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  • Alias
    Timmanji / JAI HO
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  • Gender
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  • Interests
    DEATH METAL drumming
  • Location
    Halton Ontario Canada


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    DOI 9-5
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  1. https://fearless-assassins.com/forums/forum/270-topics/
  2. Hello all, long time no talk. Got bored and decided to design us a new emblem for FA on the crew side of things online. You can optionally purchase it for wearing and/or marking cars I prefer to do the classic biker patch style. 1%er for the 1% of bikers who live as an outlaw, typical badges otherwise. Didnt bother with location as it doesnt matter per se
  3. Best planking ive ever seen i rly like this gun site ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ v small green reticle Me and Castcrown playing with the devs fire + sky is nice underneath looks good too.... apparently..
  4. haha weirdo with an antenna sweater ohhh... no....
  5. Hoping to add a lot to this over time. The one that comes to mind right now is changing your keybind for MARKING ENEMIES to the letter J. A lot / most keyboards have a raised edge for identifying the key. You can mark the enemies quickly and jump back to your normal key position. You can hit keys and shoot at the same time independently due to the different input systems. I mark everyone i shoot if I can so in the event i cant take them out the next soldier will have a better chance. Teamwork is the name of the game.
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  6. hes got a screw driver and licorice and he's trying to make him feel more comfortable.
  7. Stop sign through the leg
  8. Before looks an awful lot likely a certain bioshock character from afar..
  9. HSATimmy

    DOI-Discussion Bug/glitch

  10. "What is your opinion on the piratez life's?" while the concept of living on the sea excites me, i figure between the potential for murder, rape, scurvy, and constant fighting very tiring to think of. who wants to deal with that all the time? Sand is cool as long as its not in one of your holes. i like fishing and i like dolphins so that might be an interesting juxtaposition to the standard piratez lyfe "What brings joy to your heart whilst gaming, I do ponder?  " Im not sure how to describe my definition of joy. Cant answer the question eh.
  11. indeed, as a child this was a terribly sour aspect of lifestyle. now i can cope and even dance a bit
  12. Hi eh if anyone has any questions, no such thing as stupid questions, post here we have lots of answers to give away. between the locals we have over 5000 hrs of xp at our disposal.
  13. got a fresh one!! just happened Dycantos doing his spiderman impression
  14. my new m1 carbine sights for my wrist. Makes the gun better. | Also you can get on the plane in crete
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