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Message added by daredevil

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Here is suggestion of maps that could be added to rotation.


Hydro dam final


Capuzzo airport

Rommel /40 max players

X-posed /36 max players

Stargate Center 1945 /40 max players

MLB Daybreak

Axis Lab Final



La Rochelle, Pipeline Refinery and Grave Robbery suggested by many players to be removed from the rotation.

  • Platinum VIP

Adeby, you must be new. Most of those were in recent rotations. Hydro Dam comes and goes every year or so. I think Minas is still in current rotation. Capuzzo Airport was just removed after being in rotation for a very long time. It's a good map but has some really bad lag spots. Daybreak was removed by many requests from the last rotation, if I remember correctly but thanks for posting ideas!


Adeby, you must be new. Most of those were in recent rotations. Hydro Dam comes and goes every year or so. I think Minas is still in current rotation. Capuzzo Airport was just removed after being in rotation for a very long time. It's a good map but has some really bad lag spots. Daybreak was removed by many requests from the last rotation, if I remember correctly but thanks for posting ideas!


I have been inactive for last 2 years or something, but I know most of these maps have been on the server and thats why I suggested them. These maps works very well on the server. I don't see why these maps have been taken out instead of adding new maps. I understand if daybreak been taken off if it got lots of complaints. Current rotation is just blahh. I hear others complaining about the rotation aswell. In my opinion, just add the maps that have been proven good on the server and then add new maps on top of that instead of taking all the good maps out and adding maps like grave robbery :D

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I would like to suggest to add cappuzzo airport back in the rotation most people like that map and make the server generally always full
and ruins23 I would love to see in jay1 huge map and most people liked it in jay3 atleast and fairly new so many wont know the map.

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Would love to see Minas and Capuzzo back to the server.


Minas is a map for good engis but also for players who are trying to climb the trackbase ladder :)


and another thing is that most players hate the new maps, some of them are just too hard to be played and thats why most of them are leaving before it actually starts.


Would really appreciate it if the map pool gets changed :)


surely you cant like every map in the rotation, but this is really the most unpleasant mappool Ive seen in a long time.


Havent seen a lot of pipeline, but graverobbery is really really crappy. Rochelle is okay, but Im sure there are better options out there. 

I think capuzzo should really come back, minas probably too. Maybe cortex_who?


And maybe you should look into allowing more maps when the server is full, since the rotation is pretty short with 50 people online, haunted mansion, italy, radar, teuthonia could all handle 50






Can Rochelle,pipeline and school be removed....

Capuzzo airbase was a really good map and many people in jay1 are asking for Minas as well.....

Mlb Egypt will also be good :)

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  • Platinum VIP

We had Egypt for a long time, it just got stale. And NO NO NO to Cortex. That'd be a terrible map for Jay 1

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I have seen this posted before but no one goes into details - why is cortex such a bad map? I have fun memories of that map and most people I talk to do as well.

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I have seen this posted before but no one goes into details - why is cortex such a bad map? I have fun memories of that map and most people I talk to do as well.

its not that its a bad map m8 i actually do like it but its far too easy for allies to flood the axis spawn and make it almost impossible for those poor guys to get out, if there was a way to block off that upper exit that allies need to destroy would make it a better and more playable map for all.


for the players sakes remove the maps phoenix suggested, bring back Minas  Capuzzo airbase, remove pipeline map and rochelle

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​Cortex is bad because both teams get locked into Their spawns...

No one knows map objectives or cares,

When it was on, I had to get all 4 CDs delivered without cover.

It's all about spawnkilling for most.

Players complained it off Jay1 in 2 Days.

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  • Platinum VIP

I have seen this posted before but no one goes into details - why is cortex such a bad map? I have fun memories of that map and most people I talk to do as well.

Cortex was on Jay 2 for a long time, and back when Jay 2 was more populated. As soon as Cortex came on, people left. It's a server killer plus Jay 1 is just a different kind've server. The players there aren't the Cortex type


would like to request to remove helms deep every time this map loads a bunch of players is leaving and often results in bots on server

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