The bots out when theres a real players 8 vs 8 looks good.
I know the bots are here to make the server more attractive for new incomming players and an easy kill for the starters,and make the server look populated,but they also can ruin a map very fast (rushing,walking into friendly mines,blocking shots,blocking exits etc.) but the discusion about the bots is as old as me so nevermind 🤪
On the opposit the adren isnt a nice welcome for beginning players,, a new player comes in and gets destroyed by good players on adren..unhitable for them,to fast movemant,they die before they can even get a hit..I think that really scares of newcomers very fast.instead of making them getting comfortable on beginners 2.
But bots and adren are often the subject of a topic and we will see what will happen or not.