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Message added by daredevil

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supply_pro(night) and bremen_truckmod: Truck can be damaged...It really evens the maps out.

How often in supply do Allies finish the truck even with anti-rush?  Quite often.

A lot of players like canyon_depths.  But it needs clients to raise hunkmegs because it's so large.

Dropping players with an error is not good.  We'll have to cross Our fingers and hope it gets added.

canyon_depths ends quick if Axis are too weak to move tank, Good!  Teams aren't balanced.

mlb_hotchkiss is somewhat easy to finish by dynamiting rocket.

Regular hotchkiss is harder to rush, Rocket must be moved...

facility31 would be great!  3 objectives on a large map.


  • Like 1
  • Platinum VIP

+1 to Rhineland Bridge, Bucky!

  • Platinum VIP
Posted (edited)

Dear santa, I only have one wish. Please remove oasis from maprotation. Does NOT work in jay1.

And OG Grush

Edited by -=HipKat=-
  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

rhineland_bridge was added to Jay2, Let's see If It gets laggy before adding to 50 player server...


I want to thank Whomever made Covets-in disguise not drawname as 'Enemy In Disguise" anymore on Jay1.


It's how It was meant to be.  Keeps everyone on Their toes!


Here's some sneaky Jaymod settings for CovertOps:


g_covertops —set bitflags for Covert-Ops behavior
Table 13.8. g_covertops Flags
1 keep disguise when class-switching
2 keep disguise when throwing med packs and reviving
4 keep disguise when throwing ammo packs
8 keep disguise when laying mines or using pliers
16 enable stealing uniform from a live player from behind
32 enable disguised enemy name drawing when close-up
g_covertops 0
g_covertopssets bitflags for Covert-Ops behavior.

  • 4 weeks later...

New maps when? What i've heard is that many players are pretty fed up with current maprotation.

I personally dont care what maps, just some ''new'' ones please :D

  • Like 1

Hello all, since the last update I have noticed that the server became less popular (and yes I know we are still number 1 at trackbase but it could change if we don’t do something). So that’s why I think we need to change the rotation list ASAP.


Out: (these maps aren’t popular in Jay1)

Oasis, 0, 64,

Goldrush, 0, 64,

Italyfp2, 10,40

Xposed_ndt, 12, 34


In: (These are great (big) maps and therefore perfect for jay1 and i think it should be played with these min/max numbers)

graverob_b1, 0, 64,

etdo_pipelinerefinery, 0, 64

escape2, 10, 40

1944_beach, 10, 40,


Download links:






And please change the min/max amount of players of the following maps into the following numbers, because these maps never come up and that’s a shame because all those maps are really great! Only “School” comes up once in a while but the amount of players in that map is to high and therefore unplayable.


Cean2, 0, 40,

Tc_base, 0, 36

MP_theriver_2nd, 0, 50,

School, 0, 36,

Rochelle_b2, 0, 50

  • Like 4

Hello all, since the last update I have noticed that the server became less popular (and yes I know we are still number 1 at trackbase but it could change if we don’t do something). So that’s why I think we need to change the rotation list ASAP.


Out: (these maps aren’t popular in Jay1)

Oasis, 0, 64,

Goldrush, 0, 64,

Italyfp2, 10,40

Xposed_ndt, 12, 34


In: (These are great (big) maps and therefore perfect for jay1 and i think it should be played with these min/max numbers)

graverob_b1, 0, 64,

etdo_pipelinerefinery, 0, 64

escape2, 10, 40

1944_beach, 10, 40,


Download links:






And please change the min/max amount of players of the following maps into the following numbers, because these maps never come up and that’s a shame because all those maps are really great! Only “School” comes up once in a while but the amount of players in that map is to high and therefore unplayable.


Cean2, 0, 40,

Tc_base, 0, 36

MP_theriver_2nd, 0, 50,

School, 0, 36,

Rochelle_b2, 0, 50

Sounds great bud who do we need to tie down and slap them with a rubber chicken to make this happen :spank , also i agree numbers have dropped lately somthing needs to change.

  • Like 1

Hello all, since the last update I have noticed that the server became less popular (and yes I know we are still number 1 at trackbase but it could change if we don’t do something). So that’s why I think we need to change the rotation list ASAP.


Out: (these maps aren’t popular in Jay1)

Oasis, 0, 64,

Goldrush, 0, 64,

Italyfp2, 10,40

Xposed_ndt, 12, 34


In: (These are great (big) maps and therefore perfect for jay1 and i think it should be played with these min/max numbers)

graverob_b1, 0, 64,

etdo_pipelinerefinery, 0, 64

escape2, 10, 40

1944_beach, 10, 40,


Download links:






And please change the min/max amount of players of the following maps into the following numbers, because these maps never come up and that’s a shame because all those maps are really great! Only “School” comes up once in a while but the amount of players in that map is to high and therefore unplayable.


Cean2, 0, 40,

Tc_base, 0, 36

MP_theriver_2nd, 0, 50,

School, 0, 36,

Rochelle_b2, 0, 50

Good idea!

Good maps! (except 1944_beach in my opinion)

  • Like 1
  • 3 weeks later...

Sounds great bud who do we need to tie down and slap them with a rubber chicken to make this happen :spank , also i agree numbers have dropped lately somthing needs to change.

Right?? I feel like the map rotation definitely needs a change!


Why does there need to be Goldrush and Goldrush-Gals?


Hello all, since the last update I have noticed that the server became less popular (and yes I know we are still number 1 at trackbase but it could change if we don’t do something). So that’s why I think we need to change the rotation list ASAP.


Out: (these maps aren’t popular in Jay1)

Oasis, 0, 64,

Goldrush, 0, 64,

Italyfp2, 10,40

Xposed_ndt, 12, 34


In: (These are great (big) maps and therefore perfect for jay1 and i think it should be played with these min/max numbers)

graverob_b1, 0, 64,

etdo_pipelinerefinery, 0, 64

escape2, 10, 40

1944_beach, 10, 40,


Download links:






And please change the min/max amount of players of the following maps into the following numbers, because these maps never come up and that’s a shame because all those maps are really great! Only “School” comes up once in a while but the amount of players in that map is to high and therefore unplayable.


Cean2, 0, 40,

Tc_base, 0, 36

MP_theriver_2nd, 0, 50,

School, 0, 36,

Rochelle_b2, 0, 50

Perfect!  ^_^

  • Like 1
  • 2 weeks later...

please either remove or lower the player max of oasis (was thinking like 34 or something max)


the first stage is very well done, but the second stage is such a mess.

literally every option you have (as allies) is a chokepoint


option 1, cave: at first it becomes a brawl around the water area basically, allies can hardly pass when axis are holding with some mgs and medics. takes maybe 4 axis to hold down the cave pretty tightly. If allies loose the initial brawl after some minutes the axis will safely cross the water and have easily enough time to set up further and further untill they are basically holding the well entrance. If allies win the initial brawl they will first have to cross the water, which if taken care of is usually nicely stacked with landmines that are impossible to jump away from (good old ET physics) and even if that is taken care of there is hardly any possibility to remove the whole axis defense at the tunnel exit before the same people respawn again and hold it. Even if allies break through once or twice its not on the allies to hold the cave, they have to push further so cave control is for axis to grab while the last remaining allies slowly die on the outside of the walls.


option 2, the building: well, problem is that if axis would be pushing aggressively, if that happened allies had a chance to maybe break through. Unfortunately the jay1 meta doesnt work that way. The problem with the original oasis is that both the upper as the lower exit on the axis side are perfectly lined up and as axis you can hold it from anywhere between your spawn exit to the very back of the north side of the wall, good luck not getting mowed down as allies exiting either way. The whole lower area is usually so stacked with allies its not even surprising that axis know better then to push into there so it basically becomes a checkmate in the obvious advantage of the axis. 


There is ofcourse the option of changing to the sw version of oasis. to sum it up there are 2 major fixes in the sw version: first of all the side exit on the upper area which gives allies a pretty free control of the west wall, forcing the axis on the cave side to play more outside of the cave giving allies more cave control indirectly. However this fix would still not fix anything by itself if you have so many axis to divide. The second fix is the wall that forces axis to take more time to reach the area outside of the cave from their spawn. The weak point of this however is the doublejump which besides giving axis free and easy access to the area without forcing yourself through an annoying chokepoint (the window), but thats not even all, by this easy access to the balcony area axis can also spread out much wider throughout the balcony giving allies a harder time gaining some control. Only thing I didnt mention yet is the north side of the west wall that can be accessed by allies via the west wall without having to face the collection of axis holding the building. Generally speaking this is quite a nice add-on since its a blind corner for people in the spawn area unless they overcommit so there only has to be focus on the guys further along the wall and thus the guys coming from the lower area can swarm to the outside steadily.


So my suggestion would be to either completely remove oasis, or replace it with sw oasis and decrease the max players to somewhere around 35

  • Like 4

please either remove or lower the player max of oasis (was thinking like 34 or something max)


the first stage is very well done, but the second stage is such a mess.

literally every option you have (as allies) is a chokepoint


option 1, cave: at first it becomes a brawl around the water area basically, allies can hardly pass when axis are holding with some mgs and medics. takes maybe 4 axis to hold down the cave pretty tightly. If allies loose the initial brawl after some minutes the axis will safely cross the water and have easily enough time to set up further and further untill they are basically holding the well entrance. If allies win the initial brawl they will first have to cross the water, which if taken care of is usually nicely stacked with landmines that are impossible to jump away from (good old ET physics) and even if that is taken care of there is hardly any possibility to remove the whole axis defense at the tunnel exit before the same people respawn again and hold it. Even if allies break through once or twice its not on the allies to hold the cave, they have to push further so cave control is for axis to grab while the last remaining allies slowly die on the outside of the walls.


option 2, the building: well, problem is that if axis would be pushing aggressively, if that happened allies had a chance to maybe break through. Unfortunately the jay1 meta doesnt work that way. The problem with the original oasis is that both the upper as the lower exit on the axis side are perfectly lined up and as axis you can hold it from anywhere between your spawn exit to the very back of the north side of the wall, good luck not getting mowed down as allies exiting either way. The whole lower area is usually so stacked with allies its not even surprising that axis know better then to push into there so it basically becomes a checkmate in the obvious advantage of the axis. 


There is ofcourse the option of changing to the sw version of oasis. to sum it up there are 2 major fixes in the sw version: first of all the side exit on the upper area which gives allies a pretty free control of the west wall, forcing the axis on the cave side to play more outside of the cave giving allies more cave control indirectly. However this fix would still not fix anything by itself if you have so many axis to divide. The second fix is the wall that forces axis to take more time to reach the area outside of the cave from their spawn. The weak point of this however is the doublejump which besides giving axis free and easy access to the area without forcing yourself through an annoying chokepoint (the window), but thats not even all, by this easy access to the balcony area axis can also spread out much wider throughout the balcony giving allies a harder time gaining some control. Only thing I didnt mention yet is the north side of the west wall that can be accessed by allies via the west wall without having to face the collection of axis holding the building. Generally speaking this is quite a nice add-on since its a blind corner for people in the spawn area unless they overcommit so there only has to be focus on the guys further along the wall and thus the guys coming from the lower area can swarm to the outside steadily.


So my suggestion would be to either completely remove oasis, or replace it with sw oasis and decrease the max players to somewhere around 35

the map just needs removing not tweaking along with the old version of goldrush, as for cutting the players down for certain maps etc would be a complete no no, i've been on this server every day for ...well i can't remember, don't make wholesale change's to a server that runs well, just a couple or a few maps need to be changed an im sure the numbers will come back.

  • Like 2

the map just needs removing not tweaking along with the old version of goldrush, as for cutting the players down for certain maps etc would be a complete no no, i've been on this server every day for ...well i can't remember, don't make wholesale change's to a server that runs well, just a couple or a few maps need to be changed an im sure the numbers will come back.


dont worry, you just didnt understand me perfectly. We have a system where we have our 37 map rotation and each map is only played when certain restrictions are met. For example you hardly see caen being played, but the server does have it. Thats because caen will only be played when there are less than 36 people online at that moment in time (right after goldrush GALS). When restrictions arent met the map will be skipped and you might see it again when the other 36 maps have been played (or skipped) and the sevrer will check if it meets the requirements again.


Thus we actually never have to cut in our server's max slots at all and we can also make a nice mixed rotation between very large maps and smaller maps.

  • Like 1
  • Platinum VIP
Posted (edited)

I think Oasis would be OK for less players. There would be a better chance, if Allies push out, to get through the cave or the building and have a shot at the guns. Everything Destiny said is correct. On Axis, I can sit as far away from the building as possible and just hit the same spot or I can jump up to outside the upper level and keep lobbing 'nades in there and be successful.


Now MY suggestion is on et_Do. The Allies love to rush this map. In many cases, in less than 3 minutes. It's aggravating, especially when fuel Dump is next. Why rush to get to that crappy map, I'll never understand

Edited by -=HipKat=-

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