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Buckwild last won the day on October 7 2022

Buckwild had the most liked content!

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    Forward Bunker

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    Jay #1
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    Rochester, NY USA


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    ET 9-5

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  1. We are still waiting for your triumphant return!

  2. Buckwild

    ET Server Suggestion Jay1 map rotation suggestions

    fueldump on Jay1 needs mapscript to block dump area for double-jump to Final Objective.
  3. Here is how to re-sync your FA account to Discord# (credit  to Shana) 😄 I would PM you with this link, but my forum mailbox is full again and I can send nada! :( 



    1. RedBaird


      BTW, you may have "left the server" instead of "logging out". 


  4. Original Caen has Tank Barrier, More even game. Waypoints in Latest omni-bot_0_87_ET https://fearless-assassins.com/files/file/45-caen-caenpk3-and-waypoints/
  5. Delete etconfig.cfg from: etmain\Profiles\'You'\ Game will create new one...
  6. I came up against a Rambo Medic as Engineer(Less Health), He was moving back and forth really fast, So I crouched(Closer bullet spread) and Aimed across the map diagonal(North South East West). My machine gun fired as He stopped and moved the other way. So, I hit him every time he came back to spot I was aiming at... I was lucky with the sync, I killed Him! So, Aiming across the diagonal was better because hit boxes are larger there. Aim for Head always(More damage). Teammate said: Buck: You are too good for (Clan)!
  7. No, ET2.60b, ETLegacy character moves slow for some reason...
  8. Buckwild

    ET Server Suggestion Silent 1 maps

    I think this map would be fun:
  9. Oh, Sorry It was a corrupt map file. I had downloaded and user a free program that contained a virus to convert a movie to DVD Deleting bad map file fixed ET. I was wrong to suggest using My Jaymod hunkusage file. There is no excuse for not using anti-virus program. All this happened 5 Years ago.
  10. It was corrupt hunkusage.dat file. Deleting made new one be created... All good! He later changed it to
  11. Maybe try ETLegacy, It uses OpenCL. I can get 125 FPS with My GTX 650 with ETL.
  12. Sorry, I don't do Omnibot scripting.
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