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A Rant


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Mine biggest gripe would have to be the spawn points. I find it amazing that I spawn on top of live nades, directlt in front of a prone opponent with an m60, etc.


15 deaths in 20 seconds is hard to swallow. It is at this point I remind myself that it is just a game....

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The only time I really rage is at the seeming randomness of the heli/airstrikes.  I'll be in the bottom of a 3 story building, crouching in a corner next to a dude on my team.  Air strike comes in, I instantly die, and before I spawn I can see my buddy next to me mourning my death as he steals my gun and lives to see another day.  Same thing with the heli.  I'll be inside a building, UAV jammer and silencer on, 10 of my teammates running around the streets like idiots and the heli blows me away through a wall with no vision.

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Helis and airstrikes...good ranting material:


In maps full of players, especially when my team-mates get a lot of kills, I often get stuck with the freaking heli, unable to launch it before someone else does...you get to lose all possible airstrikes from that point on, and just pray that the other team shoots the damn friendly heli...until someone else manages to launch a new one. Often, in such maps, I seek to die before I earn a heli, and stick to the airstrikes. Which are just fine...


...unless the blind pilot is on duty again. You send him in their spawn or in the hot zone, he kills noone, except for you. In some mysterious way, he manages to get the one person that shouldn't touch, flying in unpredictable patterns. Get off the booze buddy, you're embarrassing me! :blush:



PS: Also, as mentioned before, I find it annoying how people simply ignore helis. They are so easy to shoot down, but few seem to bother. Bullet-thrifty? <_<

Edited by The Partisan GR
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I hate on the helis especially, cuz i have shot so many down, they are actively hunting me now.............no.....where......to......RUN!!!!!!

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Often, in such maps, I seek to die before I earn a heli, and stick to the airstrikes. 


I too discovered that trick recently.  Get an airstrike - kill yourself with a nade - airstrike - (lucky if you get UAV with the first jet) - hopefully kill no more than 6 baddies - get an airstrike - nade yourself again.  I managed to do that 6 times in a row in Countdown once.


My rant....

People who complain about camping just don't get it.  The game emulates a war zone, to succeed is to kill and to fail is to be killed.  To care about how frequently you are killed should be normal, seeing as it's a virtual war zone.  Go whack-a-duck or something, it has very similar game physics, but with a theme most fitting with prancing around.


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My rant....

People who complain about camping just don't get it.  The game emulates a war zone, to succeed is to kill and to fail is to be killed.  To care about how frequently you are killed should be normal, seeing as it's a virtual war zone.  Go whack-a-duck or something, it has very similar game physics, but with a theme most fitting with prancing around.


Indeed, plus camping is not as easy as many people think. It requires skill and perception. You have to choose a good spot, be wary about flankers, be alert...and of course, there are camping classes, and weapons designed for such game-style. You can't go around rushing enemies with an M14, a G3 or an M16, let alone the sniping rifles.


Personally, I don't primariiy camp, but this has nothing to do with looking down upon this style, it has to do with my impatience and reluctance for a more sophisticated game-play.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I hate it when I settle into a great sniping spot for camping, I mean I got my smores and nice fire, then some dipweed parks on top of me with a SAW and starts spraying!

It's called "drawing fire" and it's wrong wrong wrong!

...hmm, now lets see what else I have to rant about... oh yeah.

Man, I bought a pair of socks last month and the darn (see what I did there) things already have a hole! It's wrong wrong wrong...

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I'm going to broaden what Stu said above: 


I don't like how we don't warn/kick for spawn exploits. For example, on the map Strike when a specific somebody fires from A to the spawn point behind the dumpster at B. I don't mind spawn camping (it's usually relatively easy to kill the person in spawn and it takes skill to live long enough there to cause a problem), but when you immediately take out people that you can't see (and you don't even know they're there) because you know an exploit, I find that really unfair. Since you can't choose your spawn, if you're unlucky enough to get put there, there is absolutely NOTHING you can do to avoid instant death. You have to depend on spawning somewhere else to take out the guy. 





EDIT: hope this doesn't come off as whining, I just wanted to express a pet peeve of mine. 

Edited by ronaldounit0
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True but the very same map has an equally nasty camp to spawn location going the opposite way from the statue/double dumpster area into the opfor spawn, so I guess the only consolation is that BS spawn points are equally hated by all! lol

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Hmm… In game gripes can range all over for me and make me question why I even play the game. 


The p90 rushers frustrate me because the kills are so unrealistic most of the time, but I deal with it.


Me being the only one to die by the heli, airstrike, or my own freaking airstrike.


People blocking doorways…Really?


People complaining about me camping only to turn around and camp themselves (Hypocrites)


I loved this one the other day. I was behind my rock in creek, having a good time picking guys off and then this PFC in a bush suit crawls on top of my rock and puts his crotch in my face.  DUDE…Really?  At times like this I wish friendly fire was on so I could have stabbed him in the jewels.


I think we can all agree that being spawn camped is not fun.  Sometimes, not often, I silently rage quit because it is just no fun to spawn and die the majority of the game. Don’t get me wrong, I will spawn kill as quickly as the next guy as I have a lot of pent up frustrating from being on the other side of the situation. You better believe that I’m going to take it out on the poor dude that finds himself in that situation.  Sorry.


My favorite rage of late – let’s all take “C†in domination so we can be spawn camped and lose the game.  So much fun.


Not a rage, but something I don’t like – being stabbed from behind.  It warrants a “Boo†from me most of the time.  


Also, people that will not auto assign.  I’ve auto assigned myself so long it is automatic to me.  To actually pick a team makes me have to pause and think about it.  So coming into a new game and it is 6 to 2 with no one willing to change is frustrating at times.


I’m sure I have more, but these are just a few I could think of based off of Beo’s post.

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I get angry at the brain dead players. The ones who gormlessly wonder which end the loud noises come from. The ones who see an objective, but have no idea how to breath and run away from it in a panic. The ones who are super skilled at blowing bubbles with their spit. And then they kill me as I try to push an enemy team into their spawn. I really don't like those guys. I do not like myself for not being magic enough to make the bullets connect with the vapor ware skulls they have. But most of all... most of all... I really do not like them.

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All these get my goat (this is my personal in game rant)


1. Ego players (your so cool), mostly, your skill is just from playing the game for some time. You don't do the game/server any good and people leave the game/servers because of you. Why not help lesser experience people than yourselves somehow?


2. Spawn campers, hmmm 1 in particular, I wont name him/her


3. Why oh why sit in front of someone who has taken up position. Have a look around before you settle down in to your camping/sniping position, if some one was there before you then don't block their view.


4. Blockers, enough said.


That's it, but by buggery these get my goat. Haha, it's only a game, I keep on telling myself. No3 is my pet annoyance.

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Now, just a brief moment, I want to highjack my own thread and expound upon something I really love in COD4. It is kind of a guilty passion, and that is the rage quitter. I love the guy/girl thing that comes in and has the leet skillz and is ready to dominate noobs. I spend the first few minutes of a match specing players, looking for the bunny hopping, quick scoping, deagle slinging badass. I feel excitement welling up when I find them. Pure joy, pure ecstasy when I find you. There you are, pwning fools with those skills. I watch you, and wait. I learn you. I understand you better than you do. Then I enter the match. I know what sounds your guns make, fire patterns, locations you frequent, everything. Then... I start hunting. Knowing what you do, and where you will spawn based on your team's spawn, I work my killing magic. Soon, you are after me, but your fate is sealed. Your bunny hops, no scopes, or kit changes mean nothing. I have you. I have that momentum and you cannot stop me. Soon, your skills are revealed to be a farce. Your mental break down begins, and so does my revelry. It doesn't matter what you do; complain in chat, try harder, camp, none of it matters. My goal is imminent. A well placed airstrike and I can see it. The death throws of your shattered pride. The spazzy flails of rage, random nade tosses, shots at teammates.. I see all of it. And then you are gone. Poof. A charred spot on my grounds is all that is left of you as you evaporate off the face of the server in a fiery, rage filled exit. A rage quit. Victory. Stunning, seductive, sweet, satisfying victory. I relish in the moment with an open text to the server, a cry of "RAGE quit!!" to taunt you in your vacancy.
Why bask in the glory of someone losing their compousre? Some may rightfully argue that such villainy by me kills the vibe of the server. Those people are right, it does. I am not apologetic about it, mind you. I dont care. I love it. I am on a different road, I'm in the Milky Way. You want me down on Earth, but I am up in space. You are so damn hard to please, we have to kill this switch. Youre from the 70's, but I am a 90's chick. Wait, what was I on about? Anyway, highjack complete. We now return you to your regularly scheduled rant.

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Now, just a brief moment, I want to highjack my own thread and expound upon something I really love in COD4. It is kind of a guilty passion, and that is the rage quitter. I love the guy/girl thing that comes in and has the leet skillz and is ready to dominate noobs. I spend the first few minutes of a match specing players, looking for the bunny hopping, quick scoping, deagle slinging badass. I feel excitement welling up when I find them. Pure joy, pure ecstasy when I find you. There you are, pwning fools with those skills. I watch you, and wait. I learn you. I understand you better than you do. Then I enter the match. I know what sounds your guns make, fire patterns, locations you frequent, everything. Then... I start hunting. Knowing what you do, and where you will spawn based on your team's spawn, I work my killing magic. Soon, you are after me, but your fate is sealed. Your bunny hops, no scopes, or kit changes mean nothing. I have you. I have that momentum and you cannot stop me. Soon, your skills are revealed to be a farce. Your mental break down begins, and so does my revelry. It doesn't matter what you do; complain in chat, try harder, camp, none of it matters. My goal is imminent. A well placed airstrike and I can see it. The death throws of your shattered pride. The spazzy flails of rage, random nade tosses, shots at teammates.. I see all of it. And then you are gone. Poof. A charred spot on my grounds is all that is left of you as you evaporate off the face of the server in a fiery, rage filled exit. A rage quit. Victory. Stunning, seductive, sweet, satisfying victory. I relish in the moment with an open text to the server, a cry of "RAGE quit!!" to taunt you in your vacancy.

Why bask in the glory of someone losing their compousre? Some may rightfully argue that such villainy by me kills the vibe of the server. Those people are right, it does. I am not apologetic about it, mind you. I dont care. I love it. I am on a different road, I'm in the Milky Way. You want me down on Earth, but I am up in space. You are so damn hard to please, we have to kill this switch. Youre from the 70's, but I am a 90's chick. Wait, what was I on about? Anyway, highjack complete. We now return you to your regularly scheduled rant.

That..... was beautiful...... well put! 

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