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Waster last won the day on January 15 2012

Waster had the most liked content!

1 Follower

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  • Occupation
    Uber driver

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  • Server
    Silent #1
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Computer Gaming, Fishing
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  • Location
    Washington State


  • T-M
    ET- 1-1

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Thanks for the reply I dont however have a working mic input for this comp
  2. I was playing on silent with my tags on and was kicked without a word. Am I not supposed to wear my tags? Might be listed inactive but shouldn't be kicked for no reason without a question or warning. By the way Im back and you can take inactive off my name Thanks =F|A=Waster
  3. Think for Yourself, Question Authority!

    1. Pepperonipizza
    2. daredevil


      I don't abuse my brain and I am not selfish :P So I think for all and I don't spend time in questioning authority all the time :) btw hi waster! Long time no see mate!

  4. Waster

    Missed Ya

    Have internet again you'll be seeing me around.
  5. My favorite, Easy to make as well! Or Vodka. Drinking is pretty rare these days.
  6. The US Gov. decided that cell phones were enough of a "right" (or they are a necessary thing to have) that they pay for them. The internet is so much more, and has more resources. Some phones do ok with internet but I always thought it was more of a hassle. That and my phone always gets beat up somehow....
  7. "You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late." Ralph Waldo Emerson

  8. Well the darn cable company didnt feel they had stolen enough of my money. So they decided to turn off my internet until they could get more of my cash. Unfortunatly they may have to wait a couple of months. Cya next time. (soon I hope) Peace Waster
  9. Waster

    Hi Everybody!

    Thanks Everyone!
  10. Waster

    Hi Everybody!

    Sorry to let you down DJ! I'll try to work on that.
  11. Waster


    Guild Wars 2 Think I might have mentioned starting an F|A guild there, didn't. Someone here didn't care for the idea.
  12. Hi, Been playing Guild Wars 2, but thought I might play ET for awhile. Cya Through the sights Waster
  13. Happy Birthday Waster!

  14. Never liked that map
  15. They will figure out a way to make it illegal to posses any marijuana that wasnt obtained at a authorized location and has been taxed. Not sure how the law actually reads though.
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