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First name: Hanz
Any sort of Nickname?: The Mushroom man
Age: 25
What country are you from?: Netherlands
Are you a Parent?: fug No
How many siblings do you have?: 2
What do you do for a living?: i grow mushrooms and give workshops in cultivation. 
Greatest Fear?: George Orwell's books coming true. 
Most Exciting thing you've ever done?: Nighttime Rainforrest hikes, travel the world, Psychedelics, founding a non-profit organization, organizing exhibitions in Australia, graffiti painting on trains etc etc..
First thing you look for in a new friend?: Passion for nature and good shit 
Farthest you've been from home?: Straya mate
What brought you to the Fearless Assassins servers/forum?:  strong desire to tell everyone that i love them.
Cat or Dog?: Cat cat cat cat 
What are your hobbies?:Playing around in my home lab, nature walks, learning things, going on psychedelic journeys, gardening, Drawing, writing, and painting
What kind of Sports do you like?: I'm gonna say Gardening
What's your favorite color?: All colors are beautiful. 
How about your favorite type of music?: techno, deephouse, oldschool hiphop, electro, romanian gypsi funk
Favorite Song?: Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun 
What's your favorite TV show?: i don't have a tv, On yt i would say Mindfield by Vsauce or Joe Rogans Podcast
What kind of movies do you like? (Scary, comedy, drama etc):David Attenborough
Favorite Movie?: Da vinci code/inception
Favorite Book?: Phickal by Alexander Shulgin
LSD, My Problem child by albert Hoffman
What do you like most about yourself?: My ability to do epic things
What do you hate most about yourself?: i dont hate, i would like to work more on self-reliance( preparing for off grid living one day)
What makes you very happy?: MUSHROOMS.
What makes you very sad?: People not understanding what im talking about 90% of the time and lack of psychedelics in politics.
What's your favorite beverage?: spiked coffee. 
What you're favorite food/snack?: Homemade magic chocolate truffles.
Favorite season? Why?: all year round
Favorite subject in school?:Skipping class to smoke doobies and drawing.
Favorite thing to learn about?:Mycology, Neurology, psychology, ecology and off grid living 
If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?: Nimbin, Australia
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