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I suggest to specify Rush rule for jaymod  servers.


F|A RECRUITING XPS (it should be added here, jay2 and jay3) or change the name to Jaymod servers

  1. We have 5 mins no rush rule on this server.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.




  1. Their is no rush rule on this server. i.e. Players can complete the objective whenever they like.
  2. TJ is allowed.


  1. Their is no rush rule on this server but we encourage players to play the map for minimum 5 mins before completing the map so that all can enjoy the map.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.


  1. Map rushing is allowed but please let players enjoy the map.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.
  3. Talking in other languages little more then other servers is allowed.


  1. We have 5 mins no rush rule on this server.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.

I can't see nq2 server  and NoQuarter NoBots XPSAVE



  1. Rushing is allowed after 5 mins but please let players enjoy the map!
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.


  1. We have 5 mins no rush rule on this server.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.


  1. We have 5 mins no rush rule on this server.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.

In my opinion, either on all of server, rushing should be allowed or on none.

  • Like 2


  1. Their is no rush rule on this server but we encourage players to play the map for minimum 5 mins before completing the map so that all can enjoy the map.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.


There is !rush rule in Silent and I think TJ is not allowed to complete maps, that's what I know, I really dont know if it change or not. IMHO



I can't see nq2 server  and NoQuarter NoBots XPSAVE



  1. Rushing is allowed after 5 mins but please let players enjoy the map!
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.



Noquarter Nobots xpsave = noq3

  • Administrators

There is !rush rule in Silent and I think TJ is not allowed to complete maps, that's what I know, I really dont know if it change or not. IMHO


What wiki says is the rule... what server says is different... if you feel server says clearly that TJ is not allowed to complete the obj after 5 mins let me know and i will fix up servers.


All official rules are on wiki and that should be referred. If wiki is not updated then let me know and I will update it instantly. 

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

In jay3 Rushing is not allowed also trickjump / doublejump for objective admins also do not allow, trickjump not for objective is allowed ( as far I know )
and it's a good thing also if you allow tj for objective the chance the map get rushed is bigger too.

Edited by DFighter
Posted (edited)

In jay3 Rushing is not allowed also trickjump / doublejump for objective admins also do not allow

...it during the 5 first mins of the map. Indeed. But this doesn't prevent us to try to keep the map the most longer possible in suggesting\asking to not end it too fast after the 5mins. Understanding and cooperation allow to keep everyone on the server and the enjoyment of each one. Some understand, and some not. Mostly, a map rushed or ended too fast after the 5mins=at least 25% of players in less in the following map.

Edited by Ann!b@l

What wiki says is the rule... what server says is different... if you feel server says clearly that TJ is not allowed to complete the obj after 5 mins let me know and i will fix up servers.


All official rules are on wiki and that should be referred. If wiki is not updated then let me know and I will update it instantly. 

It seems that jay2, jay3, and nq2 is not listed there. The rest is fine. All in all, to make it clear, on all server rules taken from jay1 should be used, that is:

  1. We have 5 mins no rush rule on this server.
  2. TJ is allowed to complete the objective after 5 minutes.

Hardcore, Silent, and Fun1 have slightly different descriptions.



In my opinion, either on all of server, rushing should be allowed or on none.


my opinion is to have servers with !rush and some without, so players have a choice where to play. on hardcore, the only limitation to playing there is your own stupidity - abusing admins, intentional tk's, spam, etc. 


you need to have a variety for the different servers. HC is known for freestyle, team-oriented, ET Pro-like play without limitations. that's what attracts the players.


players want to rush Adler and win it in less than 5 minutes? go for it, and it shows the weakness of the defending team and make them change their strategy for the next map.

  • Like 1

I think what his point was it needs to be explicitly stated

@ Dare maybe on servers have it changed to say


1.  Rush is allowed

2.  Rush is allowed after 5 minutes


It would be more clear and easier to enforce without players complaining.

  • Like 2

Yes that's what I meant, to make it more clear.

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I'm sure people who have played for years have been in the situation where they are able to end a map in the early stages of the round, but becuase of the "rush rule" they don't end it and find themself and their team not being able to end it at all since the defending team manage to set up a good defence and the only way to end it is to find a window, which was only open in the beginning of the map. You see what I mean? In most cases teams are unfair yes, in rare occasions this happens. What do you do? Do you end it, or do you play nice and take the chance of ending it later (which in most cases result in you loosing)?

Edited by MosesIsComingLookBusy
Posted (edited)

I enjoy team play more than just going for obj right away...there is more player interaction with one another.that is true fun of a game to me.if it were chess or checkers what would be the fun in ending game on second move.yeah I know people will sometimes not help with obj on a map..so I switch to being happy fragging or I switch teams or go spec...I try to curb my frustration with choices...the no rush rule I feel is good because with double jump it makes it easy to snag obj before defending team can set up. HC server is more serious stratigic play mindset...maybe a popup banner would he good

Edited by Raskin

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