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PaketeK last won the day on January 17 2021

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  • T-M
    ET: 1-0

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  1. Well i'm glad it worked, now get your ass in the game 😝
  2. I had a similar problem 2 days ago i think, but i checked only FA servers, haven't tried others, and it was doing the same thing(awaiting connection 1.. 2.. 3..) for all FA servers, but i had some punkbuster error in console(failed to resolve something, i cant remember). I restarted the router and then it worked again. Now your problem is probably a whole lot different, but maybe try to do the same thing as me if you haven't already, just in case that might fix it. If it doesn't, then i'm out of ideas πŸ˜…
  3. Well if i'm here already, happy birthday! πŸ˜„πŸ˜
  4. Hey man, i think i've seen you a few times on Beg#1 ? But i'm not sure πŸ˜ƒ Welcome back!
  5. PaketeK


    Hey man, i think i've seen you a few times on Beg2 or Beg1 😁 Welcome back and see you on the servers!
  6. Hey man, welcome to the forums! Nice introduction, and as Chef said, that YouTube link redirects me to the home page too 😁
  7. My condolences for you father man, can't imagine what that feels like... And congratulations for the kid and the company, i wish you all the luck and welcome to the forums!
  8. It says every Sunday, but i'm pretty sure i haven't seen anything 2 days ago? Did i miss it? πŸ˜…
  9. @Cross Marian Thanks man! 😁 @Hitch Thanks mate, you sure are on a good path to accomplishing that, but i won't give in that easily πŸ˜„ @PikeKiller Thank you! @DarthMojo Thanks, you too man! πŸ˜€
  10. @XeRoiX Thank you! I played on Beg#2 yesterday, i gotta say it's so different and everything is so slower than what i'm used to, felt like my skill level went down haha. But i will play more often because it's harder and i can get more skilled like that πŸ˜€ I've checked the link you've sent and i already like it! So you can count on my participation in the events 😁 @Lt Steiner Thank you mate, appreciate it! @Night Train Hahah, tenkju tenkju, eto me stiΕΎem, biΔ‡u aktivniji i tamo πŸ˜„ @DJ aka GDR DJ Thanks! @insanemeister Thank you, i will try to be active on more servers when the time allows me πŸ˜… See ya there! @Ins4ne Thank you man! πŸ˜€
  11. @RendeL Appreciate it! πŸ˜ƒ
  12. @Long Thank you man! πŸ˜ƒ
  13. @haagseterror Thanks man, i appreciate bro. And for the objective... you just gotta be faster mate πŸ˜† @kYmo Thanks kYmbro. Haha well that doesn't happen often unfortunately. But don't you tell me i don't revive much, because i'm one of the few players that puts the "revive" before the "kill", because that's how you win the fight, together, not alone! 😝 You know i also enjoy playing with you, we make a fun team, and of course with Nenich and Cheffybro it's even better 😁
  14. @GHARIB Thanks man haha πŸ˜„ @Dark donkey Appreciate it man, thanks! @Gameplan Nice one πŸ˜† Thanks!
  15. @!MXThanks, will do, when i find time to browse the forums a bit! @Chef<3 @DeKing Thanks guys 😁
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