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redy. last won the day on January 30 2017

redy. had the most liked content!

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    Silent #1
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  • T-M
    ET: 17-14
    INS: 4-2

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  1. Silent #1 players are asking about you! 😃

    1. redy.


      just saw this. im back on silent playing. you coming over?

    2. RedBaird


      Oh, that was 5 hours ago, I just barely woke up and got entangled in FA stuff, before I even started my RL day! 😮 


      Thanks for the invitation! 😄 


      Yes, I was up very late, in our California day.  I got 'captured' by FA stuff and then could not sleep until very late. 💤

  2. !MX

    Get your ass back! Miss u ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. !MX


      Now i´m working! Only can join at nights :C 

    3. redy.


      i thought you love me more than work!!!??? 😛

    4. Renegade Pig
  3. ❤️ :)

  4. sup reyrey, long time no see ❤️

    1. audrey


      Well HI! 😊

      really long time, miss you all terribly.

      A lot of things happened, maybe I'll write something soon 😄


      How are youuu reyrey

  5. Welcome backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!  

    1. redy.


      Thank you ❤️ 

      Kinda on and off, depending on life :) how are you brother?

  6. Not a "stray cat" any more? :D 

  7. Omg redy! Dude! Welcome back, I missed ya brother!❤❤❤❤

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. daredevil


      redy u better not disappear again or I send army to hunt u :) 

    3. audrey


      I'll personally hunt him down, he's off again xD

    4. daredevil


      @audrey - I hope u are ready for hunt :)

  8. hey dare. all good here. still in california enjoying the life very cool to see all the changes. new maps, forums etc. seem you guys have been busy
  9. Thanks guys. Hope to see you on the servers. Waiting with the PF around the corner who is dat raw64life?
  10. hi everyone, thought id leave a hi hope you are all doing good. was a while offline. Just installed ET again to do some shooting. Rusty AF redy.
  11. very nice sig. good job!
  12. yeha! well earned. congratulations brother.
  13. very good job on all the videos Loved the first LNA one. Used to jump there too. smooth bro
  14. Congratulations FAmily and all the players, admins, regulars that helped to achieve this great goal! Our FA Insurgency server #3 (PvP) i ranked number 1 in the world! Here the link Huge shoutout to Unknown, Mr.Karizmatic, Sisje and all the others that made this success possible. FA is number 1 BABAY!!!!
  15. Happy BDay FA :*
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