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another day at work, one step forward to the future

just managed to change the access control reading settings from Legic Prime to Legic Advant yesterday.  that wasn´t that hard afterall, and we knew what we were doing, even though the software behind it was Dr. Städler and is around 27 years old.  The biggest problem though, like always in life, everyone wanted to have a fair share of reputation, even though they bring nothing but themselves or they unaskedfor opinions to the table. that was one of the initial problem of the proje


Vice86 in Work

End of FPSs

I’m not playing any FPS video games anymore. I’m going to try and live a life free of violence. That means weapons of any kind in person too. I do not know what could be behind targets that I should at. It’s all bad. No more. We all should cleanse from this. Tbh. I’m here to talk things out if you want to talk. I’ve gone too far in a game I played a few months ago. This is something I want to talk about. I wish I never did it. I was on prescription medication at the time and it was evening. I fo

The Psychology of Neuro

I chose the name Neuro because I like to study my brain and yes I’ve seen a MRI and CT scan of my head. It was brief.   I do not want to study anyone else without their permission. You have my permission to read this and study my mind. I need some help with shaking that started in 2020 and hallucinations that started in 2022.    Recently I have been guided into getting help for my state of being. I hope I never have to have a conservatorship. If anyone has advice on how to bette


Neuro in Psychology

My First Dog

This is Radar. We are currently bonding and hanging out as I recently adopted him from a shelter. It will be interesting to watch him change and grow up. There is another dog in the house so they are bonding too (slowly). Radar is a male Belgian Malinois mix.    


Neuro in My dog

Here we go again #1

This is the first entry so I`ll be brief.   Not sure why I choose this pic and this phrase. It`s symbolic for me cause of several things: 1. War has comen again to my house but since 2014 we changed a lot. 2. Threat of a nuclear war from one insane man. 3. Several days ago occupants captured Chernobyl. Tonight occupants captured Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant - the largest nuclear power plant in Europe. Though it was damaged, our firefighters were allowed to localize fire. I


em3l1en in WAR2022

Merry Christmas & [Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory] Map of the year 2021 FINAL VOTING

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you guys and all your loved ones!   Map Of The Year Voting As the year is coming to an end, we want to elect the most loved map of the year again. You had the option to suggest maps for this little contest. Now it is time to elect THE map of the year of 2021.   As usual, you can win 150 TBP simply by participating and voting for your Map Of The Year 2021 (#TBMOTY21)   The voting is going to end with the year, so no more vote


JoNny in TrackBase News

Map of the year 2021 (pre-voting)

Hello TrackBase community!   As the year is coming to an end again, it is time to vote for the most loved map of the year 2021   As you might already know from last year, all we need for that is you! Please tell us your favorite maps! Everyone can suggest several maps, though not more than 3 would be good, since we only want to get the MOST LOVED ones.  So, where did you make the most frags or where did you win the map the most? It's your opinion, and based on that, we wa


JoNny in TrackBase News

Where was I ?

welp, its been a hot minute hasn't it. where should I even begin lets see.  I kind of went offline for a good moment to I guess work on myself as a person both physically and mentally. I used to be bullied a lot back in the day for being 300lbs and being a weeb. it was easy to ignore at first but once it becomes a constant thing you tend to believe in it as well. not to mention I was in a solid relationship with someone or so I thought since later down the road I figured out she was cheatin


DavidM in General stuff

Mid pandemic

I’m honestly not sure what to write about but here I go. I just need to vent. Just wanted to write a little something about how things are going with me. But that’s kinda hard given the state of the world right now. Things are shit. It’s been such a f***ed up time this past almost year and a half with the pandemic. It’s literally killing people all over the world. We have people on the streets in some countries like India, not getting into hospitals. What a mess. I used to work in healthcare, no


Neuro in Pandemic post

TrackBase Developers API Library

A new PHP package has been released by TrackBase. Anyone who wants to fetch data from TrackBase but did have problems with cURL requests, we got you. With the new library you can now make API calls with just two lines of code. All necessary information is placed inside the README file and you can easily integrate it in your project with composer or a manual autoloader. Check it out at: https://github.com/trackbasenet/dev-api   Disclaimer: A developer account is required for making API c


JoNny in TrackBase News

Merry Christmas & [Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory] Map of the year 2020 FINAL VOTING

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas to you guys and all your loved ones! Map Of The Year Voting As the year is coming to an end, we want to elect the most loved map of the year again. You had the option to suggest maps for this little contest. Now it is time to elect THE map of the year of 2020. As usual, you can win 150 TBP simply by participating and voting for your Map Of The Year 2020 (#TBMOTY20) The voting is going to end with the year, so no more votes will be counted after 2020-1


JoNny in TrackBase News

[Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory] Map of the year 2020 (pre-voting)

Hello TrackBase community!   As the year is coming to an end again, it is time to vote for the most loved map of the year 2020   As you might already know from 2018, all we need for that is you! Please tell us your favorite maps! Everyone can suggest several maps, though not more than 3 would be good, since we only want to get the MOST LOVED ones. So, where did you make the most frags or where did you win the map the most? It's your opinion, and based on that, we want t


JoNny in TrackBase News

TrackBase 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY Dear members, guests and tracking enthusiasts,

Dear members, guests and tracking enthusiasts, TrackBase is becoming 10 years old today. Paul van der Knaap had published TrackBase as a better tracking alternative on 10th October 2010. A lot has changed since then - except for one: Our love to Enemy Territory and FarCry, and TrackBase of course! 😄 Following changes have been implemented: [ET] Changed the clan ranking method: The rating from all players is taken into account now. [ET] Support for Server UR


JoNny in TrackBase News


Sup, peeps! Mmmm. It's been a while! I haven't been online here in something like a year, or more. With COVID and everything the way it is, i don't have a lot in the way of things to do that are especially meaningful at the moment. But, for those of you that do know me, i've got some pretty stellar news. Got me a proper publisher for the book I'm working on, a house and other miscellaneous nice shit. Not bad for a guy who was on disability last year. Anyway, just miss the old times with Timmy, S



TrackBase Beta Program 2020

Dear community, Today I am announcing to you our beta program. TrackBase is seeking users and enthusiasts of its platform and supported games to join together in a team where new ideas will be brought up, discussed and realized. I encourage you all to think of something that you would like to see on TrackBase or report things that shouldn't be kept in future versions. As we are approaching our ten-year-anniversary we as TrackBase want to give back to all the users of our platforms wh


JoNny in TrackBase News

Seething for years

For a long time, I was raging.  Seething for years, I was. I belong in the Temper Hall of Fame.  Grand SLam Anger Issues.



Interview: von Rantala

I now bring to you the one and only von Rantala! Quite friendly, experienced admin and leader. Thank you von for taking the time to answer a few questions to let us get to know you a little more!       What is something fun we don't know about you?   Hmm, i am very open person, i have told a lot on my life in the servers and site.  But maybe its that i drink a lot CocaCola xD   Have you noticed anything changing within the FA commu



grep your way to a lazier future

The types of techniques I use in this post can make your life easier in lots of ways. I use grep and sed all the time for things like hunting down and changing ET config vars across my install. The awk usage, in particular, is kinda cool because it shows a simple way to save some state between lines of text in a string of Linux commands. A real world example of grep saving the day is running my ET client with full debug logging enabled then using grep on the output to look for an issue with one







Now We've Done It

My contentment depends upon my lack of pride.  But sometimes when I drive in the wrong direction for too long then I inhale some pride.  In other words my spirituality fluctuates.  Or at least my awareness goes up and down.  And Here I thought I was awake.  AWAKE!!     The Comic genius that is WheelJack, comes here with any real skill.  So we motivate him. ALOT.    In these hours of downtime, we lurk. WE lurk for a little bit of energon. so we try new Energon Light.  



Airport Road

So there i was with lost sense of direction.  Standing there.  Looking into the pit of oblivion, wee burned the wood.  Then I went mad. Vague I know.  I am not in the Plane.  I am on the Plane.   So I sought Humility when along I had it with me, but the humble look wasn't there. OR at least that is what I thout.  MOSES!!! i cried out.  Surely I will save the Hebrew Slaves, let me just put those communication lines in order.   The Martians Have Returned. write back if you



Platform 3 - Work and hobby

A rather short entry.   I started working in september. "Real" life has kept me from being here regularly. I was hired for something between social and legal work for a half time but the organisation was also looking for someone to handle the communication (I haven't studied that). I started to do it for one newsletter. Now I'm handling project calls, facebook, twitter, website, newsletter and yearly report next to the legal and social work I'm doing. If it wasn't for my experience wit



Week 2 - What is needed for a show

Hey everyone, New Week, New Part   A full show of a Deejay or  a Band needs a lot of Know-How, Technics and ofc a lot of effort to get everything working. I'll just make seperate chapters for each part (of a show)   1. Preparation: 1.1 Concept What is the theme of your show going to be?  What do you want your show to say about you?  Take some time to reflect on this, and what you want your visual presentation onstage to communicate to your audien



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