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A Rant


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The really annoying thing is simply when people on your team follow you, and are always right behind you, because it essentially gives the enemy free double/triple kills constantly.

I find it more annoying when you come to have visual contact with the enemy, you are ready to shoot, and bang!, all of the sudden this teammate appears in front of you out of nowhere, blocking your sight. The other guy shoots first, and kills both of you. Thanks buddy!


Usually I try to avoid my teammates, when they go one way I go the other.

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I find it more annoying when you come to have visual contact with the enemy, you are ready to shoot, and bang!, all of the sudden this teammate appears in front of you out of nowhere, blocking your sight. The other guy shoots first, and kills both of you. Thanks buddy!


Usually I try to avoid my teammates, when they go one way I go the other.


Agreed that is how I like it just go behind the enemy and it just annoys them but then I just get really annoyed when my teammates think doors are models and just stare at them like they have just seen the best thing ever. Ffs people it is a door you walk through it how hard can it be?

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all this talk about doors and people complaining about people blocking them...all I can think of is this




A stunning example of multiple use metaphors :D

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Ah ha! This is working! Rants about flighty team mates, doors and the like with no idea who is the target tard! Very good! And someone posted a little while back with some sort of sarcastic bit about dieing and why for art thou gonna die in a shooty game, and I say yes. Dieing is bullshit. I don't want to die! I want to live! I want to live and learn and grow and stab that nade lobbing doofus in the plums for lobbing the nades I keep blundering into. That will teach him something. Dieing is no bueno.

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This is a good thread. Complaining about basic game mechanics is fine when kept in a thread like this, I think.


My complaint....


AK-47 goes through everything, has like the biggest hit register in the game, it's recoil boils down to helpful, rather than something to deal with, and it's reload is so easily cancelled..........


How did they not realize this weapon was a super-weapon? If you have a nice screen and good GPU, Ak-47 renders snipers pointless in hardcore. It's a fantastic weapon. TOO fantastic. And you get it at level 4.....


My second complaint.....


Scripts, yo. Too many freaking scripts. People take advantage of this game in SOOO many ways, and they rationalize that crap to the MAX.


No.... a weapon switch script that allows you to cancel all sprint animation straight into firing is not fair... DUH. I don't care if they let you use it in promod or not. DUHHH. Use your fingers and get good at doing it yourself DUHHHHHH!!!! It's not that hard. Is it cool? Yes. Does everyone do it? Yes. Is it easy as shit to figure out? Yes. Does that make it fair? NO! Exercise some logic! Even if you use it, at least admit that it's not fair. No one is banning you. Own up to your shit!


No.... map glitches are not "features." If a server says no glitching, they mean no friggin' glitching. You wanna do some out of map shit and call it a feature? OKAY. So get a job, pay for your own server, make your own rules, and get it populated. Nothing is stopping you except the fact that it's hard, and it takes work. You know what you're doing when you complain and get people to play different on someone else's server? Bein' a leech. How bout you DON'T leech off other peoples' hard work (or whatever the hell you wanna call it) ?




Hackers in this game are pompous as crap! It's not hard to write hacks. Period. Get over yourselves! The people who write them are highschool kids on their first networking trip.



People who talk shit in game! Can't take it man..... Just don't do it.

They are like caricatures of caricatures. It's the same lines over and over again. Phrases full of the words "you're bad" and "kid," as if saying ''kid'' was bad. And I guarantee the majority of those peeps are under 21, calling other people "kid," it's LUDICROUS. Play your game and shut the hell up. It's just a game, and it doesn't matter how good you are except that you're having fun. There is no art here. You will not be remembered for adding to humanity. Period.


I hope I didn't offend anyone. Those are my gripes. Pure and simple.



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i LOVE when you're finally got behind the spetz on creek, and you're about to get your 5-10 killstreak before someone finds you and the helicopter is just like http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JgnoAwetpdY

Oh those lovely helicoptors. Or, when you spawn, get killed by a helicoptor, spawn, get killed by a helicoptor, rinse and repeat. Always fun to give the enemy 5 kills without being able to move.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

DISCLAIMER: these are my opinions and only my opinions. I respect the rights of people to do any of the actions listed below and I hold nothing against those who perform these actions, but in my opinion these actions are cheap/annoying, even if allowed.


here goes:

1) people running (and also jumping) around with silenced p90's. It takes zero skill to press the fire button, and that's about all it takes to get a kill with the p90 at short-mid range. just turn towards the enemy, fire, and 4 out of 5 times you've hit them. The developers really screwed up by including that gun because it's such an exploitable weapon, and far too many players are aware of this.


2) nade launchers at point blank. I'm standing 10 feet away and there's no one near me. The use of explosives isn't necessary. I enjoy nubtubbing as much as the next guy, but using it as a primary weapon for close encounters is cheap.


3) people who complain about campers. Camping is actually really difficult depending on the situation. Sneaking behind enemy lines with a silenced vz. 61 skorpion and waiting for just the right moment to take down a whole bunch of enemies is no easy task. Holding your camping ground is pretty difficult as well if you're camping up close to the action. Also, some people who camp hate the spray and pray tactic. They prefer a more refined, intelligent approach and they shouldn't be judged for that. 


4) guys with m60e4's shooting through every corner. I get that the m60e4 is a tough weapon to love, but there's ways to make it work besides spamming a wall before you go through the door. I have nothing against shooting through walls and I love the m60, but seriously. Wait until you actually see the enemy before you start shooting.


I was going to say something about hackers, but there's nothing new to say about them. Human garbage, pure and simple.


This last one doesn't fall under the disclaimer. Players who actively work to piss off other players without violating any of the rules. Congratulations, you are annoying people you've never met and ruining the game. You make the admin's job harder and you troll other players. We can't get rid of you because you aren't in violation of any rules, but man, do we wish you'd go away. But of course you don't. You stay and work at it until everyone on the server hates you, and then you sign off. Then you repeat the process the next day. Grow up or get out.

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2) nade launchers at point blank. I'm standing 10 feet away and there's no one near me. The use of explosives isn't necessary. I enjoy nubtubbing as much as the next guy, but using it as a primary weapon for close encounters is cheap.



Totally guilty of this. However, in all fairness, I don't intend to use a GL at point blank. Sometimes you're just about to use it when an enemy pops up. You have no time to disengage as that moment you press 5 to unload, you'd already be dead. Or sometimes you forget to go back into firing mode and whoops.





On my end my Rage inducers are:



P90s. Sucks so much ass that you can pop out of iron sights to pray and spray mode in an instant vs most other guns. Though this is a minor peeve. 


Crash. The map sucks when it's full. 9/10 times, unless both teams are 50/50 evenly matched, you're going to get spawn trapped in the Ops starting corner. I'm to the point now that I'll only choose marines for this map. Of if spawn trapping happens, I'll just go spec until the map changes.




Marine players. Specifically, I'm talking about those few guys that ONLY CHOOSE MARINES. Like dude seriously. Stop hogging all the god damn marine slots so others can have a chance. Tired of being stuck on Ops/Spet 95% of the time.


Uav. I'm always watching people's backs because no one seems to know how to read the uav screen. So annoyed that I'm the one dying, because no one else looks at this screen. It's all about that teamwork and watching out for each other, yo.


Biggest gripe? SHOOT THE DAMN HELICOPTER. I really don't get why this is difficult, man. It's what racks up a major portion of the kills. This thing often turns the tide of the match.... and yet no one realizes to look up and take it out. My first priority is getting rid of this thing. 




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  • 2 weeks later...

I have found a use for the tardfart players that spawn next to me and bumble out into bullet highway. Cheep laughs. And a good idea where the enemy is coming from. Using noobs as bullet vanes is a win.

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