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How Stupid Is This?


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  • Platinum VIP

So I make a thread SUPPORTING an F|A Member, Buckwild and instead of moving it to a more appropriate forum, it gets closed with out acknowledging that instead of COMPLAINING about an member, which most posts about members usually do, I post something POSITIVE.


But that's not the stupid part. The stupid part is 2 people liking the supportive post about Bucky and 14, FOURTEEN liking the post where DJ closed the thread.


smh... does that even make sense?? Wonder how that makes Bucky feel that only 3 people show support and 14 were happy to see the thread closed......

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I wonder when you ever stop crying, back kicking as much you can and constant complaining about F|A and admins.

how stupid is that.


ps buckwild is a great admin that was becides the point you posted it in a admin abuse section, your favourite topic ever since you got denied.

just my 2 cents. I will pass your post forward to a leader so they can reply you.

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  • Platinum VIP

Oh look, the most complained about member decided to show up



Please repost all the admin abuse posts I ever made, you'll find like none


Crying?? lol, ok. More like pointing out hypocrisy

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  • Leader

Your post title shocked us greatly because of the forum that it was in.  

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Oh look, the most complained about member decided to show up



Please repost all the admin abuse posts I ever made, you'll find like none


Crying?? lol, ok. More like pointing out hypocrisy

Alright, cool it.

We'll find none? Trust me they did not get deleted, they are still here for members only- so don't shoot yourself in the foot.


If you have issues with a member and cannot be civil, use Contact Us. Topics or PM's will be reported and could get your forum privileges revoked.


As for this topic, it seems like crying to me. We all know how Buck is and what he has done. We appreciate your support, but you have put it in the wrong section, and are taking things too personally.

I suggest you take a minute to calm down.

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  • Platinum VIP

Alright, cool it.

We'll find none? Trust me they did not get deleted, they are still here for members only- so don't shoot yourself in the foot.


If you have issues with a member and cannot be civil, use Contact Us. Topics or PM's will be reported and could get your forum privileges revoked.


As for this topic, it seems like crying to me. We all know how Buck is and what he has done. We appreciate your support, but you have put it in the wrong section, and are taking things too personally.

I suggest you take a minute to calm down.

I didn't say none, I said practically none. DF tries to insinuate that Admin Abuse is my favorite topic. I'm saying back that up. And I think some of you need to go read up on what the definition of crying is. 


Maybe I Should try this a different way; A Question instead of a statement. Why would more people "like" a positive thread about an F|A Member being closed that the actual post saying something positive about the member?

Edited by -=HipKat=-
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I am confused... I see nothing where you say either "none" or "practically none" (no wait, you see no abuse topics. You don't know how our forums work though) Fact of the matter though is if you want to be taken seriously, you can't use the complaint section for anything except for a complaint.
I know it was lighthearted and a joke, but that is a formal subforum.

Since you didn't post in the proper section, of course members are going to "like" a post that the topic is closed... to remind you that admin abuse is not the place for jokes, humor, or anything else but abuse.

As for this... "And I think some of you need to go read up on what the definition of crying is."... that's rude, and it won't get you what you want. The rest is a good start though.

So I'll accept "your way". Go here: https://fearless-assassins.com/contactus/ - click Promotions on the left menu, and fill out the form. Then it will be taken seriously.

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Hello HipKat,


Here my 2 cents regarding these two sentences:

I didn't say none, I said practically none. DF tries to insinuate that Admin Abuse is my favorite topic. I'm saying back that up. And I think some of you need to go read up on what the definition of crying is. 


Maybe I Should try this a different way; A Question instead of a statement. Why would more people "like" a positive thread about an F|A Member being closed that the actual post saying something positive about the member?



1) Without even checking further, just by searching for hipkat quickly found out two topics recently.

And regarding crying definition: it's more or less complaining for nothing...


2) You asked about promoting someone in an admin abuse topic sir... Seriously... What we liked it's not the fact that it was closed because it was about promoting Buckwild, but for the fact it was closed as it was in wrong section.

"Contact us" is a must for pointing out good members who should be promoted.


(And TBH Hipkat, how many years have you been around? ... Posting such things in an admin abuse topic... erf... and you conplain about it being closed? ...)



ps: Xernicus, i hate you you were too fast for me :)

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  • Platinum VIP

Krus, sorry mate, my American is showing through. I said "Please repost all the admin abuse posts I ever made, you'll find like none" which means practically none and out of the dozens and dozens of threads i've started, ok, ONE was about Vetter, and BTW, I was shown to be justified in that thread. So 1 out of dozens of threads and 1000+ posts hardly makes it my favorite topic. But maybe we can get back on topic of the OP.



Dude, the thread could have just been moved, really. I mean, I've run dozens of forums, I know how they work. Pretty easy to move thread to a different forum. but even that isn't the point. The point is that 14 people liked it being closed and only 3 liked the actual thread.That's really weird to me. 

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  • Platinum VIP


As for this... "And I think some of you need to go read up on what the definition of crying is."... that's rude, and it won't get you what you want. The rest is a good start though.




Sorry man, but it gets really tiring to constantly be accused of crying and I have sent a lot of Contact US messages to admins. They rarely get answered - now THAT is me crying

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 I think ''stupid'' is a strong word. For me, I believe that if there is abuse by some adm in the game or in the forum, it should be reported yes, no matter how many and if the reports come from a single person. Now there are two sides of the coin. Either the person is really interested in leaving the server in order (which in this case, I believe Hipkat does this function), or the person is disturbing in order to gain something behind it. About the buckwild, he is rather a good admin, I admire his part of wanting to help him to get promotion, but this has to start from him, because, in fact, he is the most interested.

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  • Platinum VIP

Yeah, maybe I should have said silly. Point taken MX! Love ya brother. BTW, what server you on?? I never see you anymore

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First off, there is nothing wrong with having a single person being the author of many abuse topics. If he feel he has been mistreated by an admin, by all means, he has the right to complain about it which is why we have a specific section for it. Its the best way to deal with any disputes between members and admins and so he shouldn't be criticized for doing this. Yes, many would probably take it personally as they are "attacking" one of us which is why I feel Hipkat is not the most "favourite" person around here. I respect Hipkat for making the abuse topics, even though he claims to have not made any - ummm, because the alternative would be to troll and cry on the server about it which is a lot more worse as the server is a place for fun. So Hipkat, don't be discouraged about making any abuse topics. BUT, keep in mind that when making any allegations against our members, that you have solid reasons for doing so as if you keep making topics about our members and the reasons are rather crude/silly, then of course it will look like you are a crybaby. Keep that in mind.


Concerning the closed topic. As previously mentioned, DJ's post, i think, was only liked to help you understand that that section is ONLY for complaints and nothing else. One reason why it may not have been moved is because we want you to learn by yourself to create topics in the right section. If we move it for you, you may continue posting in the wrong section, thinking "ah well, it will get moved if its in the wrong place". Get what I am saying? 


I know your intentions were good in this case and you were only trying to promote the efforts of one our esteemed members which we are thoroughly appreciative of, but as stated by a few, use the Contact Us form for such things. :) Hey, not all contact messages get a response, trust me. A lot of mine don't and I know it can be annoying because you don't know whats going on but they have received it and will evaluate it. I agree it would be nice if there was some kind of response for using contact us as no response will just results in people not using at because they think nothing happens. Any response is better than no response, at least to say its been received and being evaluated.


I wouldn't call this crying lol. He is trying to understand what the motive was behind the likes. Nothing wrong with that, by saying he is crying will just set him off. But now that you know the reason Hipkat, I hope you understand the reasoning for the likes on DJs post. Again, I think this thread results in a few personal responses because, 1. I feel it was something you could have personally discussed with DJ or the management team as it doesn't really have to involve anyone else. 2. IDK lol, i guess you have a history.


Just follow the advice of our members, most are here to ensure you enjoy yourself with us. :)


Thanks for recommending a promotion for one of our members though! :) 

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  • Platinum VIP

Thank you Cheep, Thank You!!! for being the voice of reason. I knew why DJ closed it, we talked about it. I was just smh that his post closing it got a lot of "likes" but the post supporting Buck didn't. Seemed weird to me and appears that people like negativity more than positivity.


As for Admin Abuse topics, seriously, other than the one last month about Vetter, what other ones did I make because I seriously don't remember. 


And you are dead on about being discouraged by Contact Us when there's no response. I'm sorry if people are butthurt by some of my comments. I haven't said anything about my applies in a long time but Fighter brings that up??? Huh?? And I'm not sorry if I was hurt a the time and expressed my feelings. Tough shit if some people didn't like it. I'll always, ALWAYS be an expressive person that shows my true feelings and speaks the truth. Not my fault if the truth hurts. People who don't like me because of it may want to look in the mirror and examine themselves.


Anyway, you da man Cheep!



Maybe I should go to Suggestions and suggest a Love Our Admins topic.....................

Edited by -=HipKat=-
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