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Has anybody had this issue before using ETLegacy client (all latest versions from 2.80 to 2.82.1) : R_LoadPreRenderedFont: font file 'fonts/JetBrainsMono-SemiBold_16.dat' was not found. R_GetFont: can't load font 'JetBrainsMono-SemiBold' 'fonts/JetBrainsMono-SemiBold_16.dat' point size 16. RE_RegisterFont: failed to register font with name 'JetBrainsMono-SemiBold' point size 16 R_LoadPreRenderedFont: font file 'fonts/ETL-icon-font_16.dat' was not found. R_GetFont: can't load font 'ETL-icon-font' 'fonts/ETL-icon-font_16.dat' point size 16. RE_RegisterFont: failed to register font with name 'ETL-icon-font' point size 16 shows up when reloading the config from already in the game, if the cfg is loaded from outside the server than it's all fine, the error is not there. Font itself is in windows (i use JetBrains Intellij products for work) Update: reinstalled client v2.82.1 , made again a clean download of NQ mod, once logged in the server loaded the cfg 1 time -> did not crashed, did not try the luck with more cfg reloads
🎃🎉 Fearless Assassins Clan's 16th Birthday & Halloween Gameday! 🎉🎃 Let´s have fun and join us on our Halloween Gameday! Enemy Territory: Date: Saturday October 26th Time: Starts at 12PM - Ends at 12AM GMT +0 Server: =F|A= NoQuarter #1 XPS DNS: Insurgency Sandstorm: Date: Sunday October 27th Time: Starts at 12PM - Ends at 12AM GMT +0 Server: =F|A= Beginners Coop #1 IP:
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- gameday2024
- nq1
(and 3 more)
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untilOn behalf of all Fearless Assassins, we would like to invite you to celebrate the beginning of this summer with us in our Summer Gameday! Enemy Territory: Date: Saturday June 29th Time: Starts at 12PM - Ends at 12AM London Summer Time Server: =F|A= NOQ1 #1 XPSAVE IP:
Hey all, Whenever i enter the game (EDIT: on NOQ1 only), switch class or switch team, my slot 2 weapon reset to default single gun and not the akimbo. Therefore i need to reselect it on top of reselecting the primary weapon if necessary, every single time. I don't have this problem with other mods (at least not public or jaymod) Is it normal? Is it just me? Is there any way around? Thanks in advance for any help !! PS: i did a basic scan for existing discussion on this topic, sorry if it is already dealt with in another thread.
Hello dear =F|A= friends, family and likewise, I thought maybe it is due time to just write a few words and share about me a little bit. As part of the WolfET NQ1 interior not all of you may know me very well, but I've been playing on/off in NQ1 for quite some years now, with great pleasure. Anyway, I have not been around much the past year or so and I just wanted to share some insights I have been away due to work mostly, my job requires a lot of attention at random intervals. The job I am was doing involved research and pursueing a doctorate (also called Ph.D. / Promotion) in chemical engineering. However, I realized a few years in (4 out of the total 5 years I have) that mentally I could not handle the pressure of the doctorate very well. I spent more time on it than I should, not getting the results I need or wanted, and got depressed from it. Thus I decided it is time for change! I stopped pursueing the doctorate (a big decision ... hopefully for the best), and now I just work as a normal researcher at the same workplace, but I am looking for a new fun job instead. ... I hope to have some more time to play Wolf ET, or to be an active member of the community. However, finding a new job, which may involve also moving to a new house and finding a new house, may require quite some of my time. Hence I might be ghosting you all for some more time the coming year. But rest assured, I will not forget about you at all, I just have to focus on other things for now. Thanks for reading, I wish you all a great day/week/year 😛 Te amo, I love you all, Amo
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Hi Does Jay 3 server down? I can't join server I've that: resolved to resolved to PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Connected to Server PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: PB Services socket initialized PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve PunkBuster Client: Failed to resolve ]/condump 1.txt Dumped console text to 1.txt.
Zombies fall across the land, The midnight hour is close at hand Creatures crawl in search of blood, To territorize the neighborhood And whosoever shall be found, Without the soul for getting down Must stand and face the hounds of hell, And rot inside our Gameday´s shell The foulest stench is in the air, Enemy Territory corpses of almost 20 years And grisly ghouls from every tomb, Are closing in to seal your doom And though you fight to stay alive, Your body starts to shiver For no mere mortal can withstand, The evil of our Gameday-Thriller
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Summer Summer almost here, lets celebrate that with a big fat cheer! Of this fact I am surely clear, =F|A=Summer-gameday will soon appear.
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Dear forum dwellers, I am hoping that some of you know ET legacy better than I do, because I have problems with screenshotting/condump. When I try the following commands in the console: /screenshot /screenshotjpeg /condump, it never succeeds. For screenshots it gives the error: failed to open screenshot. For condump it gives a similar message. See attached messages. For the record recording and saving demo's does work. I am using ET Legacy v2.79.0 currently. In v2.28.1 it also did not work. It used to work in version v 2.27.x and below. Thanks for the help!
ET NoQuarter's chasm of secrets - a quick tutorial to NQ effects
Xiahou Dun posted a topic in Tutorials
Lately I've been getting questions like "and what does this thing do, and what does this icon do?" more and more often while playing on the server. Hence the idea for this tutorial. It will describe the icons you can see on noquarter servers and briefly describe each effect. FIELD OPS First, lets discuss the basic stuff - the field ops status. To most of you this is probably basic knowledge, but I see people constantly struggle with it - so it won't hurt to mention this. - On this screen we have 3 very important factors that go into how to use field ops more efficiently. Firstly, the ammo of your gun (duh), but more interestingly - your "charge bar", which is used to perform all class-specific actions. Supplying your teammates with ammo packs will deplete 10% of this bar for each ammo pack you throw out. Using the artillery SUCCESSFULLY will deplete 70% of your chargebar. Throwing an airstrike can (at the moment of the throw, we can't tell if it's going to be a success or not yet) will also deplete 70% of your charge bar. However, that's when the interesting part starts. - On this screen we can see that the airstrike icon has disappeared, meaning the plane dropped the airstrike run and needs to do another run, however my charge bar is full. That usually means one of your teammates used one already. This is a very common occurance when you have more than 1 field op, since all of you are operators of the same fire control station. If one of your friendly field ops call any fire support, all of you will temporarily loose access to it. - here we can see how it looks after your team used all fire support available at a given moment. My charge bar dropped by 70%, since I called artillery, my allied field ops used airstrike, and our team is all out of air support now. That means you have to wait - calling additional artillery/throwing airstrike markers will deplete 33% of your charge bar, but will result in a message "Too many airstrikes requested" (airstrike) or "Insufficient fire support" (artillery). No matter how much you spam - if the aforementioned symbols are not visible under your charge bar, you won't be able to call more fire support. These symbols, however, are visible ONLY to the field ops, so you have to work with your field op to know when an airstrike is going to drop, for example. There are a few exceptions and special situations, however. Let's say an enemy field ops throws an airstrike at me, and I kick it back. Both teams need to have airstrike support available, but only the team that kicks back the can will drop the airstrike, and deduct an airstrike support from their team. Meaning if I am the one to kick back an enemy airstrike, my team will drop an airstrike and spend OUR team airstrike support, not the enemy. The enemy field ops will be deducted 70% of their charge bar, however, which can effectively shut down the airstrike attempt. AURA EFFECTS Now, let's get to one of the most unique features of NoQuarter, and one that many people have no idea about - the area-of-effect abilities. Anyone who ever played NQ mod must've realized, that next to your XP is a little area with all sorts of icons. These icons represent current statuses, that your character is under effect of. Let's discuss all of them, and discover how RPG-like NQ mod really is. A typical left side of the screen area shows your rank, under that the ranks of your skills (class-specific -> battle sense -> light weapons). But what are those icons next to it, I wonder? - Let us discuss these 3 first, as they are the most common, ones you see on every class, at every spawn (mostly). The first two from the top will be present on every screen, so let's read about them now. First one from the top is the helmet icon - very straighforward. That means, your character currently has a helmet - I know, big news. The middle one is also very self-explanatory. It means, you have achieved Battle Sense level 1 (congratulations!) and your character has binoculars on them. Very fancy, since after reaching Covert Ops level 4, every class on NoQuarter can spot landmines. The last one is the spawnshield icon. As long as this icon is visible to you - you are an immortal being. However, shoot one bullet, or even perform a class-specific action (throw a medpack/ammopack, call an arty, or even swing a knife) and the spawnshield will come off! Treat with caution! That was pretty boring, eh? Let's get to the interesting part then! The first one is an snowflake icon. It is obtained by reaching Engineering level 5. Every friendly player standing next to an Engineer with that skill (does not work for the said engineer themselves) will receive a "weapon coolant". All of the heavy MG's, Venoms and Stens/MP34's will overheat slower and if they do - they will cool back at a rapid rate. Very useful for keeping your covies engaged with the enemy or providing barrage with a stationary MG42/Browning. It is also not class specific, so if you're, say, a Field Ops with a picked up Sten, you will also receive the benefit of that skill. Secondly, one of my favourites - a caduceus icon. It is obtained by reaching First Aid level 5. Every friendly player standing next to a Medic with that skill (except for the said Medic) will receive an improved health care pack. It increases the effect of the picked medpacks by 10 HP - so you will heal 30 HP instead of 20. There are a few special scenarios with that skill, so I will briefly explain them: Should you get burned by enemy flamethrower - you will be under the fire effect for 5 seconds, which decreases incoming healing by 50%. The formula for medpacks picked up while under the influence of this aura is (20+10)/0.5. Which lefts us with 15 - that will be the amount of health you will restore with every medpack, in contrary to normal 10 (under flamethrower effects) Secondly, it does not work on map-entity medpacks. Medic stands that heal you for 20 will not heal you for 30, and the ones that heal you rapidly for 7 (present on MLB Daybreak for example) will not heal you for 14 each. Lastly, the medpacks are affected in real-time, not at the moment of dropping/picking them up. If a medpack is just chilling there, and two wounded players come for it, and one of them is providing the medic aura for the other, the medic will heal 20 from that medpack, but the other player will heal 30 HP (unless they're both medics with that aura). As we can see, the last contender has finally entered the game! A running man icon. That is the last of the "big three" that can be present on NQ. The running man symbol is an aura effect, obtained by reaching level 5 of Signals (field ops skill). Every Field Ops, who has at least level 5 of Signals will "emit" this aura to nearby allies (again, not themselves!). What does this effect do, you may ask? It is arguably one of the most powerful features your team can have in their arsenal - every friendly player affected by it will loose stamina while running at half the normal rate, and regain it at TRIPLE the rate! Truly a beast of an aura, and one that if correctly used, can wreck havoc with quick hit-and-runs. All auras will be visible under the player, that provides the effect. Every Engineer, Medic and Field Ops, who have reached level 5 of their respective class will have a corresponding symbol under them, letting you know they are providing the benefits to nearby allies! MISCELLANEOEUS For last, I have saved a few very class-specific icons, that are mostly self-explanatory, but still unique enough to mention these. First - one of my favourite, if not THE favourite feature of NoQuarter. Combat CPR - unlocked by reaching full proficiency in First Aid (level 9). Allows other classes to perform a combat resuscitation, which is a process requiring you to hold F for 7 seconds and leaves you extremely vulnerable to enemy fire, but allows for classes other than Medic to revive fallen friendlies! The combat usefulness of this ability cannot be overlooked! Just please, don't tap out when someone's doing that to you, otherwise the person trying to revive you may end up with a severe case of throwing the keyboard through the window, especially when you tap out at the last second. (For some reason, ETLegacy inverted the big caduceus on the middle of my screen, weird). This screen shows an Engineer, who has acess to Flak Jacket and Adrenaline shot. Briefly put - Flak Jacket is available to Engineers after reaching Engineering skill level 4. Unless the settings allow for it, it DOES NOT carry over to other classes. The Flak Jacket halves the damage from all explosives. Decreasing explosive damage by 50% allows Engineers to survive direct contact with riflenade hits, landmines and other ways of insta-killing other classes. Very useful for clearing out layers of mines, or repairing the objective under heavy fire. The Adrenaline shot is very unique (as everything) on NoQuarter. The shot's availability can be modified between classes (NQ1 currently only supports the Engineers having it, and only 1 per lifetime). The adrenaline effects differ from other mods adrenaline - NoQuarter adrenaline lasts 10s, speeds you up by 25%, completely removes stamina usage and... that's it! No damage modifiers (more damage dealt or less received) or any other benefits. It can only be used once per lifetime, meaning that even if you resupply yourself with an ammo crate, you won't get extra adrenaline shots until you respawn. - status while being injected with adrenaline - status while your adrenaline was depleted and you have no more adrenaline available (this life) - Engineers under the effect of adrenaline will have glowing-red eyes! Schpooky! This player is both disguised (the mask symbol - only visible on friendly coverts) and a part of your Fireteam (first symbol, letting you know they are a fireteam member). - This player is under the effect of poison syringe! Healing them with medpacks will only delay the inevitable - they need a medic syringe to cure them! This player is badly hurt. NoQuarter's characters are getting more and more bloodied, the lower HP they are. 35HP and less, their face will become visibly bruised, meaning a friendly medic can restore their HP with a syringe, not throwing medpacks. This player is about to get kicked to the respawn queue, not knowing what happened. Execution is a skill obtainable by reaching Light Weapons level 9. Sneak behind someone and fire away with a pistol at the back of their heads for bonus style points and instantly gibbing the enemy player! AFTERWORD Even if this was totally useless - I still had fun making it! There are so many unique features of NoQuarter, that I hope this post will help beginners to get around it, and hardened NQ veterans to see, if there's something they might have not known about the mod! If you made it here - thank you for reading and congratulations for your promotion, General of the Army! I know there are complete tutorials about NQ mod as a whole and these are much better than my scribbling, but I wanted to contribute to NQ mod being more widely understood! Big thanks to @NomaT for assisting me with getting all the neccesary screens for this post! (Sorry for weird formatting at some points, I couldn't get forums to cooperate with me on all points) -
Noticed some ping errors on past days when it gives connection interrupted messages. Here is winmtr |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | WinMTR statistics | | Host - % | Sent | Recv | Best | Avrg | Wrst | Last | |------------------------------------------------|------|------|------|------|------|------| | - 0 | 700 | 700 | 0 | 0 | 19 | 0 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 7 | 13 | 89 | 9 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 7 | 14 | 85 | 8 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 3 | 12 | 57 | 10 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 7 | 13 | 109 | 41 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 20 | 26 | 132 | 57 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 19 | 24 | 104 | 21 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 15 | 26 | 101 | 20 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 22 | 25 | 124 | 23 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 38 | 44 | 179 | 42 | | - 0 | 702 | 702 | 42 | 49 | 141 | 109 | | - 37 | 284 | 179 | 0 | 51 | 77 | 69 | | - 0 | 701 | 701 | 46 | 50 | 295 | 47 | | - 0 | 700 | 700 | 47 | 49 | 113 | 50 | |________________________________________________|______|______|______|______|______|______| WinMTR v0.92 GPL V2 by Appnor MSP - Fully Managed Hosting & Cloud Provider
Since I played NQ for a long time ages ago I wanted to give it a shot again after mostly sticking to Jaymod and Silent in the last few years. After playing on NQ1( for a few rounds I recognise that I am absolutly terrible with hitting enemys in NQ much worse than the other two mods. I know that the mods all have differences in hit detection etc. but what confuses me in NQ is that I receive a visual feedback for hitting enemys (little dust popping up) but the shot doesnt register unless I also receive the audio feedback for hitting a shot. In the few rounds I played it was often the case that I could see the visual feedback but they didnt register and it is really frustrating when it looks like I am hitting 5 times in the head region but I deal no dmg at all. It mostly happens when the enemy is moving around and I dont think it happend if an enemy stays still or runs in a straight line at me. Since NQ1 is in germany my ping is displayed ingame with 2-8 and I dont think the lagometer does anything crazy when I play on NQ1. I still tested the connection twice with WinMTR to but I am not entirely sure how to read it. It does look like that I have a package loss in some nodes but I dont know if those nodes are actually related to my connection to the server. The WinMTR results are hidden in the spoiler. Now I am wondering if the visual feedback isnt even related to hitting in NQ or something could be wrong in my cfg in NQ which should more or less be the same what is in my cfg for silent/jaymod or if it is actually a problem with my connection to NQ1. It could also be that I just play absolutly horrible when I play NQ but I just hope that thats not the case.
Two bots somehow ended up as spectators even though no one moved them... and it just happened on desert baserace
Hi guys, any idea what happened on NQ1 as me and other guys lost all xp and starting from 0 ... Thanks
Hey, i noticed that the allied bots start to spin around the ladder which leads to the oil tanks. Other bots from the same team usually start spinning around that while another bot is constructing so they are causing teamkills... Is that some kind of bug?
If I'm not mistaken, double-jump has been removed from Adlernest, but I'd also like to see it removed from Delivery, because it negates allies having the blow up the walls at the beginning of the map. Is it possible to disable it? Thanks.
I'd like to open a discussion on the custom vsay sounds for our NQ1 server and want to encourage all members and regulars to share their point of view on the matter. As with many things, your personal preference for vsays is also a matter of taste. Whoever witnessed me playing on this server for the past seven and half years, for instance, knows that I love to play all those little snippets from songs and movie quotes or movie scores to alleviate the atmosphere and of course for my own amusement. And I think we have quite the diverse and fun vsay sound pack. But, as always, there are exceptions to the rule and the issue of excessive spamming of vsays has been - and probably always will be - a downside to having custom vsays to play on a server. The aforementioned exceptions are a certain set of vsays which consists mainly of different sounds of women moaning in a sexual aroused manner. These vsays can not accessed via the vsay menu and used to be a secret "fun" extra for clan members. As with many things that were supposed to kept secret, they got leaked and now basically everyone has access to them - much to the chagrin of many admins and regulars - for overspamming these vsays can get annoying very quickly. (Most recent example of an admin getting fed up with a regular spamming: ) This leads up to the follwing questions I'd like to discuss here: 1. Should we remove vsays like the above from the server altogether? 2. Followup question: Where should we draw the line? There are other vsays in our soundpack containing insults which could be put into consideration for removal. Then again we are talking about a game which can function as an outlet for many people. I firmly believe that taunts and insults thrown around in a joking manner are part of it. 3. Do the vsays in NQ1 annoy you? If so, do you think that lowering the vsay spam protection threshhold (i.e. from 6 vsays in a row to 4) could be beneficial to a friendlier server atmosphere? 4. Are the admins on NQ1 too lenient with vsay spam and should spammers be punished more strictly? I personally know I can tolerate a lot of vsays after playing on this server for so long. 5. Do you think our vsay pack needs an overhaul in general? 6. Most importantly: Am I just making a big fuss over nothing? This is supposed to create a constructive dialogue between regulars and admins. I am always in favour of discussing an issue at hand to get a broader perspective before taking action. So please feel free to share your thoughts
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For Dee and Sis. Oh, some context: we were wondering if it was better to give a damn or not to give a damn, about anything at all. It seemed to be a one million question so here it is.
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sup lately I have a very bad connection to NQ1. My ping is very stable at 48 - 50 tho. Yet I don't get the 'straight' feeling, hitting something that moves seems impossible. Even hitting something that just sits there sometimes is.. well strange. I have run a 100 and a 500 packet MTR, attached to this post. Speedtest shows a 20mb/s download as well as a 2mb/s upload, im connected with the cable to the router. Operating System: Win 7 64 bit SP1 CPU: i5 3470 3.2 - 3.6 Ghz RAM: 8GB GDDR5 Motherboard: ? Hard drive (IDE, PATA, SATA, etc): SSD Graphics card: Sapphire Radeon 7900 3072 MB Graphics card driver version: Newest Crimson ones (15.11) Wifi: non, cable Your location (country): Switzerland Router Name (If you use any): Centro Grande I think Which anti virus and firewall you use: using Avast! I've attached the autoexec and the normal lagometer I have too, perhaps you can detect something in it. Please help NQ1 100 packets.txt NQ1 500 packets.txt autoexec.cfg
Hello, I noticed that NQ1 doesn’t have any command for setting an amount of bots in the server. I would suggest to add the command which makes it's possible to lower the amount of bots. You could add custom omni bots command like minbots, maxbots, kickallbots etc. which are restricted for trusted player adminlevels and memberlevels. I think this command could be usefull to keep the server more attractive and fun while less players are connected to the server. And besides that i have seen in past few weeks that after bots connect to the server, more players run to spectator or disconnect. Does anyone share my opinion? And why do you think we should(not) have it? Enjoy your weekend. Kind regards, Monk
Server: location NQ1. Map: Pirates Story: (1) Allies took both objectives. (2) Try to bring it to the truck with heavy back support from the team. (3) They pass their own spawn and heading to the area which is close to the truck. (4) They tried to attack the area by dropping an airstrike marker, its fails. =) (5) Payback time! (4) I grab my Airstrike marker and drop it, wait 3 seconds and kick it in the alley. (5) Result see screenshot. We suceed in defending the objective. Objective: Defend the area near Allies spawn on their way to bring objective to the truck.
- monkmaster
- artillery
(and 5 more)
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- We had a little "discussion" about Baserace, if it should be added to the (next) map rotation. There were those who liked the idea and those who disliked it. I make this poll to try and have an overview of what the majority of the players (that play on NQ1) on the forum think of this. P.s.: I have put it in this sub-forum, because it couldn't be created in the other sub-forum where the discussion took place. I hope this place is the right one.
About Us
We are glad you decided to stop by our website and servers. At Fearless Assassins Gaming Community (=F|A=) we strive to bring you the best gaming experience possible. With helpful admins, custom maps and good server regulars your gaming experience should be grand! We love to have fun by playing online games especially W:ET, Call of Duty Series, Counter Strike: Series, Minecraft, Insurgency, DOI, Sandstorm, RUST, Team Fortress Series & Battlefield Series and if you like to do same then join us! Here, you can make worldwide friends while enjoying the game. Anyone from any race and country speaking any language can join our Discord and gaming servers. We have clan members from US, Canada, Europe, Sri Lanka, India, Japan, Australia, Brazil, UK, Austria, Poland, Finland, Turkey, Russia, Germany and many other countries. It doesn't matter how much good you are in the game or how much good English you speak. We believe in making new friends from all over the world. If you want to have fun and want to make new friends join up our gaming servers and our VoIP servers any day and at any time. At =F|A= we are all players first and then admins when someone needs our help or support on server.