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    happy Gardener

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    Jugi / Octopussy
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    mix / sets ( Synq X-TRM 1 - vinyl & timecode )
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  1. its a cup of Songs! Acid/Techno Trippy czech Vinyls. most of it from Adam Vandal!
  2. here´s a style of music that you´ve never heard bevore this is a Vinyl-mix from a rave party i played. its FreeTek and this are some experimental cuts from a friend and my lifeact we played with Analog Hardware. but i need to warn. its a live record "freestyle" so i dont used any saved songs/patterns
  3. pkMongoMogli

    ET Server Suggestion Beginners #2 - Map suggestions

    MLB_Aegypt please ❤️ i still remember well, its a good one. unfortunately this map is not played anywhere :S is that the server for that suggestion? (silEnT mod) F|A BEGINNERS #2 XPS
  4. pkMongoMogli

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    Thanks for the quick processing and responding to the player! you are doing a good job and will therefore try to give you a hopefully meaningful feedback in order to bring the server forward! Marking the maps with appropriate colors is a good idea. This way, repeated map suggestions can be avoided. IF there was a complete listing of all maps that can be requested on this server, it would be perfect. for example: Minas Tirith - too big is not played on jay2 but is not the important ^^ What do you think of the proposal to run half of the popular maps alternately every month? I'm talking about these maps: Caen, Bremen, Venice, Italy, Frostbite, Adlernest, Supply Depot, Oasis, Goldrush bad idea?
  5. pkMongoMogli

    ET Server Suggestion Jay2 New Maps Suggestions

    ahoy! I haven't played a lot on your servers lately becuase the same map appears to me too often. my idea is, take out half of the most frequently played maps and exchange them with the other half every 2 months. that gives more variety. In additiony you could set the player limit down a little so that all maps can be played even with a slightly lower number of players. at least temporarily until more players appear again. maybee you could also release a vote map for low level admins. here a list of maps that i propose: Desert Rats 1.0 Fuel Depot Final Praetoria: Mission Two Rovaniemi Farm Industry 2 Final Breakout Final Bergen Final C2 Missile Stargate Center 1945 v2 Final Bridges Final Chateau Voilegarde Beer Run Rommel Final Subway Final ET Tower Haemar Glider 3.0.2 Grave Robbery Beta Secret Bay Final Library Beta Railgun Millenium Falcon 2 battle of Wolken 3 Final Castle Attack Raw Castle TE Final Flame Guards War Zone Final Stalingrad Final 1944 Beach Final D-Rush Leningrad MLB Hotchkiss Final Purefrag Final Western Decay i apologize for the missing download links and it is possible that there are maps that are already running!
  6. have a few suggestions that might fit - F|A BEGINNERS #1 XPS FOREVER X-Posed Final http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/932-x-posed-scriptfix Cathedral Final http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/984-cathedral-b7-sw Axis Lab Final* http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/1589-axis-lab (already in the mappool?) Fueldump Dessert Fixed http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/2009-fueldump-desert-ed-fix (remove summer version and add that?) 1944 Beach Final* (no download found but owned) https://et.trackbase.net/map/228/ Castle Eltz beta1* (no download found but owned) https://et.trackbase.net/map/70/ maps that i haven't tried/played yet but look very interesting Normandy Breakout http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/224-normandy-breakout-b2 Adlerhorst Final http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/1525-adlerhorst Password 2 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/221-password-2 Playground B1 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/846-playground-b1-jff Chartwell V1 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/384-chartwell-v1-1-0 River 2nd http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/220-river-2nd Mitchell Down http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/879-mitchell-down Chateau Norvegien B1 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/933-chateau-norvegien-b1 Colosseum B5 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/983-colosseum-b5 Bergheim B9 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/1118-bergheim-b9-mlb Egypt attack B3 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/1584-egypt-attack-b3 Maccupiccu B1 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/1606-maccupiccu-b1 Crevasse B3 http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/386-crevasse-b3 Mountain Assault Beta http://www.wolfenstein4ever.de/index.php/downloads/viewdownload/15-et-maps/225-mountain-assault-beta maybee someone knows one and can provide information? will try these maps soon!
  7. pure DubStep pure Dubstep
  8. ok, i understand that! i got a very long ET break and i can remember Saberpeak wos fun! Whats about X-posed?
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