway-subwaypk3/

25. SOS secret weapon http://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/41-sos-secret-weapon-final-sos-secret-weaponpk3/

26. oil kombinat



If you need suggestion for player amount, give me info how to put it, and hopefully i can give you some suitable amount.

Feedback is welcome ;) 


Between Jay 1 and Jay 2, most of those maps are available. Should suggest totally new maps


Between Jay 1 and Jay 2, most of those maps are available. Should suggest totally new maps

like what mate? any suggestions?


the roation isn't too bad, except for cortex, that map is just horrible. either axis spawn camping allies or vis versa, fully remove from rotation imo. everything else can stay. some new addidtions wouldn't go amiss though. i noticed jay3 got some very nice new maps recently, yet jay2 is just stuck on same old rotation for ages. why not add these maps to jay2 rotation also?


cortex can literally clear out jay2 of alot of players.

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