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A Rant


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Now, just a brief moment, I want to highjack my own thread and expound upon something I really love in COD4. It is kind of a guilty passion, and that is the rage quitter. I love the guy/girl thing that comes in and has the leet skillz and is ready to dominate noobs. I spend the first few minutes of a match specing players, looking for the bunny hopping, quick scoping, deagle slinging badass. I feel excitement welling up when I find them. Pure joy, pure ecstasy when I find you. There you are, pwning fools with those skills. I watch you, and wait. I learn you. I understand you better than you do. Then I enter the match. I know what sounds your guns make, fire patterns, locations you frequent, everything. Then... I start hunting. Knowing what you do, and where you will spawn based on your team's spawn, I work my killing magic. Soon, you are after me, but your fate is sealed. Your bunny hops, no scopes, or kit changes mean nothing. I have you. I have that momentum and you cannot stop me. Soon, your skills are revealed to be a farce. Your mental break down begins, and so does my revelry. It doesn't matter what you do; complain in chat, try harder, camp, none of it matters. My goal is imminent. A well placed airstrike and I can see it. The death throws of your shattered pride. The spazzy flails of rage, random nade tosses, shots at teammates.. I see all of it. And then you are gone. Poof. A charred spot on my grounds is all that is left of you as you evaporate off the face of the server in a fiery, rage filled exit. A rage quit. Victory. Stunning, seductive, sweet, satisfying victory. I relish in the moment with an open text to the server, a cry of "RAGE quit!!" to taunt you in your vacancy.

Why bask in the glory of someone losing their compousre? Some may rightfully argue that such villainy by me kills the vibe of the server. Those people are right, it does. I am not apologetic about it, mind you. I dont care. I love it. I am on a different road, I'm in the Milky Way. You want me down on Earth, but I am up in space. You are so damn hard to please, we have to kill this switch. Youre from the 70's, but I am a 90's chick. Wait, what was I on about? Anyway, highjack complete. We now return you to your regularly scheduled rant.

I too like to take on those flashy players, especially if they act arrogantly, but you, Beo, take it to a professional level. :D


I enjoy disrupting their streaks, and if possible (not always successful), bring them down to our level of common mortals. Make them rage quit? Bah, no, it would ruin the challenge and deprive me of incentive.  ;)


...Although I do admit there is a sweet after-feeling in the occasions that this happens...hehehe

Edited by The Partisan GR
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That was written in the closing hours of a term paper writing marathon. Felt reported to death and wanted to be all creative and shit. In a way, it was its own unique kind of rant. 

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I HATE with a passion the Broadcast map. Everything about it is in my opinion BAD. And whenever there are 7+ people per team, you get killed wherever you spawn. I hate that map sooooooooo much, but it always ends up on the map rotations...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I HATE with a passion the Broadcast map. Everything about it is in my opinion BAD. And whenever there are 7+ people per team, you get killed wherever you spawn. I hate that map sooooooooo much, but it always ends up on the map rotations...


Eh, I'll have to disagree with you on that one. If you know your way around, and get to know the spawns and whatnot, you can easily avoid a spawnkill. 


But the map i never really liked at all, and was enraged when it was put in MW2 as a "Fan-Favorite map" (Yeah, no it wasn't lol. Especially when CoD4 first came out. Weren't many 24/7 Strike servers, as i recall) was Strike. Just something about that map makes me angry lol. 


Another thing, on a map like crossfire, when you're on the lower end trying to snipe in the building that is looking down the long road. A guy with an RPD w/ red dot comes up there. And next thing you know BAM, grenades and tubes launched at me. Thanks bro

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I have a really low tolerance for stupid. :/


In aaaaaany game having teammates that can't do anything of basic common sense ...is kind of annoying. -_- Sometimes a little rage inducing.


For starters... on Crash and Vacant when dumb people camp in the sniper spot (crash) or in the warehouse (vacant). Do players not understand that they're keeping their team from spawning in better locations? The rest of us are busting our asses off to try and get out but we keep being brought back to the terrible spawn zones because they refuse to risk a couple of lousy deaths..


On Vacant it's the same when everyone is trying to rush inside. Eventually we flip the spawns around and we get trapped back inside.


Today on Crossfire I was on Ops and we were stuck on bottom map. marines kept streaming down left side of spawn. So I would call out left. No one goes to check it out. Again, I call out left side... People don't pay attention. On a third call someone asks "Which left?"... Where is the common sense? :( We're going up toward marines, what other left side is there?


Usually I have to take a break afterwards because the levels of stupid can't be fixed. >.< Pubs suck







Countdown sucks...


P90 sucks in hardcore. Aiming is hard right?! ^_~

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Okay here's my rant: Good Players. Some guy running around withe KDR of 100+ / 10+/- is fine when there are eight players per side, but when there's three a side and one guy rampages around... I mean, doesn't he get bored? It ruins it for me, knowing that every corner I step around some spazzed out dude on twelve Red Bulls who keeps hard copies of the maps under his pillow so he can absorb them into his brain is going to pick me off at three hundred yards with one shot from his P90 in the middle of a dead sprint. It's a real game killer for me. Maybe all you really good, hyper gamer types should have a server all to your own where you can actually challenge each other. I know, I know, everybody gets an equal opportunity to play, but for the crazy high KDR guys it seems like thay are having fun at everyone else's expense. The response "then just get better" always emerges from somewhere in the throng and my response is this: Does Michael Jordan rampage around high school basketball games? Do you play dodgeball with 8 year olds and throw like you mean it? Again I come back to the thought 'don;t these guys get bored?' which is followed up by the conclusion: 'yes, but they keep coming back and doing the same thing day after day... why?'. 


Now, I'm not a very good player, hence the name. My KDR is usually like 8 or 10 kills to fifteen or thirty deaths. I'm a complete joke, but I'm trying to improve and I'm confident that I'm not the only one. When I'm taking 5-10 simultaneous spawn kills all I can do is spec out and try and learn by watching - woo-hoo.


That's my rant. I'm done now. I go back to being fertilizer.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay here's my rant: Good Players. Some guy running around withe KDR of 100+ / 10+/- is fine when there are eight players per side, but when there's three a side and one guy rampages around... I mean, doesn't he get bored? It ruins it for me, knowing that every corner I step around some spazzed out dude on twelve Red Bulls who keeps hard copies of the maps under his pillow so he can absorb them into his brain is going to pick me off at three hundred yards with one shot from his P90 in the middle of a dead sprint. It's a real game killer for me. Maybe all you really good, hyper gamer types should have a server all to your own where you can actually challenge each other. I know, I know, everybody gets an equal opportunity to play, but for the crazy high KDR guys it seems like thay are having fun at everyone else's expense. The response "then just get better" always emerges from somewhere in the throng and my response is this: Does Michael Jordan rampage around high school basketball games? Do you play dodgeball with 8 year olds and throw like you mean it? Again I come back to the thought 'don;t these guys get bored?' which is followed up by the conclusion: 'yes, but they keep coming back and doing the same thing day after day... why?'. 


Now, I'm not a very good player, hence the name. My KDR is usually like 8 or 10 kills to fifteen or thirty deaths. I'm a complete joke, but I'm trying to improve and I'm confident that I'm not the only one. When I'm taking 5-10 simultaneous spawn kills all I can do is spec out and try and learn by watching - woo-hoo.


That's my rant. I'm done now. I go back to being fertilizer.

Oooh Mein Gott, I am guilty of this. Sub the Red Bulls for Rip-Its. My b dude. 

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