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  1. I study Electrical engineering. The commands (f for foward for example) were send to a receiver using a program on my laptop that was connected to an ip address (of a router in the car). The arduino program translated these commands to actual outputs and the circuitry itself attached to the Arduino made the thing run. What kind of things have you done with Arduino Klopen?
  2. I've used Arduino a few times myself during my studies. Nothing too spectacular though, using a IR-detection circuit to check if an object is near somewhere, and let the arduino perform an action based on this proximity. For this project I only contributed a part of the actual Arduino code/hardware used. Also had to make a remote control car, controllable via wi-fi for another project, since I was the only Electrical Engineer in that project group I got to do a lot of the programming/installation of hardware such at the motors and servos myself. It did cost quite some time, but it was a lot of fun to do! Overall I find Arduino very easy to use, however you just need a project .
  3. Koenios

    League of Legends League Funny Moments

    Nice editing, although I miss Mordekaiser in the video.
  4. Koenios

    Music time guysss

    I think for most people songs come and go. A lot of music is being posted here: http://fearless-assassins.com/topic/77219-what-song-are-you-listening-right-now-part-4/ Eminem is pretty good though I agree.
  5. Was a lot of fun! Hope we can have another one of these soon enough.
  6. I think the suggestion is to play a soundbyte whenever you teamkill someone that says TEAMKILLER!!! I've seen this before on ET, but I am not sure how hard it is to implement such a thing. I think it also comes down to how much time the admins have to spare on things like this, because keeping big servers up like FA already costs a lot of hard work. That being said, I think the suggestion could be good, but I doubt anyone would think bad of the actual change.
  7. It is fairly easy to do if you're playing in the allies team in cortex. This seems to be done on a different map, nice one!
  8. fast food ---> fat
  9. Burger ---> Burger King
  10. Lasagna ---> Cheese.
  11. So much questions.

  12. Again, a very sad day to wake up to. Still not sure what people are trying to achieve by doing this. I agree though, even after the atrocities that have happend today, there are most likely still a couple of terrorists amongst us in europe.
  13. The somewhat better players just pick the side which is easiest to rate on (which is also based on how the teams are at that point), and since they are the best players, the teams naturally become quite stacked.
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