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So autoupdate doesnt work yet although it seems to be the most crucial thing. I'll look for it in uncle google.


From my reading around it depends on if it is a Linux hosted server or a Windows. For a windows you will have to create a batch file.


For example paste this into a notepad and save it as watchdog.bat

@echo off
title SRCDS Watchdog/Updater
echo (%date% %time%) Now starting SRCDS Watchdog/Updater
echo (%date% %time%) Now starting SRCDS Watchdog/Updater >> watchdog.log
echo (%date% %time%) Checking for SRCDS updates
echo (%date% %time%) Checking for SRCDS updates >> watchdog.log
start /wait C:\Path\To\hldsupdatetool.exe -command update -game tf -dir C:\Path\To\Server
echo (%date% %time%) Starting server
echo (%date% %time%) Starting server >> watchdog.log
start /wait C:\Path\To\Server\srcds.exe -game tf -console +maxplayers 32 +map ctf_2fort
echo (%date% %time%) WARNING: SRCDS quit or crashed, restarting
echo (%date% %time%) WARNING: SRCDS quit or crashed, restarting >> watchdog.log
goto begin

But has to be added with the Automatic Steam Update

Once the master server notifies the server that there is an update available, and requests a restart, this plugin begins a five minute (default, customizable via cvar) timer, after which the server is restarted (by means of the _restart command). This only works on Linux SRCDS with the -autoupdate parameter added to the command line, or on Windows running a batch file that automatically runs SteamCMD when the server is restarted. The server must actually check for updates each run, or this plugin is pointless. The timer can be cancelled by an admin command, and the plugin will ignore any additional restart requests for a predefined period of time (defined via cvar). Every minute, a hint box appears and a sound is played (TF2 only). The timer itself is displayed for the duration of the countdown as HUD text in the top-left of the screen.

sm_postponeupdate - postpone the update for a predefined period of time (default flag is ADMFLAG_RCON)
sm_updatetimer - force the update timer to begin immediately (default flag is ADMFLAG_RCON)


    auto_steam_update_version - plugin version
    auto_steam_update_timer - (default 5) how long in minutes the timer lasts until the server is restarted
    auto_steam_update_message_display_time - (default 5) no notifications will be shown to clients until the timer is below this threshold (in minutes)
    auto_steam_update_delay - (default 5) how long in minutes the plugin will ignore restart requests after an update is postponed
    auto_steam_update_lock - (default 0) 0 = don't lock the server during the restart timer / 1 = change sv_password during the restart timer / 2 = kick new clients (except admins) during the restart timer
    auto_steam_update_password - (default "") the string to change sv_password to if auto_steam_update_lock = 1
    auto_steam_update_kickmessage - (default "The server will shut down soon to acquire Steam updates, so no new connections are allowed") the message to display when kicking clients if auto_steam_update_lock = 2
    auto_steam_update_shutdown_message - (default "Server shutting down for Steam update") the message shown to clients when they are kicked as the server is shutting down
    auto_steam_update_hud_text_x_pos - (default 0.01) X-position for HUD timer (only on supported games) -1.0 = center
    auto_steam_update_hud_text_y_pos - (default 0.01) Y-position for HUD timer (only on supported games) -1.0 = center
    auto_steam_update_hud_text_red - (default 0) Amount of red for HUD timer (only on supported games)
    auto_steam_update_hud_text_green - (default 255) Amount of green for HUD timer (only on supported games)
    auto_steam_update_hud_text_blue - (default 0) Amount of blue for HUD timer (only on supported games)
    auto_steam_update_auto_update - (default 1) enables automatic plugin updating (has no effect if Updater is not installed)

Plugin creates and loads /cfg/sourcemod/plugin.autosteamupdate.cfg

The advantage of using 1 in auto_steam_update_lock is that clients will be denied before attempting to connect. The advantage of using 2 is that admins will be able to bypass it without knowing a password.

I haven't really read much into Linux based servers, nor really have any coding experience, so AFAIK this is all as useful as Speed.

  • Like 3

In which config does it go? Please?



I think in server.cfg since gamemode_casual.cfg file is updated by valve so they dont want people to touch it since it might reset in update.

So all should go to server.cfg for my understanding

  • Like 1

So I know its a test server but was just gonna point out when people are playing on the server it goes from 0/50 to 0/42....pretty much says no ones on lol. Can we also get that fixed

i have read on a german forum that


host_name_store 2 //  to indicate whether host name is revealed in queries and GOTV. Host name is always printed in status command output.host_info_show  2 // 0 to block server info queries; 1 (default) to respond with all details excluding identities; 2 to respond with all available detailshost_players_show 2 // 0 to block server players queries; 1 (default) to respond only with max players and uptime; 2 to respond with all players details.

should fix that problem


sry for bumping this, but could we please try to fix the problem with the correct display of the amount of players first? i agree with the others that it is quite unalluring for new visitors if the masterlist is showing 0 players although there are a few on it.

  • Like 2

sry for bumping this, but could we please try to fix the problem with the correct display of the amount of players first? i agree with the others that it is quite unalluring for new visitors if the masterlist is showing 0 players although there are a few on it.

I agree with madara, there's no point in camping servers if they are always showing that there's nobody online on the server list.

  • Like 1

Hmm something is wrong. I can't find Fearless Assassins =F|A= Server in the search button in steam.


Hmm something is wrong. I can't find Fearless Assassins =F|A= Server in the search button in steam.

open console (~) and put this in there -> Connect

after that it should be in your history so you can connect through there.

also the console can be wonky sometimes, as it will want to put a ~ on the letter you just typed and may crash the console. to fix this type E as a first letter and then remove it to keep the console and allow you to type in it.

  • Like 1

I know how to connect to server :P Still, don't know why it is not displaying our server in database ?


someone get on the server and show me how to play lol


someone get on the server and show me how to play lol

none of us know how to play...its what makes it so fun!

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