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*Kiba* last won the day on December 22 2009

*Kiba* had the most liked content!

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  • Occupation
    not working anymore :(

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  • Alias
    Kiba or Venom
  • Admin
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    Jay #1
  • Gender
  • Interests
    anime games books movies :) friends manga
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  • Location
    loganville GA


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Rising Star

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  1. i know but i never catch you on lol and it hard sometimes when we have so many angels who don't have them good looking F|A tags on 😛
  2. i have to say @JoeDirt @Baska @Hulk @daredevil @-=Medic=- @AnG3L got some more but it's been years and i don't even think they have accounts anymore
  3. i guess i am log in with my email lol i didn't need to relog
  4. https://www.amazon.nl/ could always have a look on there for a pc for around the same price your going to spend upgradeing
  5. Chicken Farting GIF by happydog

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. *Kiba*


      nope just wanted to share the smell of it 

    3. RedBaird


      I am still waiting for "Smell-O-Vision" on my TV!


      We still don't have Flying Cars, either! :(



    4. *Kiba*


      i know right

  6. oh god swiss is back oh will you know the drill by now got to post it
  7. *Kiba*

    Movie game

    Ernest Goes to Jail Next Letter "Q"
  8. *Kiba*

    ET QA Self Kill

    there already been debates on this and was even voted on at a time not going to dig for the topic of it if it's even up still but there are reasons its like that and i don't think it's unfair that you can't kill or heal your self it give it a more real feel i mean think about it if your like that in irl you don't heal your self you go get healed
  9. *Kiba*

    ET QA Self Kill

    self kill is a part of the game you can't stop someone from doing it not everyone knows you can do it to so i see no point in making a big deal out of it i mean you really need to know you have to bind it for it to work i mean you can open consol and type it in there but still again not everyone knows how to do this i mean in all my time of playing i had a number of ppl ask me how i playdead or kill myself i have binds and vsays and everything for my kill outs p.s i mean it does not really matter if you kill your self it still counts as a dead just the other player don't get the kill all the time
  10. https://www.amazon.com/HP-Premium-i7-1355U-GeForce-Windows/dp/B0D3VSBNKP/ref=sr_1_15?crid=3EOPL9RI9O62Y&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.eFYf-u2y9qwJlyeLQc9WNSSdDCjJdhJ5Xb_S4YF5ZCLHcalI3LMlOpa-SkZsVEK3wT32XMAZRYrpOdxyawFaOsOzL11RKvALlNDp6piCEQXWvI7BO7d7FCj3vW2RiQqxLAUQLSEpUfxEhwIOf6fYnajBofbWoQ9XcuVsaZKrqK2UdtBvAAeRmRRGfkGB3Cd43ChDw6hNiS4kR_z9ELJ7IBBkFQjAmskuMGQZFocCuz1FiHfWQIWj2ek22xGKzmXfl3zTkCNd-XyQapGEleI_UtLa0W0NIUg1u0LL95nHV5g.oaGWcna1TETmSIkANDXNc7ULZSf4MTkSkDsFqPntlYM&dib_tag=se&keywords=gaming%2Blaptop%2B4070%2Bsuper&qid=1731175277&s=electronics&sprefix=gaming%2Blaptop%2B4070%2Bsupe%2Celectronics%2C115&sr=1-15&th=1
  11. i have to ask how much are you looking to spend here is the better + i myself hate AMD gpu i will not say much about there cpu bc i have always done intel but i played on AMD GPU i hate there driver updater it's slow it's a pain and AMD are bad about putting updates out that love to break shit there almost as bad as windows with there sometimes reset everything updates
  12. sounds to me like he playing on wifi and he getting drop when he goes over a time limite or bandwith you really should make a demo on it
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