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Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare mods.

12 files

  1. PowerPackage's W1200

    Here is the silver W1200 Shotgun with wooden pump lever and wooden stock.
    powerpackage's Readme File:
    To install this take the IWD file and place in your COD4 ''main'' folder. To uninstall this file just delete it.
    Enjoy the skin!




  2. Rotu2 Beta

    A totally new co-op based zombie mod. This mod will stand out from all the other zombie mods for several reasons, as most zombie mods focus on mindless shooting this zombie mod will be going deeper into the survival horror. - See more at: http://www.strategyinformer.com/pc/mods/callofduty4modernwarfare/mod/category12.html#sthash.AyrSHVOF.dpuf




  3. Manu Admin Mod

    Version 0.11.4 Beta




  4. Forgotten




  5. CODJumper Mod

    Drofder with additions from Soviet
    Description: The latest version of Drofder's CoD4 CoDJumper mod, with added features including removed nades, no damage, damage check, improved admin options as well as vote control features. Punish commands (force kill, flashbang and spectate) the option to enable / disable RPG launchers and more. This version of the mod also allows GUID based promotion for both admins and VIP players. There is a custom in game menu included with this mod, accessible by using the 'quick chat' options, for updated speech, and graphics tweaks. You can now also set your vote and save options through your games control menu, as well as altering graphics options through the multiplayer options menu.
    Setting up the CoDJumper mod for a public game server:
    1) Download the file from here and extract it.
    2) Create a new folder named "codjumperv3_12" in the "Mods" folder on your server (if one doesn't exist, create it).
    3) Upload the two files named "mod.ff" & "z_cod4jumper.iwd" (found in your recently extracted folder) into the newly created folder named "codjumperv3_12". If you wish to use the official CoDJumper.com skins then you can place "z_cod4jumper_skins.iwd" in the same folder as the other two files.
    4) Edit "default_server.cfg" accordingly and place it in the "main" directory on your server. You may also want to rename the file to something more appropriate (see red text below regarding this).
    5) Next you must edit the command line for the server. This is where it gets slightly complicated - how you do this depends on what company you have bought your game server from. I will continue the instructions based on the control panel provided by LowPings.net:
    A) Select your game server, and then click "Command Line Changer".
    Click on the "New" link.
    C) In the "Command Line Name" box, enter "codjumperv3_12".
    D) Tick the "+set fs_game" checkbox and enter "mods/codjumperv3_12" into the textbox.
    E) Tick the "+set sv_punkbuster " checkbox and enter "1" into the textbox.
    F) Tick the "+exec" checkbox and enter the name of your server config, e.g. "7897987server.cfg" (it's recommended that you don't use a predictable config name such as server.cfg due to an exploit where people can download your server config and consequently get your RCON password.)
    G) Click "Save", and then on the Command Line Changer list page, click "Select" next to your new codjumperv3_12 entry.
    6) Restart your server, it should be running successfully now!
    GUID admin on a CoD4 server
    If you wish to auto-promote certain people when they join your server, then follow these simple instuctions:
    1) Add the following lines to your server config (or if they are already in your config, edit accordingly):
    set cj_autoadmin "1"
    set cj_adminguids ""
    2) Insert the GUIDs and player names of the people whom you want to promote. The format should be as follows:
    set cj_adminguids "guid1,name1,rank1,guid2,name2,rank2,guid3,name3,rank3".
    The rank takes the form of a "1" for VIP and "2" for Admin.
    3) You can have as many people as possible in it. You must make sure that it is the FULL GUID (32 characters), and there must be no spaces before/after the commas.
    4) Once you've set it up, people who are in the list should get automatically promoted if they're using the name specified in the config.
    Here is an example of how it should be used (I've changed the GUIDs from their original values):
    set cj_adminguids "adfe897a00c6633abbb95b9b12624d8a,Peds@CoDJumper,2,874e8bbcb0df78a1059ad8d2bcae97e7,KS@CoDJumper,1,
    GUID admins have the ability to promote/demote other plays in the game server, and have access to the CoDJumper mod admin panel, so only add people to your GUID admin list whom you trust! Note that you can't auto-promote people to VIP rank, that must be done manually each time they join. If you get the message "GUID admin detected" then it means that you have the correct GUID, but your name isn't as listed in the config. Also, make sure you use the GUID it provides when you do "/rcon status", NOT the "/pb_myguid" GUID.




  6. Zombie Warfare

    Call of Duty 4 : Zombie Warfare - Public Beta 1.0
    Mod Construction:
    Scripting by Seven
    2D Art Work by Sonic & {UN}Jb.Wyatt
    Sound Work by Code
    Awe Map Vote Thanks to tally for allowing use of it
    MyInternetServices - Providing a 54 Man Server + Website hosting and Redirect - Http://myinternetservices.com
    XGServers - Providing a 54 Man Server - Http://xgservers.co.uk
    Official Servers:
    Thanks to 82ndID For providing Superb Servers to test this mod the past 3 months
 - |82ndID|Zombies US! By Seven - |82ndID|Zombies UK! By Seven
    About Zombies:
    CoD4 Zombies is based off the original CoD2 Zombies mod created by Paulus.
    CoD4 Zombies was re-scripted by Seven on 4th November 2007, The first official
    alpha test was ran on The Hunters Zombie server, but their clan broke up and
    the server died. The mod then moved on to beta stage with Afterlife. and then
    82ndID followed.
    Who is who?
    The hunters are the survivors of the zombie infection and have weapons to fend of the zombies.
    The Zombies are infected humans that have to knife the hunters to bring them to there side.
    The Game play:
    The Game play of zombies is simple. The start of every round everyone is a
    Hunter except for 1 player which will be the Zombie. A Zombie must knife a
    hunter to bring him to his side, as the game progresses the amount of zombies
    will continue to grow until all of the Hunters are over run. Once all the
    hunters have been killed the game will restart with the last hunter to be
    killed the new Zombie. (This can be changed to pick a random zombie on a
    new round with a Dvar.)
    The Future of Zombies:
    Soon to come we will have custom character models for the zombies to make
    them more "Civilian Zombie" like. and we will be also giving the zombies
    weapons like the knife, katana and a baseball bat.
    (This will only be for82ndID Zombies)
    As standard you will get the character models and you can choose to use them
    or not with a Dvar you will also get the view of the Zombies hands as if you
    are seeing what the zombie sees. For the zombies if you choose to use instead
    of empty weapons.
    Instant Zombie:
    This was a very usefull feature that i had designed in the CoD2 Days of Zombies, but never
    brought it to a server. What this feature is when a "Survivor" is killed by a "Zombie" he will
    instantly become a zombie on the spot of his death
    Weapon Lasers:
    A very Simple Functional laser on the weapons. Double tap "USE"(Normaly F) to dissable and re-enable it.
    Setting up your server:
    To start off you must create a folder named "mods\zombies" - Best keep it the same so every one
    can keep their ranks when moveing from server to server.
    This mod was designed for 1.5 and hasnt be test with new rank system on a lower version
    So it may be unstable.
    Upload all the files into the "mods\zombies" folder:
    (Some servers run the configs from main, if your server does this put the configs there)
    Server.cfg is a default config that comes with most servers but we have tweaked it to
    run best on zombies with certian perks and hardpoints(airstrike, heli) removed.
    (These settings have been trial and error test on the 82ndID servers over a long period of time)
    The Awe.cfg has all the veriables that controls any awe features included into the mod.
    Zombies.cfg has all the veriables that controls the zombie mod and all its features.
    zompb.iwd holds the skins and sounds for the mod. if you wish to make modifications please make a 2nd iwd
    file too keep everyone pure and dont have to download the same iwd over and over every time they go to
    another zombie server.
    If you would like to recive some support configureing your server
    (We will not setup the server for you, but guide you) or if you wish
    to leave us some feedback or bug reports please head over to:
    Http://www.cod4zombies.com - The offical home of the Zombie Warfare mod.
    Special Thanks:
    |82ndID|Coach and the rest of 82ndID members that supported the mod.
    Austrial {UN}United Noobs Members!
    Paulus for Some Original Source from his CoD2 Version of Zombies.
    XGServers for the Server
    MyInternetServices for the Server and Website
    The Zombie Mod Team - Code, Sonic, Jb.Wyatt
    No one has any right to decompile/memory dump the .ff to steal or mod the source, if you
    wish for somthing custom please request it on the site. www.cod4zombies.com, if found
    to be using edited source we will be in contact with your provider for theft.
    All files and source are copyright of EHD PRODUCTION © 2001 - 2008.




  7. Dobby's Zombie mod

    NovemberDobby's Zombie mod 1.41 client & serverside, 09th August 2008.
    Xfire #1: novemberdobby
    Xfire #2: novemberdobby2
    Email: novemberdobby@hotmail.co.uk
    Site: http://www.novemberdobby.com
    - hosted by AR51: http://www.team-area51.net/
    - Zombie server at
    Quick outline:
    -200 ranks
    -HP/mine stealing protection]
    -redirects to other servers
    -two special abilities for each zombie (fast zombie only has skulls)
    -'repel zombies' ability for hunters
    -rank 200 abilities
    -5 easter eggs
    -zombie/hunter counters
    -high scores
    -golden guns
    -added unlocks every 33 ranks, and a shortcut/unlock menu for help
    Changes for v1.4:
    *Fixed two menu exploits that allow hunters to refill ammo/pick new weapons halfway through the game
    *Fixed hang whilst the game starts (waited Xms for missing asset 'Zombies')
    *Fixed distant building textures on the Map Pack to be invisible
    *Fixed weird dog animations on flashbangs
    *Fixed bug where lastman would die with a non-default setting of scr_health
    *Fixed game-crashing exploit related to model bones (thanks Coverop)
    *Fixed special ability info sometimes not showing
    *Fixed a few bugs with lightning strike/ring of fire making knives do the wrong damage
    *Fixed some bugs where the game would say a knived hunter was zapped/burnt
    *Fixed accuracy for all snipers (set at a small size), and made their headshot damage the normal damage + 40
    *Improved auto-assign for zombies, it skips the 'assault/specops/heavygunner' screen now
    *Improved admin spectating - no fog
    *Improved decoys: there are now two, they flicker, and there is a distracting FX that plays
    *Improved healthpacks to show the real amount of health you pick up instead of always 20
    *Improved protection against people leaving when they become zombies - you can lose a few ranks
    *Improved health/mine drop system, scr_killerdrops = the time before anyone can pick up a drop,
    a red drop shows that only the killer can pick it up
    *Changed electric zombie knife damage to 26
    *Changed intel again to give more hints
    *Changed damage of hunters using knives to 80
    *Changed menu button highlighted colour to red
    *Changed hunters' voices to British
    *Changed zombie class pick screens to show info on new and old specials
    *Changed XP gain from killing a hunter to 100
    *Changed end of game - all damage is dealt
    *Changed drop pickup range to be slightly higher
    *Changed dog's vision to black and white (and slightly brighter)
    *Removed 'fix' for center messages when you're picking a zombie class - they don't disappear now
    *Removed 'knife' and 'bite' weapon name text
    *Removed 'you have x mines left' message
    *Removed unused perks like Stopping power/bandolier etc
    *Removed 'team deathmatch' voiceover on player spawn
    *Added logprints for some events in zombies - becoming a zombie (Z;), being picked as the first (FZ;) and becoming the lastman (LM;)
    *Added a Shortcuts (for abilities)/Unlocks menu for ingame help
    *Added a bunch of rank unlocks - see Shortcuts/Unlocks menu for more info
    *Added a new value for scr_zommusic, -1, it will loop all 5 of the music tracks
    *Added counters to show amount of hunters and zombies
    *Added 'Zombie mod rank' button in a few places ingame
    *Added five easter eggs (hint: most of them are in the menus somewhere)
    *Added fall death message instead of 'died and became a zombie'
    *Added killspree messages (5, 10, 20, 30, 50)
    *Added scr_unlimitedammo 2 - only get ammo for atatcking zombies
    *Added/changed about 10 anti-exploit spots
    *Added separate blood FX for each zombie class
    *Added dvar to disable bots: scr_bots
    *Added scr_zom_timelimit and scr_zom_scorelimit
    *Added scr_interval - for the delay between giving hunters ammo
    *Added dvar to show the player who has the best personal high score on the server
    *Added dvar to kick inactive spectators
    *Added physics explosions on most zombie specials/mines
    *Added scr_redirect and scr_redirectip, to send players to another server when this one is full
    *Added a grace period for newly joined hunters, instead of getting sent to spectate it tells them to hurry up next time
    *Added new loadbar ('ZomdB')
    *Added 50% chance of a hunter dropping his weapon when he dies
    *Added some keypresses to navigate the Team and Create-a-class menus
    *Added Special #2 info when spawned as a zombie
    *Added scr_showhealthmsg - to enable/disable the 'hunters spawn with X health' message
    *Added golden guns for rank 100+ players
    *Added XP gains for all zombies when a hunter is killed (+40)
    *Added one more special ability for each zombie class, and another ability (Repel - pushes zombies away) for hunters
    *Added a hardcore hud option to the quickmessage menu
    *Replaced XP score bar in the rank menu with a highscore stat
    Changes for v1.41:
    *Fixed some Pipeline & Backlot glitches
    *Fixed Hunters' weapons sometimes dropping before a zombie is picked
    *Fixed graves sometimes not orienting properly
    *Fixed Hunter/Zombie counters for spectators
    *Fixed music fading properly with scr_zommusic -1
    *Fixed repel sometimes killing zombies
    *Improved several special ability FX and the poison zombie effect
    *Changed default sv_msgs in case of no zom.cfg being used
    *Changed limited ammo message to be more helpful
    *Changed www.novemberdobby.com/faq to include fixes for PB kicks
    *Changed Hunters' health to jump back to maximum when a zombie is picked
    *Changed Scare range to 50% higher
    *Changed first zombie behaviour, dogs have 400 health
    *Changed health/mine drops: zombies falling and killing themselves don't drop them
    *Removed unlimited ammo for grenade launchers, they only have 25 shots
    *Removed grenade throwback (Was causing some problems)
    *Added a 40-second timer to automatically spawn zombies if they stay in the class-pick screen




  8. DAMN Competition Mod

    DAMN Competition Mod v0.2 - 11-23-07 - Modified by Bilboeeee (xfire => bilbonfromn6) & dietrizoR
    Added Somes Rules (cb, mr10, mr12, mr15, cure, cg-lan)
    Mod Specific Commands:
    dam_mode cb (cb_ot)
    dam_mode cure (cure_ot)
    dam_mode mr10 (mr10_ot)
    dam_mode mr12 (mr12_ot)
    dam_mode mr15 (mr15_ot)
    dam_mode cglan (cglan_ot)
    dam_mode esl (esl_ot
    DAMN Competition Mod V0.2 - 11/20/07 - Features tournament modes; Xfire and CEVO
    1. Extract the contents anywhere on your Hard Drive
    2. Using either your servers FTP or Control Panel, navigate your way to the modwarfare folder located inside of mods.
    3. Delete any z_modwarfare.iwd file that you may have and replace it with the one inside of the folder you extracted earlier.
    4. All previous configs can remain the same unlesS:
    5. If you have not uploaded this mod to your server before, also upload the default_server.cfg into the modwarfare directory, and the server.cfg to your servers main folder, then edit the server.cfg to your desired settings. Also make sure that your modwarfare folder also has the mods.gsc file in it. If it does not, simply upload it from the extracted folder.
    6. Using your servers command line editor (if you do not have this ask your server provider to add it for you), add the line +fs_game "mods/modwarfare" to it.
    7. Upload the pbsv.cfg to your servers PB folder. Replace your present one with this. (OPTIONAL , THE PB CONFIG IS NOT NEEDED TO RUN THIS MOD BUT MIGHT BE NECCESARY FOR LEAGUE PLAY)
    8. If you followed this readme and still cannot get your server to work with the mod, contact magnum on xifre - 88magnum
    Mod Specific Commands:
    dam_mode xfire - sets server in Xfire Tournament mode settings
    dam_mode xfire_ot - sets server in Xfire Tournament Overtime mode settings
    dam_mode cevo - sets server in CEVO Tournament mode settings
    dam_mode cevo_ot - sets server in CEVO Tournament Overtime mode settings
    dam_mode pub - sets server in PUB mode settings by removing ready up.
    dam_enable_readyup - Enables ready up
    dam_enable_strattime - Enables strat time
    dam_strattime - sets strat time duration (seconds)
    dam_lefticons 2 - Shows the number of players left (2 is team specific images, 1 is plain team name ie. marines, 0 is off)
    scr_enable_hiticon 0 / 1 / 2 - 0 no hiticons / 1 hiticons on everything / 2 removes hiticons from nades
    If you cannot spawn, you need to have the mods.ff and mod.csv file in your own PERSONAL mods/modwarfare directory.
    ::Updated for DAM v0.2::
    Added support for seperate rulesets
    Added a "dam_mode" feature that puts server into designated mode
    Added cevo, xfire, and pub mode rulesets with their respective overtime rulesets as well
    dam_mode xfire - sets server in Xfire Tournament mode settings
    dam_mode xfire_ot - sets server in Xfire Tournament Overtime mode settings
    dam_mode cevo - sets server in CEVO Tournament mode settings
    dam_mode cevo_ot - sets server in CEVO Tournament Overtime mode settings
    dam_mode pub - sets server in PUB mode settings by removing ready up.
    Added updated weapon files for CEVO Tournament mode
    - P90 damage decreased slightly from 22 to 20
    - P90 sprintlength modifier changed from 1.75 to 1.25
    - Shotgun damage increased from 40 per hit to 60
    Ambient sounds removed on some maps
    Some ambient effects removed
    Players can now look around / shoot during strat time
    Damage during strattime is disabled to prevent spawnkilling
    Holding onto a nade IN STRAT TIME to blow yourself up will kill you but not hurt your teammates
    Strat time no longer occurrs in ready up mode
    Updated pbsv.cfg to hopefully fix the lag issues
    ::Updated for DAM v0.1::
    Added Ready up mode
    Added sv_fps 30 script (BETA)
    Fixed a few minor bugs
    Previous Versions (xfire mod):
    ::Updated for final version::
    Added Axis/Allies Left
    Fixed Lean glitch
    Added Official pbsv.cfg
    ::Updated in version (v1.4)::
    Added strat time
    Removed Bomb icons pre-plant and post-plant.
    Added Sound for planting due to sites not being shown
    ::Updated in version (v1.3)::
    Fixed which shotty was enabled
    Fixed sniper damage, kills in one hit anywhere from the torso up, arms and legs do not kill.
    Slightly modified the P90's damage, it takes a couple more hits to kill now. This puts it on an even level with the other weapons.
    Fixed the spectator bug where it didn't allow anyone to freespec/spec players while in spectate mode.
    ::Updated in this version (v1.2)::
    Fixed crashing issue
    Changed a couple perks around
    ModWarfare created by Infinity Ward
    Mod Coding: Dan , Magnum
    Mod Testing : Crimewave | Sphinx | Resurgence Gaming
    IREV members: Frost, Mus and Night for finding a fix for the right lean bug
    Original Mod created for Xfire Tournament
    Original Installation / Known Problems instructions section by Keyhunt
    Thanks to bulletworm and garret for PAM2 , Without it this mod would have taken a LOT longer.




  9. Obscurity

    Obscurity is a Call of Duty 4 modification created by Falcar and Snakelet.
    The original concept was based on the classic movie, Predator. We wanted to pit a squad of marines against an alien being with advanced technologies that was capable of being a one man army.
    In v1, the Obscurity were seen as a cloudy puff of smoke, that emitted a static sound when moving. They could freeze position mid-jump and had a rifle that could switch positions with the target. There was also plenty of gore and locational damage, along with night maps. This provided the foundations for the mod, which we have since expanded into a full blown total conversion of the multiplayer componant of COD4.
    Obscurity v2 is being made because after learning all the processes and techniques from building v1, we believed we could create a better version of the mod. Obscurity v2 provides a completely new way of playing COD4 online, and we have added various unique features that you will not see in any other COD4 modifications.
    2.96b Release
    Obscurity allows players to either play as a marine, with the odds pitted against them, or play as an Obscurity, a creature created to hunt down and destroy its prey.




  10. Dobby's Zombie Mod

    Version 1.41 of the mod includes a ton of bugfixes, a few extra server options, and ranking all the way up to Level 101. This is the biggest and final update to COD4 zombie mod, see the readme for details.
    It's possible that this is the final version of the mod, as adding many more features would detract from the zombie based gameplay.
    NovemberDobby has done it again with a brand new mod. The Zombie Mod! This mod adds a whole new gametype to CoD4 which is sure to make you horror fans drool. There are two teams, the "Hunters" and the "Zombies".
    Game starts out with everyone being a hunter for two minutes, then someone is randomly picked as a zombie. That zombie must go out and kill as many hunters as he can with a knife or a throwing skull (blood pumping yet?)
    The game keeps on going till everyone is a zombie. The last hunter left alive is known as the last man standing, he gets an advantage to fight off the huge amount of zombies. This includes the superweapon, doing three times the amount of damage, and respawns if he gets 25,000 points.
    There is a bunch of extra commands in there for you server admins if you feel like editing some of the settings.
    The five types of zombie are as follows:
    Fast/scout zombie (Health: 250, Speed: 120%, Knife damage: 20, Special: Skulls)
    Poison zombie (Health: 400, Speed: 80%, Knife damage: 20 [+30 over time], Special: Zombie call)
    Normal zombie (Health: 600, Speed: 100%, Knife damage: 34, Special: Zombie fart)
    Electric zombie (Health: 450, Speed: 85%, Knife damage: 33, Special: Lightning strike)
    Fire zombie (Health: 400, Speed: 90%, Knife damage: 25, Special: Ring of fire)


    Skulls: Fast zombies get two throwing skulls per spawn, when there is a certain amount of hunters left (default 10 or less). They do 35 damage.
    Zombie call: Puts a big red mark on the radar for the zombies (pretty useless but they have poison soo...)
    Zombie fart: Shellshocks any hunters within range, slowing them down slightly. Goes through walls.
    Lightning strike & Ring of fire: They both do 25 damage to all hunters within view, in a small radius.




  11. Cnopicilin's Realism

    Some features:
    Corrected names for the weapons
    Better weapon loadouts
    Cpt. MacMillan has now M4 instead of a sniper. (see the image)
    Weapons fire rates corrected
    No more Zoom FOV when using sights
    New textures (© for their creators...)
    Slightly better AI
    New weapons for some maps
    Amount of bullets changed
    Accurate ROFs
    Realistic damage
    Longer FNG
    Unlocked single player events

    Put specops folder to your CallOfDuty4/Mods folder
    Add +set fs_game mods/specops to your game shortcut




  12. PROMOD Final

    Promod is a competitive mod built to replace the again and undeveloped PAM 4. It has been developed around the needs of both the LAN and invite communities.
    It has been tried and tested in the summer lan tournaments : i34, AEF and TEX. It has been accepted by most major leagues and continues to grow, both in popularity and in its code.
    This is a MAJOR release, all previous versions are no longer supported. There are known to be game-breaking bugs in previous versions, and inconsistent registration, and I recommend to all leagues that they disallow all previous versions of Promod, within a reasonable period of notice.
    *** Release 3 and above are now the only supported versions of Promod ***
    Guide for Players
    Guide for Server Admins
    Guide for Shoutcasters
    Guide for Leagues
    Mode information
    Upcoming Changes
    Included Cvarlist
    2. Player Guide
    Bomb drop:
    To drop the bomb, you can bind the key from controls->multiplayer options or use the quickcommands->promod menu directly if you prefer it unbinded.
    Calling a timeout:
    To call a timeout, press quickcommands then promod, and press ‘Timeout’ from here. The timeout will occur next round and will last a maximum of 5 minutes
    To suicide, you can bind the key from controls->multiplayer options or use the quickcommands->promod menu directly if you prefer it unbinded.
    Receiving accuracy stats:
    You receive the accuracy stats at the end of the game, if you prefer however, use the quickcommands->promod menu.
    Field of view:
    To get a relative field of view of 80 (normal) type /cg_fov 71.1111
    Quick selecting weapons:
    Here are some examples, with X bound as the weapon select button from the controls->multiplayer options menu.
    X16 : AK47, Smoke
    X1416 : AK47, Flash
    X26 : AK74u, Smoke
    X2416 : AK74u, Flash
    How to not see camouflage:
    Options->Multiplayer Options->
    or r_detail 0
    How to killspec:
    Join the game, select a team, do not pick a weapon. Instead simply press escape. You will not spawn for the remainder of the game unless you pick a weapon. Remember to ready up during half time
    Sensitivity Fix:
    Divide your sens by 1.125 if it feels too fast
    3. Admin Guide
    Installing the mod:
    Unzip the contents of this zip file to your servers mod directory. I advise you do not use the PAM directory, but create a new folder for promod (ie promod_version3), and set your servers ‘fs_game’ to boot from this, via your control panel. If you have problems doing this, email your provider.
    Make sure any IWD files except the ones in this zip file are deleted. Promod may refuse to run with any non-authorised IWD’s
    Ensuring the IWD sum/mismatch is avoided:
    Make sure promod is in its own folder, ideally something unique (e.g mods\promod_version3_myclanname). Do not rename the mod.ff files.
    Changing mode:
    rcon promod_mode 2v2_mr10
    rcon promod_mode knockout_mr13
    rcon promod_mode match_mr16
    For further information see the appendix
    For an overtime (e.g mr3), you can simply use rcon promod_mode knockout_mr3
    4. Shoutcast Guide
    The overhead map:
    When using the overhead map, I suggest you pick a player to spectate first, this will give you his view of the map, including objectives and bomb sites. The overhead map during freespec is purely just the map image
    5. League Guide
    The ruleset:
    6 second strat time
    3 SMG limit - with the promod smg fix
    1 sniper - with awp fix
    No-sway fix
    45 second bomb fuse
    1:45 minute round length
    5 second plant time
    7 second defuse time
    Codqcup fall damage
    LMG Disabled
    Red-dot sight disabled
    Bandolier/stopping power fixed perks
    PAM Compatibility:
    Promod is currently not compatible with PAM.
    Punkbuster Streaming:
    The following dvars must not be locked:
    g_compassShowEnemies (needed for shoutcasting)
    If anyone has problems with them, use /rcon pb_sv_cvarempty as a temporary measure till your league or streaming provider fixes it
    6. Credits
    Manager : morg
    Coding and Development : raf1
    Competition outreach : kleineman
    Also thanks to:
    Hardware support : Multiplay
    Hardware support : Lo3servers
    Numerous testers and those giving feedback
    Finally thanks to BulletWorm and GaretJax, for the Project Ares Mod running throughout the entire Call of Duty series. This work is further development of their great work
    7. Appendix : List of Modes
    Mode : match_mr[x]
    Supported Gametypes : SD
    Recommended for : CB, PCW's
    Conditions : Ends on x*2 rounds played (e.g mr12 will end on 24 played)
    Mode : knockout_mr[x]
    Supported Gametypes : SD
    Recommended for : LAN Tournaments, Cups. Extended strat time.
    Conditions : Ends on x*2 rounds played or x+1 points scored by a team (e.g mr12 will end on 13 points scored or 24 played)
    Mode : 1v1_mr[x]
    Supported Gametypes : SD
    Recommended for : CB, PCW's
    Conditions : Ends on x*2 rounds played (e.g mr12 will end on 24 played). No sniper. No shotgun
    Mode : 2v2_mr[x]
    Supported Gametypes : SD
    Recommended for : CB, PCW's
    Conditions : Ends on x*2 rounds played (e.g mr12 will end on 24 played). No sniper. No shotgun
    Mode : comp_public
    Supported Gametypes : SD, TDM, DM
    Conditions : Standard public server settings, no nades, etc
    Mode : custom_public
    Supported Gametypes : SD, TDM, DM
    Conditions : As set in z_custom_ruleset
    8. Appendix : List of Upcoming Changes
    Over the next month, I will be adding the original gametypes back into the game, adding basic hardcore functionality, and looking to further improve on things.
    Rake’s weapon mod has been made compatible with Promod, and we are currently waiting to see what is produced, and how successful it becomes.
    Appendix : Cvarlist
    To ensure that illegal scripting is not occurring in your server, please copy the included pbsv.cfg file to your servers \pb\ directory. If a file with that name already exists, put the following into it:
    //Punkbuster scripts for CoD4 Promod
    //By Ryan Palmer
    //Insert this into your pbsv.cfg file
    pb_sv_cvar sc_enable in 0
    pb_sv_cvar sm_enable in 0
    pb_sv_cvar r_dlight_limit in 0
    pb_sv_cvar dynent_active in 0
    pb_sv_cvar snaps in 30
    pb_sv_cvar cl_maxpackets in 100
    pb_sv_cvar rate in 25000
    pb_sv_cvar cg_nopredict in 0
    If you are streaming to a master ban list, and pbsvcheck.cfg exists, add these checks into that instead.




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